The dead body is still alive, and the dead body is still alive.

Su Jiu: ...

"You don't look like an evil god at all."

[This is just for you]

[If you weren't my messenger, I would have devoured you first]

[Someone is coming outside, it's not suitable to stay here]

Su Jiu heard this and stood up immediately, causing a gust of dust to fly under him.

As expected, just when Su Jiu stood up, there was a commotion outside the cemetery.

"I am the Knight Commander of the Dark Moon Knights - Andreu Chak. Please open your door now and accept the inspection..."

"I am the four-star Grand Mage of the Dark Moon Branch of the Magicians Association - Deya Ellie. Now..."

Outside the cemetery, the voices of the Knights and the Magicians Association kept coming.

After a night of investigation, have they searched this part of the cemetery?

But standing in the cemetery, Su Jiu was confused.

How should I get out?

Those people are blocking the entrance of the cemetery, and they will search the cemetery sooner or later.

[Turn around, let's go through the back door]

"There is no back door in Lin Kai's cemetery."

Although this is a place where some civilians are buried, there are still some things that should be there, such as a huge intermediate magic circle guarding this cemetery.

As long as this layer of barrier is there, I can't run away.

I just don't know why the old master ignored this barrier before.

[Did you see the knife pattern on your right hand? 】

【You walk to the edge of the cemetery wall, and when the barrier appears, just cut it with a knife. 】

Su Jiu raised her right hand, and really saw a strange blood-colored knife pattern in her palm.

Her mind moved slightly, and she saw a faint blood light suddenly appear on her palm, and then a blood-red, strange-shaped demon sword appeared out of thin air in her hand.

This demon sword seemed to have life, constantly emitting a trace of cold air, which made people shudder.

A hideous evil ghost head was carved on the handle of the knife, and its two eyes flashed scarlet light, as if it would rush out of the handle at any time to choose someone to devour.

Delicate black silk threads fluttered freely along the handle of the knife.

After looking at this strange demon sword for a while, Su Jiu immediately carried it to the back of the cemetery.

This cemetery was not too big, and Su Jiu came to the edge of the cemetery in a few steps.

A high stone wall enclosed the cemetery, and there were still wisps of light blue light flashing on the stone wall.

Those blue lights were the protective barrier of the Lin Kai cemetery.

Without hesitation, after taking a deep breath, Su Jiu raised the knife and then chopped forward with force.

This was the greatest strength she could use.

There was no knocking sound of metal collision, nor any other harsh sound.

This seemingly indestructible stone wall was like tofu, and it was easily cut into a deep crack by the long knife.

Su Jiu almost fell to the ground because of excessive force.

She originally thought that this knife would only leave a shallow mark on the stone wall at most, but she didn't expect the result to be so unexpected.

This ease was beyond imagination. It seemed that this stone wall became extremely fragile in front of this magic knife.

[Why are you using so much force? 】

"I thought it would be very difficult..."

[Don't worry, there is nothing that this knife can't cut, just treat the things you want to cut as tofu...]

Under Su Jiu's surprised eyes, the wall that was originally only cut with a gap actually began to slowly disappear with the gap as the center.

As the wall continued to disappear, the scene outside Lin Kai's cemetery slowly emerged.

However, the gap finally maintained a size of more than one meter and stopped dissipating.

But this was enough for Su Jiu to get out.

Su Jiu immediately wrapped up the dirty cloak on her body and rushed out, and the demon knife in her hand turned into strands of red silk and dissipated.


The dark and humid sewer was filled with a disgusting stench.

Su Jiu leaned against the wall, wet all over, gasping for breath, as if she had just experienced a life-and-death struggle.

Her eyes were tired and confused, and her body became weak and powerless due to being soaked in dirty water for a long time.

It was pitch black all around, with only a faint light coming in from the gap in the manhole cover above.

With this little light, you can see that the surrounding walls are covered with dirt and moss, and there are a few fat rats running around in the corners.

They don't seem to be too afraid of this uninvited guest.

Instead of fear, Su Jiu stared at him curiously, with greed in his eyes.

Just before, Su Jiu ran into the Knights not long after he rushed out of the Lin Kai Cemetery.

Or rather, the streets of the entire Dark Moon City were filled with people from the Knights and the Magician Association.

All this was because of the dead Half-Mage Saint.

Can the death of a Half-Mage Saint cause a sensation in the whole city?

Su Jiu's eyes gradually moved to the dark and gloomy corner next to him.

As far as the sight could reach, there were two pale skeletons lying there quietly.

These two skeletons seemed to have suffered extremely tragic torture and destruction, because even though they had turned into white bones, there were still many broken and broken marks of felling on them.

At this moment, they snuggled up to each other tightly, as if telling an unknown story.

However, in this forgotten corner, who would care about these ordinary people?

Their life and death, joy and sorrow, perhaps no one will ever pay attention to or care about them.

In this bustling and noisy world, most people are busy with their own trivialities and often turn a blind eye to the suffering of others. Only when death comes to those so-called "important people" will it cause an uproar and arouse people's vigilance and panic.

This is human nature.

Su Jiu tightened his cloak and curled up a little tighter unconsciously.

Above his head, the sound of searching and trampling by those people continued to come.

Looking at the mice hiding in the corner and looking at him, Su Jiu suddenly felt that he was quite like a mouse.

Like a rat in the sewer.

[Your negative emotions have increased again]

[Do you humans like to be so sad for no reason? ]


[Hard-mouthed guy]

"Did you just say that the knife can cut anything?"

Being seen through, Su Jiu unnaturally began to change the subject.

[Of course, there is nothing it can't cut]

"Can you cut even gods like you cut tofu just now?"

[As long as the god stands there for you to chop, I promise that you can cut off his head with just one light cut]

[I said, there is nothing it can't cut. ]

[No. ]

"Can you cut it too?"

[. . . . ]

Jiuri was silent for a rare moment.

"Just kidding, Master Jiuri, what is this knife called?"


"Does it symbolize chaos..."

[By the way, if you can sacrifice your flesh and blood to me, I might consider helping you remove the black lotus curse]


[Without this curse, you should be able to learn magic]

[It should be said that it will increase your magic power and mental strength]

[After all, I can directly grant you magic, and you only need to provide the corresponding flesh and blood. 】

【The magic I bestow upon you does not require chanting, learning of magic circles, or learning of runes. According to your understanding, it should be instant without pre-swing, consuming only mana and without CD. 】

"Old Master, do you know what you look like when you say this?"


"You look like a system."

【I am not a system】

"Then how many pounds of flesh and blood do I need to sacrifice?"

【About a million pounds of flesh and blood...】


"Do you know what this means?"

【What does it mean?】

"It means I need to prepare 10,000 people."

【Then what? What's wrong with this? 】

"It's sick."

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