The Glasses Man of Senju

Chapter 9 Three Years Later—

Time flies.

Three years passed by.

"Hadō's Thirty-Three: Cang Fire Pendant!"

The blue explosion exploded in the back mountain of Konoha!

The violent movement should have caught Konoha's attention.

But under the enchantment of Bent Light, it can perfectly cover up all this.

Senju Qianyu looked at the deep hole that had been blasted open in front of him, with charred smoke still rising from it.

"Abandoning the Hadō activated by the chant, that's about it..."

in the past three years.

Senju Qianyu's body spends most of his time cultivating in Bent Light's enchantment.

Using Shadow Clone instead of going to the ninja school, this is also the basic operation of the traveler's "magic oil".

Open Skill Proficiency -

Slash (Intermediate -3%)

White Hits (Intermediate - 1%)

Shunpo (Intermediate - 2%)

Kidō (Intermediate -5%)

Kyōka Suigetsu (Intermediate -5%).

Hōgyoku (unlocked -21%)

After three years of penance.

Senju Qianyu's four basic skills, Shinigami, have all reached the intermediate level.

Kyōka Suigetsu also reached the intermediate level.

Most of the unlocking progress of Hōgyoku comes from Uchiha Mikoto, Sarutobi Shinnosuke, and Senju Nawaki.

Senju Qianyu repeatedly took "wish" from these three tool people.

Let Hōgyoku absorb.

It's also exhausting enough.


Senju Qianyu lifted the Bent Light barrier and the Shadow Clone that was staying outside at the same time.

"Today, let's go to school after a long absence."

Memories based on feedback from Shadow Clone.

Today is the graduation ceremony of Ninja School.

He has passed the exam.

There is nothing to say about the specific process.

It is worth mentioning that the ranking of the test scores:

First place goes to Senju Nawaki.

Second place goes to Uchiha Mikoto.

The third place goes to Sarutobi Shinnosuke.

Fourth place goes to Senju Qianyu.

no doubt.

These three tool people were all influenced by Hōgyoku to varying degrees.

Among them, Senju Nawaki awakened the limit of Wood Style blood in an accident!

This once caused a huge shock in Konoha......

Because this is the bloodline limit of Senju Hashirama, known as the "God of Ninja"!

Later, I found out that Nawaki's Wood Style can only summon ordinary wood.

It is impossible to make a tree as vigorous as Senju Hashirama.

Similar to Yamato's Wood Style, it is a degraded version.

However, Nawaki is still young, and there is huge room for growth in the future.

The foreseeable future is endless!

Based on this alone, Nawaki has topped the No. 1 ranking of this freshman Genin!

Uchiha Mikoto has awakened the Sharingan of the blood continuum.

Although only a hook jade.

But in the past history of the Uchiha family, the only one who opened their eyes before the age of nine was Uchiha Madara!

This makes the Uchiha family, who have always been accustomed to favoring sons over women, treat Uchiha Mikoto as a family of elites for the first time.

Uchiha Mikoto's wish for family recognition has come true here!

She sees it all as the fruit of her own efforts.

But I don't know that Hōgyoku's influence plays a key role!

Sarutobi Shinnosuke is bewildered by Senju Qianyu's acting skills.

The two competed against each other, and almost every time he "lost" to Senju Qianyu.

It's always a million points away from victory. . . .

The desire to win is aroused again and again!

Old torment!

I feel that as long as I learn more ninjutsu, I will definitely be able to defeat Senju Qianyu next time!

Under the influence of Hōgyoku, Sarutobi Shinnosuke really learned a lot of ninjutsu.

Such as the shuriken Shadow Clone Technique invented by Third Hokage!

By learning advanced ninja, Sarutobi Shinnosuke's test scores surpassed Senju Qianyu for the first time, ranking third!

In a sense, he "defeated" Senju Qianyu as he wished.

However, Sarutobi Shinnosuke would not know.

The object he has been chasing desperately is nothing but a Shadow Clone!

Senju Qianyu is fourth, which is the result of his strength control.

Even the exams are sent to Shadow Clone, and it doesn't matter at all.

Anyway, he has already obtained a lot of wishes from the above three people.

The improvement that Hōgyoku has brought to Senju Qianyu is far more than the sum of the three!

For example, his Chakra volume has increased by more than fifty times!

Exceeds the average of the existing Konoha Jōnin.

At the same time, he also gained the virtual steel skin and the ability of High-Speed ​​Regeneration.

This also verifies a fact.

The higher the unlocking degree of Hōgyoku, the stronger the ability to materialize!

So in the future, it is not impossible to create Espada!

PS: Ask for flowers for collection! Ten more ten more ten more!

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