The Glasses Man of Senju

Chapter 178 Human experiment exposure!

Since practicing Impure World Reincarnation, I accidentally discovered the existence of the virtual.

Orochimaru is a crazy research into human body experiments.

As the saying goes, when you walk by the river, there is no reason not to wet your shoes.

Konoha has recently had a mysterious disappearance of ninjas.

Disturbing the people... .

This is a serious security incident!

Uchiha Fugaku ordered the police force to investigate with full force.

Finally let them find clues......( Senju Qianyu released it on purpose)

in a covert operation.

The police force set up an ambush and managed to capture a member of Gen Anbu alive.

"Illusion · Hanging Technique!"

Under the pressure of Uchiha Fugaku's Mangekyō Sharingan Hitomitsu.

This root Anbu can't even pull out a knife to commit suicide.

Finally, under the torture of Uchiha Fugaku Hitomi.

Gen Anbu was forced to reveal all the information.

Including that sensational human. Body experiment...

"unambiguous evidence!

"This is Orochimaru doing human experiments!

Uchiha Yatsushiro spoke in a tone that was either indignation or ecstasy.

"What a godsend!"

"This is the perfect material to bring down Orochimaru!""

The first thing Uchiha rice fire thought of was political infighting.

"With innocent civilians, even Konoha Shinobi.

"Come on for this destructive experiment."

"Orochimaru must be severely punished! 35

Uchiha Fugaku shouted righteously.

Of course, some of this is out of justice, and some is out of political purposes.

It is unknown...

"Bring the evidence collected."

"Let's go to the top of Konoha to confront him!

Uchiha Fugaku led the police force and walked towards the Hokage building aggressively.

He is confident that he can rely on this black material.

Force Konoha to give up Orochimaru!

In this case, wouldn't the candidate for Fourth Hokage fall into Uchiha's hands?

at this time.

Konoha executives also received news that Orochimaru was conducting human body experiments.

"It's absurd!"

"I knew for a long time that Orochimaru had a bad mind, but I didn't expect to do such a thing!

Third Hokage was furious.

This kind of shameful experiment is discovered by the police force again, I am afraid it will be difficult to end!

"Danzo, you are so confused!

"How could you allow Orochimaru to do this kind of experiment at a critical time like the Hokage campaign?"

Utatane Koharu reprimanded sharply.

In her opinion, the human body experiment itself is nothing.

But if someone caught the handle, it would be a heinous crime!


"I don't know that this guy Orochimaru would go too far.""

Shimura Danzō quickly dumped the pot.

In fact, it was the result of his covetous experiment.

If you want to realize the Forbidden Technique as soon as possible, so as to enhance the strength of the hand Geniner.

That's why I fully cooperate with Orochimaru's research.

To put it bluntly, it is insatiable greed, and finally exposed.

"All right."

"It's pointless to be held accountable now."

"If I'm not wrong.

"The Uchiha family will definitely use this as a threat to force us to negotiate.

"The aim is to cull Orochimaru's candidate for Fourth Hokage...."

"In this case, Hokage's throne will be taken away by Uchiha!

Mitokado Homura said solemnly.

"Never let Uchiha succeed! 55

Third Hokage pinched and shattered the pipe in his hand.

in matters of authority.

He tore down the hypocrisy of the past, and his eyes showed the fierce light of "Ninxiong"!

"Are we going to suppress the news of human experiments? 35

"Then destroy all evidence related to the experiment! 39

Utatane Koharu suggested.

"It's too late to do it now.

"People from the police force must have mastered some of the evidence.

"As soon as they release this information to the public, Orochimaru's reputation is over!

Mitokado Homura shook his head and rejected the offer.

"What shall we do then?"

"Isn't this a dead end?"

Utatane Koharu was as anxious as an ant on a hot pan.

"Do not!"

"We have another option..."

Third Hokage does not say anything else, but on the means of political manipulation.

It is definitely the top of the high-rise Konoha!

"Let us take the initiative to expose Orochimaru's sin. Evil!"

A look of ruthlessness flashed in Third Hokage's eyes.

When necessary, even one's own "proud disciple" can sacrifice!


"This thing, we can send gold glitter to do it!"

"The righteous Namikaze Minato, capture the evil Orochimaru...""

"Maybe we can use this in reverse and rebuild Namikaze Minato's reputation!"9

Shimura Danzō was the first to react.

He is also a wily man, and soon figured out the Third Generation's purpose and plan.

Take advantage of Orochimaru's sacrifice and rebuild Namikaze Minato to power!

"Well said!"

Third Hokage glanced at the "old friend" with approval.

Although the two of them competed for most of their lives.

But at least they are good friends who know each other very well.

Hear the tacit partnership of the two.

Both Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu were dumbfounded.

Is there such an operation?


The gate of Root's research institute was broken by violence!

"This Chakra.


"I see.

"Is this what Teacher Sarutobi chose?"

Orochimaru's expression was complicated, and he gave a miserable smile.

With a smart mind, he quickly understood Third Hokage's intentions.

It is nothing more than a stepping stone to support Namikaze Minato by sacrificing him as an abandoned child!

"Orochimaru-sama, I didn't expect you to do such a thing... 35

Namikaze Minato watched with a shocked expression, the research institute was full of various human, body, and organ tissues.

On the operating table, there was even a monster that had been dissected in half. (virtual)

It is worth mentioning that.

(Nomo Zhao) Namikaze Minato, who has a righteous heart, knows nothing about the operations of the Konoha high-rise.

He only knew that Orochimaru, his fellow companion, had committed an unforgivable felony!

"Lord Hokage has orders!"

"Orochimaru seriously violated the Konoha regulations and carried out forbidden human experiments! 99

"Arrest you now!!99

Sarutobi Shinnosuke leads Anbu and surrounds him.



"It's just a frame to restrain the weak.

Orochimaru looked dismissive.

With a ruthless personality, he never abides by the so-called rules.

This is also what he learned from "Dear Teacher Sarutobi"!

Orochimaru's gaze, glanced at the operating table, was dissected half of the virtual.

"It's a pity...

"You can almost unravel your true identity."

"Could it be that all this was arranged by the mastermind behind the scenes?"

Orochimaru thoughtful.

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