The Eye of Agamotto is the carrier of the Time Stone in this universe. After a long period of practice, Doctor Strange has now mastered the secret of this time spell. He can use the power of gems to accelerate, rewind, or stop time and other operations.

Just like he is doing now.

Time went back, allowing the god who had just broken free from the shackles of everyone to return to the trapped state. Doctor Strange then added a stasis spell, stopping time within the area and blocking the movement of the gods.

The God of the universe is omniscient and omnipotent, and naturally has the power over time. In fact, a mere time gem is not enough to completely trap him. But the best thing about a strange attack is a sudden surprise attack, and the opponent is completely unprepared. If you want to break through the time barrier with brute force, even the gods need to brew for a while.

But this momentary opportunity is enough.

"I can't hold him back for too long, he's too strong!" Dr. Strange floated in the air and shouted at the top of his lungs, "If any of you have any secret skills, now is the time to show them off!"

Everyone worked together to finally temporarily control this invincible god. Ganata, who had barely recovered at this time, stood up straight, the energy in her body was fully activated, and the faint purple light transformed into a huge heavy cannon in her hands!

It was a giant cannon barrel twice the size of the previous one, and this time it had two muzzles. The dark heavy cannon locked onto the Eradicator's body, and a massive amount of cosmic energy was poured into the cannon body, forming a vortex in the air and transforming into a huge sphere.

Within the still barrier, the huge body of the Eradicator moved.

The magic circle in the sky began to flash like a holographic image, and the body of the god began to tremble slightly. Everyone who was restraining him felt the pressure doubled, and seemed to be unable to hold on at any moment.

The Eradicators began to fight back, and the time-stopping barrier was about to collapse. Qi Qi was covered in cold sweat. He could feel that the power of time was being mobilized by the big man in front of him, struggling to hit the cage and trying to restore the flow.

Ganata fired.

Terushi's blade unsheathed, and cosmic energy shot out in the form of pure cannon fire. It was firepower that could easily shatter planets. It rushed into the realm where time stood still with an indomitable momentum, and hit the completely defenseless body of the god head-on.

The Eradicator was struck. There was no dodge, and no energy barrier to offset the impact. He relied entirely on his body armor to withstand the shot.

A giant a mile high was knocked over on its back, like a huge mountain being pushed sideways. It's hard to imagine what it will be like when such a big guy lands on the ground, but what is certain is that this kind of scene is definitely not seen every day.

The sound of the giant falling sounded like another nuclear explosion. His fall changed the terrain, and the blast of dust made it look more like the detonation of a weapon of mass destruction. Even the entire body of the god was swallowed up by the endless dust.

The whole earth was thrown into cheers.

Live television broadcast this shocking scene to the screens of every household. Everyone saw the power of humans and saw the moment when humans worked together to defeat a god.

This joy is undoubtedly inspiring. Even Odin couldn't help stroking his long beard, feeling proud of his victory over the gods.

However, before everyone even had time to accept this short-term victory, something unexpected happened.

The beam of light fell from the sky, and the thick holy light penetrated the smoke screen, dispersed the dust, and shone on the wound of the fallen god.

A few seconds later, the Eradicator jumped up from the ground like a robot that had been reconnected and restarted, regained its footing, and its one eye flashed again.

Everyone froze.

People on the battlefield, high-level government officials, and people watching the broadcast were all stunned by this scene.

The enemy they had just tried their best, used all their cards, and risked everything to finally defeat, was exposed to the Holy Light and was resurrected in just a few seconds.

Nothing hits the heart harder than this.

No, it doesn't seem to be the case at all.

The real blow is yet to come.

A huge figure emerged from the sky, and giant shadows appeared side by side in mid-air. The metal giant slowly descended and landed on the unrecognizable ground all around. It looked down from a high position, as if a god was overlooking all living things from behind the clouds.

Nine interstellar giants, nine gods.

The heroes of the earth tried their best and worked together to finally win Mars with a little hope. But in just one moment, Mars was ruthlessly extinguished by reality.

Even the battle-hardened Avengers were involuntarily losing their will to fight.

"Remember what you said about us losing together, Captain?" Stark said through the communicator, "It looks like that time is now."

Captain America didn't speak, but tightened his grip on Mjolnir.

Even he can't think of anything good to say to encourage people right now.

But none of the nine gods took action.

They stood here, making no sound or movement, seemingly just waiting quietly.

It was as if they were expecting someone else to arrive.

If the gods don't take action, others will naturally not bring trouble to themselves. Even the most grumpy Odin learned to assess the situation at this time and carefully observed the actions of several gods - this may be related to the painful memories of him being beaten by these unscrupulous guys.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Suddenly, the nine gods raised their heads together.

One light and one dark, two beams of light shot straight down from the sky, like a waterfall hitting the ground. The energy wave swept across the ground like a hurricane, stirring the entire space.

Blue Nexus and Dark Zaki, they finally succeeded in breaking through the realm set by Lucifer and returned here in time.

People's mood after hitting rock bottom began to rise again, and the spark of hope was rekindled.

Ultraman has led the world out of darkness and brought light more than once, and now even a three-year-old child knows it.

But those on the scene were less sanguine.

The experience of fighting directly with the gods made them all aware of how terrifying this enemy was. Even dealing with one of them would be too much for them.

A whole nine?

This is not as simple as the alien beast Nexus could punch one at a time. These are real gods.

"You came later than we thought, Guardian of the Earth." The one who spoke was the god named Judge, "We thought we would encounter you sooner."

"He was plotted by an insidious villain." Richard responded calmly, "I believe you have already seen him. Someone is using you, and he wants you to fight me. Leave the earth quickly, we have no reason to fight. "

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