The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 81 What are you looking at?

On a hot summer day, the earth is burned like a steamer, and the golden sun hangs high above everyone's heads, making it inevitable for people to avoid it.

This weather and cold drinks are a perfect match.

The iced lemonade at a beverage shop on the commercial street of the town seemed to have a pretty good reputation, and Richard also made a special trip to try it out. He was waiting in the queue and saw that the customer who had already bought a drink in front of him was holding a plastic soft cup. The cup was bulgingly filled with ice cubes of various sizes. The lemonade was only filled with ice cubes. The little space left outside.

Shall I wipe it? Isn't this a bit too deceptive? Remove the ice cubes. Isn’t the drink less than a third of the full glass?

Richard thought about it, and when it was his turn, he handed over the banknote and said: "A glass of ice-cold lemonade, remove the ice."

He deliberately emphasized the word "go to the ice" and couldn't help but praise his wit from the bottom of his heart.

Ha, when it comes to ice, you can't just stuff another cup of ice cubes into it and fool me, right?

As a result, the guy behind the counter took the money and looked at him expressionlessly: "It costs extra to get ice."

Richard: "."

Uncle Li! Isn't this a bit too direct for you? Don't you even try to hide your embarrassment?

Forget it, it was only a matter of a few dollars anyway, so Richard decided not to argue with this small businessman. But the lemonade tastes good, and the money spent is not wrong.

Richard chewed on his straw as he continued to wander down the strip. After walking for a while, a strange voice sounded from the side: "Brother, you look very bad."

Richard paused and turned his head to see a strange old man sitting in a shady alley nearby. His chin was covered with stubble, and he looked a bit vicissitudes of life. He was dressed in black, even wearing a robe on a hot day. There was a crystal ball in front of him on a table covered with red cloth, and tarot cards beside it.

Richard immediately thought of some common Feng Shui masters in his previous life, who mysteriously set up a stall and pointed at passers-by: "Please stay here, this donor. I see that your hall is dark, and I'm afraid there will be a bloody disaster." "

Richard ignored it and continued to walk away, but he heard the uncle say again: "But I can see that you are different. You have some very special abilities, some special powers that ordinary people don't have. But you must know , Power always leads to destruction, and the more powerful the power, the more so, it will only be accompanied by risks.”

Richard paused and turned his head suspiciously.

real or fake? Did the uncle really see that he was different, or did he just say that to everyone who passed by his stall?

In the past, this kind of guy would have been labeled a charlatan, but it's different now. This is the Marvel Universe! There are black technologies, magic, and metaphysics. Who knows which ordinary passerby is the hidden boss?

What? Are you saying that a really capable boss wouldn't set up a stall in the hot sun?

So who knows? Mrs. Shangdu from the DC family next door is so awesome and mysterious. Doesn’t she just set up a stall and tell fortunes every day?

Anyway, there was nothing going on, so Richard decided to listen to what this uncle had to say, just for fun.

And this greasy old man in black robe is actually our God of Trickery, Loki himself.

In fact, the real owner of this stall is really a charlatan, but he is fast asleep in the bathroom at the moment. Loki personally went into battle and transformed into the image of the stall owner and waited here specially.

"Master, what do you say?" Richard sat down, "You just mentioned destruction?"

Loki had a mysterious look, squinting his eyes and slowly nodded: "Yes. But the fog shrouding your fate is too heavy. In order to see clearly your fate and the way the disaster will come, I still need your help." Cooperate."

"Are you going to use this?" Richard pointed to the crystal ball in front of him.

Loki shook his head: "No need."

There is no magic power fluctuation in this broken crystal ball. It looks like a broken glass ball used to fool fools. Who wants to use this thing?

Richard smiled and nodded: "That's good. If you say you want to look at the crystal ball, I might turn around and leave. Just a friendly reminder, your crystal ball has faded."

Loki: "."

grass! Are all human liars so unprofessional? If you lie to others, lie to them. At least, do it professionally, right? Can you believe that the crystal ball will fade?

Even Loki, the god of deceit, felt so embarrassed. Although it was not his own thing, he still felt frustrated that he had told the worst lie in his life.

"Ahem, that's not important." Loki tried hard to restore the crumbling mysterious image. "This is a common misunderstanding among mortals. The crystal ball is just a prop to assist spiritual vision, and its material itself is not important. Powerful diviners even You don’t need such a thing to have a psychic vision.”

"In other words, it is also possible to use glass balls?" Richard asked.

"Yes, that's true." Loki had no choice but to follow his words and speak nonsense seriously. For the first time in his life, Loki discovered that even the god of deceit would feel pain in his conscience if he told some lies.

"Then I guess, Master, you must be a particularly powerful fortune teller?"

"Of course." Loki felt confident in an instant. He didn't believe there were many more professional mages in a small place like Midgard than him. "Come on, come on, let me show you."

This time Loki didn't lie, he really started to cast the spell. This is also the real purpose of his efforts - to test the other party's reality and see what kind of mysterious power resides in this mortal body. Why can he pick up his brother's Meowth Hammer?

With the help of some kind of hypnotic spell, Loki carefully extended his consciousness and probed into Richard's consciousness. Loki felt as if he were groping through a dark space, until a moment later light shone through.

The faint blue light suddenly dispelled the darkness and filled the entire space to the end. The entire space seemed sacred and inviolable, and a seemingly omnipresent force permeated the entire space, lingering around Loki.

For a moment, Loki felt like an ant that had strayed into some ancient temple. Under the invisible and powerful pressure, he couldn't help but want to worship.

Then light began to appear in the space. Countless golden particles emerged out of thin air from all directions, gathered in one place, and gradually formed an entity. The body climbed higher and higher, getting bigger and bigger, until it turned into a giant with a vague outline. Its golden eyes looked down at Loki with seemingly endless pressure, as if to say——

——Boy, what are you looking at?

Almost reflexively, Loki's consciousness rushed out of this space as if fleeing for his life. He even forgot to maintain his image. The middle-aged uncle instantly changed back to Loki's original appearance. He screamed and jumped away from the table. He tripped and fell on his back. He even kicked the table over and the crystals faded. The ball smashed to pieces on the ground.

Richard looked at the funny-looking guy on the ground and couldn't help but be surprised: "Loki???"

(Thanks to book friend Lan Shiyu for letting me enjoy another 100 million points in rewards!)

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