The Glasses Man of Senju

Chapter 183: Exterminate the Konoha high-rise!


It's a skill that is used to save your comrades.

The beam of light shining on Orochimaru has the effect of isolating space.

People outside the beam of light will not be able to reach him.

"Look up!"

"What's up with those monsters?"

Sarutobi Shinnosuke looked up, and Menos Grande, who was tearing apart the space, was full of horror on his face.

"Being able to travel directly through space...

Namikaze Minato looked solemn.

Then he covered his chest.

Somehow, after seeing Menos Grande, he felt a sense of deja vu. (The third ninja war, facing Cloud Shinobi's Abby group, Namikaze Minato who fell into desperation, unconsciously awakened the power of the void)

Masks, voids.

It looks like a very infiltrating monster.

Namikaze Minato didn't have the slightest sense of rejection in his heart.

On the contrary, there is an illusion of being the same kind.


"Things are finally getting more interesting.

"The mastermind behind it all seems to be on the line.

Orochimaru was not afraid, and his face was full of interest in the unknown.

Anyway, the other party didn't kill him, which means that he has value that can be used.


Attracted by the Negación beam of light.

Orochimaru's body automatically floated into the air and flew towards the space gap in the sky.


"Don't try to escape!

Sarutobi Shinnosuke charged towards the beam of light with Jebi in both hands.

Attempt to intercept Orochimaru.

"Senior Shinnosuke, don't go!"

Namikaze Minato shouted.

However it was too late.

I saw Gillian-class Menos Grande sticking out of the crack in space.

A red light beam was emitted—





Sarutobi Shinnosuke was caught off guard.

In a critical moment, he had to cross the Chakra knives in both hands in front of him.

"Boom! 々`!"

Hit by multiple Ceros.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke was blown to the ground with smoke all over his body.


He spat out a mouthful of blood and was hit hard!


Namikaze Minato formed a seal with both hands and launched a Flying Thunder God barrier in the air.

All the remaining Cero attacks were moved to other locations.


"An attack mode that focuses on shooting.

"It's a bit similar to Tailed Beast Bomb's attack type. Year

"It's just that the proportions of Chakra seem more pure."9

Orochimaru said with a serious look.

Tailed Beast Bomb is a fusion of Chakra in a 2:8 ratio of Yin and Yang attributes.

The mask monster in front of him attacked, it should be 100% Yin attribute Chakra. (According to Hokage, Yin attributes are spiritual energy, similar to Reiatsu.)

"Master Orochimaru!"

"You defected to Konoha like this, are you worthy of the Third Generation?

Namikaze Minato raised his head and said.

in his eyes.

Orochimaru has always been a proud disciple of Third Hokage.

Candidate for Hokage.

However, Orochimaru has made insane human experiments.

In the end, he even defected to Konoha with an unknown monster.


"How naive, Minato......"

"You might as well go back and ask what the Third Generation said! 35

Orochimaru sneered.

He didn't want to explain.

Don't even bother to explain.

Because from the beginning, his "beloved teacher Sarutobi" did not treat him as his successor.

Now that something happened, he chose to sacrifice him without hesitation.

As a stepping stone to re-establish Namikaze Minato.

that's it.

Namikaze Minato and Sarutobi Shinnosuke, who could only watch Orochimaru helplessly, fell into Menos Grande's team.

"Damn it! 35

"Those monsters are estimated to be the results of Orochimaru's human body experiments. 39

"Let him defect...  

Sarutobi Shinnosuke said with an unwilling face.

But the unwillingness in his heart was not the human body experiment itself.

Rather, Orochimaru took away the results of the experiment!

He had already personally experienced the fighting power of those monsters.

If it can be used by them, why should the senior Konoha be afraid of the Uchiha clan?

If you dare not obey, just kill it!

"With Orochimaru's ability, if you want to take revenge on Konoha in the future."

"I'm afraid it will cause huge trouble!""

Namikaze Minato fears Orochimaru's revenge.

In case of a Konoha collapse plan, the loss will be immeasurable!

at this time.

Suddenly a group of Anbu, gathered from all directions.

"You are the subordinates of Danzo-sama?

"Did something happen?

Namikaze Minato asked with a puzzled look.

Logically, Gen Anbu is a brainwashed ninja.

Only follow the orders of Shimura Danzō alone.

The others, not even Hokage, commanded them.

However, Anbu's first sentence is like thunder in the clear sky!

"`, Lord Danzo is dead. 99

Both Namikaze Minato and Sarutobi Shinnosuke could not help but widen their eyes.


"when did it happen?"

Although neither of them likes Shimura Danzō's behavior very much.

But the other party is also one of the important Konoha high-levels.

Why did he die suddenly and without warning?

"We have the curse of Lord Danzo on our bodies.

"Once he had an accident, we would be free.

"According to the contract, all of us, Anbu, should return to Lord Hokage's place."

"But now, the Hokage building is blocked by a mysterious barrier, and we cannot enter..."

Gen Anbu's report.

Again, the two were startled.

"not good!""

"Third Generation Lord! 35

Namikaze Minato and Sarutobi Shinnosuke's expressions changed drastically, and they rushed towards the Hokage building.


at this time.

Senju Qianyu wiped out the Konoha high-rise.

The outer barrier is removed, and the influence of Kyōka Suigetsu is also removed.

There is no time sensory disturbance.

Uchiha Fugaku led the police force and rushed to the Hokage building aggressively.

I plan to discuss the Orochimaru human body experiment with the senior officials of Konoha.

As a result, I saw the Hokage building that was in ruins.


"What happened? 35


"Look over here!"

"That's the corpse of Lord Third Generation!"

"And Danzo-sama! Yan-sama! Koharu-sama's corpse!"

Uchiha watched all this with shock on their faces.

Yet at this moment.

Namikaze Minato and Sarutobi Shinnosuke rushed to the scene with a group of root Anbu.



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