At this point, Amora certainly saw that she was being played by the other party, and the other party obviously did not believe a word of her "Temple Mage" rhetoric.

"This is your last chance." Richard pointed the gun at her forehead. "You have five seconds left to decide whether to tell the truth."

Richard didn't know any interrogation techniques, and he was tired of playing cliché techniques and psychological games with a black-hearted witch like Amora. So he chose the simplest and crudest way - speak or die.

But Amora doesn't believe this evil. She thinks it’s okay if you don’t accept my charm, but you can’t really bear to kill me with one shot, right? Could it be that after working so hard just now, I was just playing the piano to a bully?

Comrade Amora will fight to the death for not believing in evil, but today he still behaves in an evil way. Richard looked at her expressionlessly, counting down the energy blaster in his hand as he began to recharge it. Countless light particles converged on the black muzzle from all directions, gradually condensing into a round ball of light. The raging air flow violently stirred Amora's golden hair, and the blue light revealed fierce killing intent.

The smile on Amora's face gradually disappeared.

Damn it? Are you serious?

The power contained in that gun was too huge, and the overbearing pressure even overshadowed the killing intent, making it impossible for her to be sure whether the other party would really shoot. Amora has no doubt that this blow will definitely blow her head into a watermelon on the spot.

In the end, Amora felt that it was really important to save her life. Allies and everything were just floating clouds, and they had to be sold when it was time to sell them.

"It's Loki." Amora said hurriedly, "I have a temporary alliance with Loki, the prince of Asgard. He took the initiative to find me and said that he was about to become king and needed my help. He said that you are his The unknown variables in the overall plan say that you are particularly difficult to deal with, so let me find a way to deal with you."

Amora now longed to greet Loki's eighteen generations of ancestors. This guy actually tricked her into provoking such a plague god. No wonder Loki was so talkative when he asked her to ask for help, and the benefits were given without blinking an eye. At that time, Amora still felt that Loki was worthy of being the person who was about to become the God King, and his magnanimity was truly extraordinary. Now that I think about it, P! Loki is simply a fool! If it weren't for Loki, how could she be in this situation?

However, Amora was so angry that she also ignored one thing. Loki really couldn't be blamed for this. Before she left, Loki had repeatedly warned her that this time her opponent was different and powerful, and even she, Amora, should be careful. But Amora didn't take it to heart at all at the time. In her opinion, how powerful a character can be in a place like Midgard? Loki repeatedly emphasized that she felt that it was probably because Loki accidentally fell into the hands of this mortal and lost face, so she kept emphasizing that "it's not that I am too weak, but that the other person is too strong."

Richard had originally estimated that Amora's actions should have been directed by Loki. After all, there was no other possibility left. She probably wasn't lying about this part.

"It's indeed Loki. It's exactly what I thought." Richard nodded, "Thank you for your cooperation. If there's nothing else to say, then that's it."

After saying that, the light from the muzzle of the gun in his hand seemed to become more intense. The terrifying blue light pierced Amora's eyes, and the threat of death was so close.

Amora was angry: "Why don't you keep your word? I already told you it was Loki."

"Yes, yes, but I never promised before that I would let you go as soon as you ask." Richard smiled. "Look, what I actually wanted to say before was, 'You still have five seconds to come. Decide whether to confess honestly. If you don’t, I will shoot directly. If you confess, I will wait until you finish speaking.’ Who knew you would answer before I finished speaking.”

Amora glared at him, so angry that she couldn't hold back her words for a long time.

Are you a man? How can you be so mean? Are all the men in Midgard so hateful?

She seemed to have ignored it intentionally or unintentionally. She was usually the one to do this kind of thing. She couldn't even count how many people she had tricked to death over the course of thousands of years. If she really died like this now, it would be considered retribution.

But Amora was not willing to die. Her thoughts were racing, searching for information that could help her survive. Then she hurriedly said before Richard opened fire: "One more thing I know about Loki's plan! I know Loki wants to take action against Midgard!"

"Oh?" Richard temporarily extinguished the energy accumulated in the energy blast gun, "What does he want?"

"If you promise to let me go, I will tell you." Amora followed suit this time and negotiated terms first before selling out his teammates. Although there was nothing she could do about it even if Richard still broke his promise, she could only gamble on this glimmer of hope.

"Okay, I promise you." Richard waved his hand, with the word "sincerity" written all over his face.

Look into my eyes, don't you still believe me?

But Amora had no choice. She sighed softly and said, "It's the Frost Giant. Loki also contacted Laufey, the leader of the Frost Giants. They reached some kind of agreement. As a condition, the Frost Giants will soon send troops to Midgard."

"To here? Earth?" Richard was a little surprised. This was unexpected. Remember in the movie, didn’t Loki want to prove that he was worthy of the throne by exterminating the Frost Giants? Could it be that he decided to take revenge on the earth because of the small setback he suffered before?

"Loki showed those Frost Giants a space tunnel that can go directly from Jotunheim to Midgard." Amora continued to explain, "Midgard was originally the center of the nine kingdoms, and all other Theoretically, all kingdoms are interconnected. There is such a space tunnel in Jotunheim. As we speak, Laufey should already be commanding his subordinate Frost Giants to try to break through the tunnel and reach your world. .”

This is indeed quite valuable information. If this is true, it is equivalent to Jotunheim declaring war on the earth. I believe SHIELD will want to know this.

"Okay, I've said everything that needs to be said." Amora showed a pitiful and pleading look this time, "Do you think you can loosen the ties for my sister?"

Richard rolled his eyes at her. She is an old woman who is over a thousand years old. She is still a sister. She is too old to be called grandma.

Richard weighed in a bit.

If this is true, then this is really important military information, and Amoraken has indeed shown enough sincerity by telling the truth. In addition, she hasn't explained the location of the space tunnel yet. Richard doesn't think she "accidentally" forgot such an important thing.

This was the last bargaining chip in her hand. At least Richard would definitely not kill her until she confessed honestly.

Furthermore, killing Amora is nothing, but can you imagine how many guys in Asgard would run like mad dogs to avenge her if they killed her? God's giants, mages, court nobles, and even big figures with military power in some countries.

In short, it is Amora's spare team, spare reserves, spare youth training team, etc. The whole train of such a large group of gods may not be able to fit in it. Not that these people have anything to fear, but they are troublesome!

Well, that's actually secondary. The point is that no matter how Amora is, she is still an Asgardian. Beating her and repairing her is a sign of toughness, but killing someone without saying anything is a provocation to Asgard.

Mr. Odin is well-known in the Nine Realms for guarding against shortcomings. Although I don’t know if he will care about this little thing, at this juncture, it is better to do less than to do more.

So he thought for a while: "It's not impossible to let you go, but there are still conditions."

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