The Glasses Man of Senju

Chapter 268 Madara, do you want to dance too?

Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzō are well aware of Senju Qianyu's horror.

They think that it is impossible to win against it head-on.

So looking for a soft pinch with persimmons, trying to bully the young Senju Itachi.

But what they never imagined was that.

The young girl in front of her is not easy to bully.

"Wind Style · Vacuum Lianyu!"

Shimura Danzō unleashed a powerful A-level Wind Style attack.


The seemingly turbulent vacuum chop wave failed to penetrate Susanoo's armor.

"Hurt my family."

"Even if you are the high-ranking people in office, it is unforgivable!"

Senju Itachi drives Susanoo.

One punch knocks Shimura Danzō into the air!

"Summoning King Kong Wall!""

Sarutobi Hiruzen summoned the Summoning beast and ape, turned it into a wish-fulfilling rod and then cloned, forming a row of hard iron walls.


Susanoo's fist slammed against the iron wall of the wishful stick, making a dull and long humming sound.

At the same time, there was also the pained cry of the ape demon.


"I can't resist such an attack a few times, you can do it yourself!

Hearing this, Sarutobi Hiruzen also looked ugly.

"Can't even the ape demon's vajra body be able to resist it?

"This guy's Susanoo is even stronger than Fugaku!""

Has the pupil power of the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan.

The strength of Senju Itachiko, stabilizer Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzō.

Seeing this, Senju Mikoto also gave up the rescue plan.

"I trust you, Weasel!"

On her side, she also ushered in an opponent.

"Mikoto, listen to my advice. 39

"Give it up!"

"Ninja allied forces plus First Generation and Second Hokage-sama, and ancestor Uchiha Madara-sama..."

"You have no chance of winning.

Uchiha Fugaku is still trying to persuade.


"You have the same bloodline as ours."5

"Believe in Uchiha!

Uchiha Shisui persuaded further.

"The Uchiha family....

"I've been disappointed by this arrogant and narrow-minded people."5

"Now I am from the Senju family!"

Senju Mikoto was swirling with golden lightning.

"Without further ado!

"Let's talk the ninja way!"9

Accompanied by the roar of thunder.

Senju Mikoto rushes to Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Shisui!

“Senju Kushina!”

"You killed Mr. Minato!"

Hatake Kakashi fixed his hatred on Kushina.

"Ms. Minato, he, obviously to you......"


"I feel very sorry and guilty for Minato's death. 39

"But this is limited to friendship between companions, don't talk nonsense!

Senju Kushina said sharply.

"The hatred of our companions can only be repaid with blood!"

"Eight Inner Gates, Seventh Gate, shock gate, open!""

Might Guy spewed blue steam all over his body.

The former companions, but now they have to wave their knives towards each other.

This is bound to be a brutal war.

But on the other side of the battle, there are not so many concerns.

"Wood Style · Wood Dragon Technique!"

Senju Hashirama started to summon a menacing wooden dragon.

"It's coming!"

Senju Hashirama stands at the head of the dragon and Senju Tobirama at the tail.


"I want to see, behind your arrogance. 99

"What a great deal!

Uchiha Madara opens full body Susanoo.

Condensed a behemoth armored warrior, flying up!

"It looks intimidating on the outside, but it's actually no different from the background canvas.

Senju Qianyu casts Shunpo.

"Huh?! 99

Everyone's pupils suddenly tightened.

Because Senju Qianyu's figure disappeared out of thin air.

Totally lost the target!

"I'm here."

Senju Qianyu's voice came from beside him.

I saw that he did not know when, standing on the back of the wooden dragon.

in the middle of the two.

"You bastard!"

Senju Tobirama only felt a huge humiliation.

Because during his lifetime, he was known as the fastest man in the ninja world.

Now he is being shown by the other party in terms of speed!

"Flying Thunder God Technique! 35

Senju Tobirama space jump.

Appeared in front of Senju Qianyu in an instant.

"Water Style · Water Blade!"

Shot from the mouth at close range. An ultra-high pressure sharp water blade was shot!


The figure of Senju Qianyu disappeared again out of thin air.

appeared behind him.

"Time and space ninjutsu is nothing more than that.""


Completely invisible action.

Senju Tobirama was hit hard on the back knee, and his leg fell into crumbs.

The whole person fell to the ground.

"Strange Power・Unmoving King Kong Power!"

Senju Hashirama unleashes supernatural powers rich in gigantic Chakra.

This seemingly unremarkable punch is enough to knock down a hill!


Senju Qianyu raised his hand and blocked the opponent's strange fist with ease.

Next up is a kick!

"Magic Power, Tenshou Foot!"

"Boom! 35

Senju Hashirama was kicked into the sky.

"What a powerful monster..."

"Under the full power of not being there!

Senju Hashirama's expression was solemn, and both made a move.


The wooden dragon roared angrily, with a huge body and high flexibility. (yes)

The high-speed rotating body quickly wrapped Senju Qianyu.

Through the power of Wood Style, madly absorb his Chakra!

Just in the next second.

The wooden dragon, which had the power to suppress Nine Tails, was torn apart like a toy!


Senju Qianyu tore apart the wooden dragon with his bare hands.

But immediately, a huge shadow appeared above his head.

Uchiha Madara rides the full body Susanoo, wielding that sharp-edged Chakra sword.

Head to Senju Qianyu!


Senju Qianyu pulled out Zanpakutō and moved up to block Susanoo's attack.

Visually, there is a strong difference between the two bodies.

But the seemingly slender Zanpakutō in Senju Qianyu's hands can make the giant Chakra sword unable to move down half an inch!

"Madara, do you want to dance too?"

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