The Glasses Man of Senju

Chapter 231 Obito: Beat my allies!

Konoha and Xiao organize a battle!


With the order of Uchiha Fugaku, Konoha Jōnin dispatched together!

"Hatake Flow・One Flash!"

Hatake Kakashi uses a family-style sword.


Loquat Shizang swung his beheading sword to meet him.

"This knife technique...  

"And your silver hair."

"Are you the son of Mr. Sakumo?

Loquat Shizang said in surprise.


"I'm Konoha Jōnin Hatake Kakashi!

After being silent for a while, Hatake Kakashi made his stand.

"Flying Thunder God・Second Dan!"

Namikaze Minato starts by throwing kunai.

Then, he teleported to Kunai's position using Chronoman Ninjutsu.

He caught Sasori by surprise.



Fei Liuhu was blown up.

Sasori revealed his body and went backwards "Nine Eight Three".

"Is this the golden glitter of Konoha?"

"It's really fast."

Sasori didn't dare to be careless, and immediately took out the strongest puppet・Third Kazekage!

"damn it!"

"The disappearance of Mr. Third Generation, Sasori really did!

Luo Sha watched as she gritted her teeth for a while.

But he didn't act rashly.

After all, it is now Konoha and Akatsuki's death fight.

Best to watch the fire from the other side.

" Fire Style·How Longfire Technique!

Uchiha Fugaku's shot is a high-end Fire Style.

Spit out a fiery dragon.

"Leave the Hokage to me! 35

Hoshigaki Kisame volunteered.

His hands were sealed, and a large amount of water flowed out of his mouth.

"Water Style · Explosive Water Rush!"

Water Style restrains Fire Style, and it can be easily extinguished.

"You think you can stop me?

Uchiha Fugaku Mangekyō Sharingan output pupil power.

Condensed skeleton ribs.


"Art is to explode, drink!

Deidara waved and threw tons of clay bombs.

Killed a bunch of unknown Anbu passers-by.


Senju Itachi's figure flashed and he slashed at the opponent.

"Are you the only woman left in the end?"

"It's pretty awesome..."

Deidara withdrew her contemptuous gaze.

The clay spit out from both hands forms two clay dolls.


Senju Itachiko's knife got stuck on the sticky clay doll.

Lightning flashes in his left hand, using the ninjutsu that his mother taught her.

"Lightning Style˙ Chidori!


Lightning severed the clay doll.

But Deidara manipulated the clay connections to form more doll clones.

Pounced on Senju Itachi from all directions.

"Caught you, drink!"

Deidara decisively detonated the clay.

But what was blown up turned into countless crows and scattered.

"Illusion·Bubble Technique!"

The figure of Senju Itachi appeared behind Deidara.

A punch hit the latter's denomination and flew out.


"These eyes, great art!"

Deidara shook her head and shouted in exasperation.


"How can I be fascinated by other people's art!

Deidara continued rubbing the clay.

"C2 Dragon!"

The battle is still going on....

"Wind Style·Cuilan Gale!"

Sarutobi Asuma held a flying swallow and approached with an instant technique.

A knife slashed Hidan's body.

But don't wait for him to be happy.

Hidan said casually.

"It hurts!

"You also experience it!""

I saw that Hidan didn't care about his injuries at all.

Slashing at Sarutobi Asuma with a bloody scythe!


Sarutobi Asuma was shocked, but he avoided the key with agility.

A shallow wound was opened on his cheek by a blood-colored sickle.

The figure quickly retreated.

Hidan also doesn't remember chasing forward.

Using the blood flowing from his body, he drew an inverted triangle blood-colored pattern under his feet.

Then he picked up the scythe and licked the blood of Sarutobi Shinnosuke on it.

"Curse, Death Division relies on blood!

I saw Hidan's body, turned into a weird black and white.

"what is this?"

When Sarutobi Asuma saw this kind of weird ninjutsu for the first time, he was stunned.

"What kind of ninjutsu are you..."

"Screw your head off and you're done!"

Uchiha Obito was behind his back, Mangekyō Sharingan, and Hitomi aimed at Hidan's head for a long time.


Distorted space Uzumaki, like an invisible blade.

Just twisted Hidan's head off!

Beautiful spike!

"Ha ha!

"see it?

"This is the power of our Uchiha clan!"

Uchiha Obito looked smug.

I feel that I am anonymous, and today I can finally become famous today.


The people around are staring at him with dumbfounded eyes!


"You you you what did you do?"

Might Guy looked at him in horror.


"What did you say?"

"Didn't I instantly kill the enemy?"

Uchiha Obito looked blank.

Pointing to the head of Hidan on the ground, is this still fake?

"It hurts to death!

"You sneak attack villain!"

Hidan's head, scolding.

His spell, Death by Blood, can simultaneously transfer the damage to the holder who absorbs the blood!

Looking at the heads of people yelling on the ground...


Uchiha Obito was taken aback!

But there was something even more terrifying behind him.


He heard the sound of falling from behind.

Uchiha Obito turned his head subconsciously.

His eyes widened, his whole body trembling with fear.

"This, this, this...""

"how is this possible?!

I saw Sarutobi Asuma's head, twisted. Broken to the ground.

His eyes were wide open, as if telling the expression of his death.

Kill your comrade yourself?

Uchiha Obito was dumbfounded.

Huge sense of guilt, seduced his inner blacken...  


Sarutobi Shinnosuke's eyes were split open.

He never imagined that his dearest younger brother would die in such an inexplicable manner.

"You're careless!"

Kakuzu launched a surprise attack while the opponent was in a state of confusion.

"Lightning Style˙Pseudo-Dark!""


Sarutobi Shinnosuke was hit in the back by the Lightning Style spear and was severely injured!

"Sura Road, Strange Arm Rocket!"

Nagato summoned a large number of rockets and shot them at Senju Mikoto.

"Don't get in the way!

Senju Mikoto strikes the Thunder Claw, and all the incoming rockets explode.

"It's amazing...  

"Looks like I'll have to adopt a crowd tactics too."

Nagato made a cross on both hands.

"Ninja・Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!"

Thousands of Shadow Clones were summoned in one breath.

"You are not allowed to use the ninjutsu taught by Qianyu!!"

Senju Kushina made a seal with both hands and used the same move.

"Ninja・Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!

Thousands of Shadow Clones were summoned in one breath.

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