The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 83 Give them all to me!

Loki subconsciously jumped back a step in shock, but then his thoughts changed.

This doesn't work, I am the God King of Asgard now! I should be the supreme king of the entire nine realms. To him, the creatures in Midgard are like ants. How can he retreat in front of ants?

This idea of ​​​​Loki's children's shoes is really deep-rooted. In fact, this is not his personal problem. All of Asgard, including Brother Hammer, have such a fixed thinking. In the Thor movie, before Brother Hammer was sent to Earth, he also felt that the gods were naturally superior to mortals. But after he lost his divine power and was demoted to the earth, and experienced the people of the lower world for a few days (actually falling in love), he This kind of thinking began to change.

But Loki is different. Loki still maintains this concept even in the Avengers movies. Even when he faced Hulk, he had the arrogant tone of "I am a god and you are all scum", so he gave Hulk a "round trip" to beat him into Bambi.

No matter what fancy gadgets he plays, what I, Loki, hold in my hand is Odin's Gungnir, the most powerful weapon in the nine realms! It doesn’t matter who you are, just shoot him to death and that’s the end of it?

Loki's eyes flashed, and he quickly stepped forward, his spear turning into a golden arrow of light and stabbing through the air at the red energy core on Nexus's chest.

Nexus stood still, raised his hand lightly, and grabbed Gangnir in his hand casually. Loki felt an almost infinite force of resistance coming back from the barrel of the gun. The spear in his hand seemed to be stuck. He couldn't advance even half an inch and couldn't pull it out. It was very uncomfortable to not go up or down.

In fact, it is similar to Richard forcibly picking up Mjolnir. Loki seems to be holding the eternal gun Gungnir in his hand, but in fact it is just for good looks in his hand, and there is no blessing from Odin's divine power.

Nexus held the spear in his right hand, exerted force on his arm, and reversed the direction of the spear forward. Although he was just exerting force with one hand casually, Ultraman's arm strength was so huge that even at normal human size, it was not something that Loki could compete with. Loki instantly felt an overwhelming force coming from the barrel of the gun in his hand, causing him to grunt and fly backwards. His whole body crashed into the alley wall with a loud bang, and the dust and rubble were thrown into the air. He rolled between the bricks onto the street, his dark green cloak wrapped around him like a rotten rag.

The streets were already in chaos, with passers-by scattering in all directions in panic. Nexus walked slowly through the dust towards Loki.

Loki hurriedly endured the severe pain in his chest and jumped up. He roared, and the magic power in his body was suddenly released. The magic power transformed into a hungry wolf that was as big as three people. The wolf had vicious eyes that were as red as blood, its fangs were covered in mucus, and it let out deep low growls from its throat.

In fact, Luo is basically a mage. Compared with going into battle to kill people like his brother, he is better at tricks and spells. It’s just that for some reason, sometimes he just gets hot-headed and can’t help but want to imitate his elder brother and go up to him to fight hard.

Under Loki's command, the giant wolf roared dullly and jumped up, as if it was a sure-kill stunt.

Nexus still only stepped forward calmly, until the giant wolf, which was three times his current size, pounced in front of him. He slowly clenched his right fist, slightly bent his arm and began to accumulate strength.

boom! ! !

One punch was like a mountain falling apart. The moment the giant wolf came into contact with the irresistible force, it exploded, like an over-inflated balloon. The magic power that made up its body disappeared in an instant, and the aftermath of the punch even shook Loki through the air, knocking him to the ground again.

Loki was extremely shocked.

What power is this?

Even his brother Thor doesn't necessarily have such terrifying powers, right?

Although Loki didn't like his brother, he had to admit that Thor's power was unstoppable. After all, Thor is also known as the most powerful god among the gods, and even the giants are afraid of him.

But in Loki's impression, even his brother's hammer is not so abnormal, right? What's going on with this mortal?

No, this guy can't be a mortal. What is he?

At this moment, the sound of a sharp weapon breaking through the air came from behind Nexus. Something high-speed whirled through the thick smoke screen and cut straight into the back of Nexus.

Nexus took the thing in his hand with his backhand, and it turned out to be a silver flying knife. He followed the direction of the sneak attack and turned his head to look, oh, these are not the Four Idiots from God's Domain. Oh, no, are they Thor's four friends?

The visitors were none other than Volstagg, Hogan, and Fandral, the warriors collectively known as the Three Warriors of Asgard, and then there was Sif, a female warrior who had a very good personal relationship with Thor (somewhat fishy).

Just like the plot of the movie, the four of them, as Thor's friends, disobeyed the God King and came to Midgard privately to search for Thor's traces. Unexpectedly, they encountered Loki, the temporary god-king of Asgard, not even a moment later.

Logically speaking, they should not appear in Midgard now. What they did here was a violation of military orders. If they were caught, they would be punished, so they should actually run away quickly before Loki noticed them. right.

But the problem is, when they passed by, they happened to see Loki being beaten. Although none of them like Loki very much, after all, Loki is still their god-king for the time being. Disobeying military orders is one thing, but seeing the God-King being beaten but pretending not to notice is a completely different problem.

So several friends exchanged glances with each other and quickly confirmed their opinions.

What else can be done? Then come on?

The four people quickly jumped forward, each showing their weapons and swords, and surrounded Nexus in the middle. Loki, who had been beaten to pieces just now, saw the savior and immediately jumped up, waving a spear in his hand and shouting arrogantly: "Help me! Destroy him!"

The four warriors glanced sideways at Loki in unison.

Well, you still have to obey the God King's orders, there's no problem with that. only

Why are you traveling so far by yourself? ? ?

In the blink of an eye, Loki had already floated hundreds of meters away, and even kept retreating while talking, as if there was some savage beast here. Nexus turned his head and glanced at him from afar. Loki immediately trembled at the glance, as if he was afraid of some laser rays suddenly shooting out of his eyes.

Loki hurriedly cast a spell, and his figure disappeared for a while. He just shouted one last thing before leaving: "I still have something important to do, so I'll leave it to you!"

Well, Asgardians never retreat and never give in, but Loki doesn't think this can be called giving in. Sometimes as a leader, you just have to trust your subordinates’ abilities and trust them to solve problems.

Besides, can the thing about the God King be called cowardice?

(Thanks to book friends Long Liqi, God of 666, Reborn Tokyo Heavenly Master, and Qizan for the rewards!)

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