The Glasses Man of Senju

Chapter 207 Senju Zuomo, debut!

"Mianma, let's go together!"

"it is good!"

Uchiha Hanasuke and Namikaze Mianma, although the two usually have a bad relationship.

But at least in terms of strength, the two recognize each other.

"Shuriken, Shadow Windmill!

Uchiha Hanasuke threw out a Fuuma shuriken.

"Yao Guang!"

"Understood! 35

Yaoguang fanned the Samsung fan tacitly.

"Wind Style・Kamaitachi!

I plan to repeat the old trick and blow off the opponent's ninja tools.

"Don't underestimate Uchiha! 99

Uchiha Hanasuke Sharingan Tongli, both hands through the wire, changing the flight path of the Fuuma Shuriken.

eschews the scope of Wind Style.

A beautiful parabola was drawn in the air and flew towards Silla.

"Magnet Style · Sand Iron Wall!"

"Boom! 99

The iron wall formed by sand iron blocked the wind demon shuriken.


I saw from the side, another wind demon shuriken flying around the iron wall!

"The second one hidden in the shadows?

Xinluo waved his hand.

Magnetically manipulates sand and iron to defend from the side.


Fuuma Shuriken suddenly turned into Namikaze's numb figure.

"Transformation Technique?!

Xin Luo's expression changed suddenly.

01 "Whoosh~"

Namikaze face mahjong Chakra concentrates on the soles of the feet to perform a faster instant body technique.

Going around behind Silla, there is no defensive position.

"Wind Style Gale Palm!"

"Puppet Art・Trap Line!""

Kaina manipulated the Chakra line and stumbled under Namikaze's face.


"Is it still a miscalculation?

Namikaze's face was numb and seeing that the attack had failed, he pulled back decisively.

"Wonderful cooperation."

"Unfortunately 2 vs 3, you have no chance of winning. 35

Shinra said.


"Do you still want to preach to us?

Uchiha Hanasuke said coldly.

"Teamwork, of course, is important. 35

"But if it's the tail of the crane, that's another story."

Namikaze said with a numb face.


Haruno Sakura cried even more when he heard the ruthless criticism of the two teammates!

"Too ruthless!"

"You Konoha Shinobi!"

Yao Guang shouted angrily.


"People are cute and have some strength.

"I love you very much, girl."

Uchiha Hanasuke gave Yaoguang a wink.


"Mud Play Guy!""

Yao Guang looked disgusted.

"Unpleasant stinky brats, teach them a good lesson today!"

The name of the sea is arrogance.

"Not sure who will teach whom!

Uchiha Hanasuke shouted imposingly.

"First strike is stronger! 35

Namikaze's numbness moves the fastest and takes the lead.

"Wind Style · Airflow!"

I saw him using Wind Style to form a recoil airflow behind him and accelerate the dash!

Holding the Kuwu thorn, he aimed at Yao Guang, who looked the weakest.


Yaoguang was in a hurry, too late to blow the fan.


Hai Ming cursed angrily, and then used the Chakra line to connect Yao Guang's hands and feet.

Pull her back quickly.

"Nice job!"

Uchiha Hanasuke formed a seal with both hands and spit out a straight line of flames in one breath!

"Fire Style·Longhuo Technique!""

The fast Fire Style comes straight to the sea.

"Magnet Style · Sand and Iron Waves!"

Xinluo summoned a large amount of sand and iron and blocked it in front of the opponent.


The flames burned part of the iron sand, but failed to penetrate the defense.


"Sure enough defense."

Uchiha Hanasuke took out a kunai and injected it into Chakra to generate a Fire Style blade.

"Looks like it's going to be real!

Xin Luo's eyes froze.

The magnetic force controls the sand iron, forming two large wings behind him.

"Magnet Style · Wings of Sand Iron!"

Fly into the sky, occupy the air superiority.

"not good!

"This is trouble!"

Namikaze and Uchiha Hanasuke both face heavy.

The smart duo soon realized that it was difficult to deal with Silla's air superiority.

"Since this trick has been exposed..."

"Then you won't be allowed to take the Chūnin exam tomorrow!"

A ruthless look flashed in Xinluo's eyes.

He wanted to take advantage of the present time to clear the opponent out of the Chūnin exam list.

Concentrate the sand and iron in the air, forming a huge triangular cone.

Aimed at the two on the ground.

"Please leave the stage!!!

at this time.

Suddenly a thunderstorm sounded—

“Lightning Style˙ Chidori!”

A flash of lightning galloped past, piercing the sand iron triangle cone!


"This ninjutsu......"

"What a strong Chakra!"

The three of Sand Shinobi were shocked.

"So far!

"Konoha Street, no gladiatorial fights!"

The intervener is a black and straight girl.

Eyes are scarlet Three Tomoe Sharingan!

"These eyes...""

"Are you from the Uchiha clan again? 99

Xin Luo said solemnly.

He thought that Uchiha Hanasuke was Hokage's son and should be the strongest of Uchiha's new generation.

Unexpectedly, a girl suddenly pops up now, much stronger than Hokage's son!

"Sorry! 9

"My name is Senju Samoe!""

Senju Samoe replied lightly.


Uchiha Hanasuke's eyes flickered slightly, and he subconsciously clenched his fists.

The other party is obviously not a member of the Uchiha family, but his control over Sharingan is far superior to him!

It makes him very embarrassed!

"This is Teacher Qianyu's daughter!"

"The strength is so strong!"

Namikaze's face was numb and solemn.

"Ah! 99

"Saved, Miss Zuomeng!


In addition to his shot, Senju Samoe also rescued the forgotten Haruno Sakura.

Haruno Sakura was moved to tears, jumped over and hugged Senju Samoe's big legs.

Mental seems to have been greatly stimulated.

The nympho for handsome guys turned into a girl...

"Little Sakura classmate..."5

"Don't do that!

Senju Zuomoe looked embarrassed.

How can there be such a stupid woman in the world?

"If you say stop, stop, who gave it to you... eh?!"

Before Hai Ming finished speaking, he was stunned by the other party's gaze!


Senju Samoe released the coercion of Tongli.

"Okay, so handsome!"

Yao Guang's eyes lit up and turned into a little fan girl.

"I apologize on behalf of Sand Shinobi."

Silla resolutely confessed and apologized.

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