Wanbu is the largest toy manufacturer in the Sun Country and one of the largest toy giants in the world.

One of the most famous products is definitely a toy model of the Gundam series.

With its novel design and dynamic feel, it is loved by consumers of all ages around the world.

Last year’s financial report showed that in Xia Guo GUNPLA toys, it generated more than 35 billion Xia Guoyuan.

It is directly more than the more than 78 billion yen sold in the Sun Country, which is equivalent to 500 million Xia national currency, which is several times more.

After all, Xia Guo is a super market with a population of 1.4 billion, and people who like GUNPLA models, even if it is only a small percentage, it is very terrifying.

Therefore, many toy giants attach great importance to the market of Xia Guo.

And at this time in the Sun Country Manbukuro Co., Ltd.

Ishikawa Zhunan, the president of Manbukuro, after seeing the report transmitted back from the media, only felt a thunder in his head, and he was directly unstable and almost fell to the ground.

“Bakayalo (bastard)! The firefish of Xia Kingdom actually made all the model combat equipment in “Gundam Creator”!! Now our 10,000 bags of GUNPLA are going to die!! Ishikawa shouted in disbelief.

You know, GUNPLA is the best toy sold in Xia Guo, and the sales data around the world is very terrifying.

Easily earn billions of dollars a year for 10,000 bags!!

And now with the GUNPLA toys launched by Firefish that can be manipulated by real people, weapons become real, and become alive, who still buys their 10,000 bags of GUNPLA that can only be seen, but there is not much way to play!

“President! So how do we deal with this wave of firefish now, is our new GUNPLA still selling? His assistant quickly helped Ishikawa Zhunan and asked anxiously.

“Baka (stupid)! If you don’t sell it, is it moldy in the warehouse? Hurry up and throw it out at a super low price, and how much cost can be recovered. Ishikawa scolded, but also calmed down a little.

As the president of the 10,000-bag toy giant, although he was momentarily shocked and a little gaffe just now, he quickly sorted out his head.

Wan Bag has been operating GUNPLA for 41 years and has hundreds of millions of fans around the world, and if this batch of models is cleared at a super low price, it can still be done.

It’s just that it will be difficult to make money in the future, because the firefish has even made the GUNPLA battle equipment that they only dare to fantasize about.

Not to mention the others, even he wanted to buy a set to feel what it was like to fight with the Gundam in real action!

With such a GUNPLA toy, who wants to buy 10,000 bags of GUNPLA that can only be put on display?

“President, why don’t we take the initiative to find firefish to cooperate like Ren Tian Tang?” His assistant thought about it and couldn’t help but propose.

Ishikawa Zhunan, however, showed a remorseful expression and said, “Do you think I haven’t thought about this problem?

It’s just that Ren Tian Tang didn’t make any remarks that despised Xia Guo’s toys at the beginning, and I not only published it in public, but I was also turned out by the firefish official, and used garbage words to slap my face;

And the other day, for the sake of publicity, we deliberately stepped on the Pokémon of the Firefish Company, and also despised the Firefish’s Gundam must be a toy like a remote-controlled car;

Do you think that if we have all reached this level, will the fire cooperate with us? ”

Because Wan Bu still has some relationship with Keyuemei, when Ishikawa Zhunan looked at the president of Tiancang, he went to kneel and lick the firefish to obtain the management right of the Sun National Pokémon, and followed Keyue to despise Ren Tiancang.

And now Ishikawa Zhunan, wants to lick the firefish, it is estimated that others are unwilling.

His assistant could only smile bitterly: “Long, are we going to sit and wait like this?” That’s a multibillion-dollar market a year. ”

“Alas! Even if there is not much hope, but we can’t give up any opportunity, you contact Firefish to express their intention to cooperate, and then we will make plans. Ishikawa Zhunan rubbed his headache and said with a sigh.

“Wow Kata (got it)!” The assistant quickly answered and went to run errands.

And with the firefish’s press conference, the relevant reports became more and more intense.

The first is that the stock price of Wanbu fell directly by 0% that day!


And at the same time, it is already late night overseas.

But countless fans of Gundam were so excited that they didn’t feel any sleep.

“Even buy Ka! The GUNPLA model that can be controlled by a real person in the virtual cockpit, and can also fight real and the weapons become real, which is simply handsome! ”

“Firefish, this has completely overturned the traditional GUNPLA gameplay and reformulated the new GUNPLA gameplay!”

“Oh God! Firefish’s scientific research strength is simply explosive, and even such a GUNPLA battle equipment that only exists in anime has been made out! ”

“Wow! This gunpla of Firefish is the romance of real men! I used to like those GUNPLA models in Manbukuro, but now I can only watch them, and I can’t compare them with Firefish’s Gundam toys. ”

“I really envy the players of Xia Country, and I am the first batch of live-action Gundam to experience such a bloody battle explosion, such a subversive gameplay, it simply makes my blood boil!”

“Did you form a team to go to Xia Country to experience it in advance, last time many people in our country went to experience Pokémon in advance, and the video photos sent out were simply envious of the dead!”

“Team up plus one!”

“I’m going to Xia Guo too!”

And in addition to the fact that netizens are talking about it enthusiastically.

Those technology giants overseas, as well as toy giants, almost fell to their knees after watching Firefish’s new toy launch!

Originally, they all knew that the scientific and technological strength of the firefish was very good, but now they found that they still underestimated the firefish, and it turned out that the firefish could be more bullish!

The kind of technology that can make GUNPLA come alive, and also make weapons real, they don’t even have the direction of how to develop it.

And the firefish is directly made!

You can also mass-produce and start selling toys!

Such epoch-making technology simply opened the eyes of these bigwigs.

No one would have thought that a toy company in Xia Guo would actually compare cows like this.

I can already rub them on the ground!


Among them, after reading these reports, the most panicked is Milliken’s baby paper toy company.

Because their investigation found that three months ago, some people and toy companies around the world bought a large number of popular toy copyrights!

Including 10,000 bags, baby paper treasure and other toy giants.

At first, they all felt that this was not a threat, and the other party’s bid was very tempting, so they sold all the rights to their toys.

Now, those toy dealers who have sold the copyrights find that all these copyrights are in the hands of Firefish.

It turns out that this is all a conspiracy of firefish!

Who dares to think that the Xia Guo toy enterprise that was so garbage at the beginning could actually give birth to such a high-tech toy company as firefish?

No one knows whether the next new toy produced by Firefish will be the heavyweight toy product in their own company.

These toy giants are all regretting why they sold the license at this time.

Now they are all worried that Firefish’s next toy will crash with them!


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