The opening of the first Firefish Cup Pokémon World Finals happened to be Saturday.

Chu Yao was woken up by Song Wanqing early in the morning.

“Chu Chu, accompany me to watch the opening of the Pokémon World Finals.” Song Wanqing’s small hand kept shaking Chu Yao and woke him up.

“Don’t worry, it’s only seven o’clock now, and the opening time is at half past nine.” Chu Yao opened his sleepy eyes, still lying on the bed and said unwillingly.

“You still have to get up to eat the love breakfast that Teacher Song made for you, and there won’t be enough time to get up.” Song Wanqing wrinkled his nose, snorted in protest, and kicked his long legs indiscriminately.

“You’re still trying to kick me out of bed.” Chu Yao grabbed Song Qingxue’s [white] feet, pinched her rounded jiojio, sat up a little funny and said, “Okay, I’ll get up now, okay?” ”

Song Xiaoqing laughed and said happily: “Then you hurry up and wash and change clothes, I’ll go to the kitchen to make breakfast first.” ”

After that, she kicked away Chu Yao’s big hand, jumped out of the room, and walked downstairs.

Chu Yao shook his head and smiled, and then slowly got up to wash.


When Chu Yao and Song Xiaoqing finished breakfast, changed their clothes and came to the scene of this Firefish Cup Pokémon World Finals, it was already a sea of people.

There are huge posters everywhere, and various Coca-Cola mobile stations are selling drinks at the door.

Chu Yao walked to a firefish staff member with sunglasses, pulled down the sunglasses, and showed his face, and the other party respectfully took him into the venue, without queuing.

In addition, there are several high viewing platforms in the venue, which can overlook the entire battlefield and have a very wide view.

One of the viewing platforms was naturally specially set aside by Chu Yao, as a benefit, it was specially given to employees above the manager level of the firefish department, who could bring their families to watch.

As soon as Chu Yao and Song Xiaoqing came to this viewing platform, those department managers greeted him respectfully.

Especially Song Wanqing, who was standing beside Chu Yao and holding his arm, everyone knew that she was the chairman’s girlfriend.

Some female managers or women from their families also enthusiastically brought some food and drink over.

Song Xiqing smiled generously and thanked him, but he had the temperament of the chairman’s wife.

This made Chu Yao smile in his heart, because he knew that the true nature of this Teacher Song was a tsundere little woman.

However, don’t say, Song Wanqing was born in a rich family, has a broad knowledge, and is a top student, and he is really a hall and a kitchen, the most important thing is that people are noble in front of people, and people after… Then only he can see it…

Chu Yao thought about it, and couldn’t help but laugh for a while, today Mr. Song was still coquettish to him to watch the finals, but now it is a noble and elegant chairman’s wife.

This contrast is quite cute!

“Brother Chu! Sister Wanqing!! ”

At this time, Zhang Xueying took Hashimoto Huanlai’s hand and also drove over.

Obviously, Zhang Xueying was following Su Man.

Su Man was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass of the viewing platform, talking to the three girls, and when he heard the movement, he also looked back at them, smiling dignified at Chu Yao and Song Xianyi.

“Chu Jun, Sister Wanqing, I thought you weren’t coming.” Hashimoto said with a smile towards the two.

“How can such a lively scene today be without me?” Chu Yao laughed smugly and said.

Song Xiaoqing saw that the corners of his mouth curled up when he smiled, and he gave him a blank look and said, “I don’t know who it is, I don’t want to get up early this morning.” ”

“Ahem!” When Chu Yao heard this, he immediately coughed, looked at Song Wanqing with a smile and said, “Teacher Song, don’t you think that your words have exposed something?” ”

Song Xiaoqing immediately understood something when she heard this, and turned her head to look at Zhang Xueying and Hashimoto Huanlai in front of her, and sure enough, they were looking at her with wide eyes.

“It’s all to blame on you.” Song Wanqing suddenly felt a little hot on her face, glanced sideways at Chu Yao, who was snickering, and whispered.

“Teacher Song!” And at this moment, three more girls came and happily greeted Song Wanqing.

Chu Yao looked over curiously and found that it was the three girls who were chatting with Su Man just now.

“Huh! Yang Zhijin, Feng Qingrui, Xiao Xuanyi, why are you all here? Song Wanqing saw that it turned out to be a student in the class she led.

“Heehee, we heard Xueying say that she was going to watch a Pokémon match today, and then Qingrui and I are Pokémon fans again, so we all came with cheeky faces.” Xiao Xuanyi said with a smile towards Song Wanqing.

Song Wanqing was also very happy to see her students, and introduced Chu Yao beside her: “They are all my students, and they are in the same dormitory as Xueying.” ”

Chu Yao nodded and greeted them with a smile: “Hello, I am your Teacher Song’s boyfriend Chu Yao, you can call me by name, or call me Big Brother Chu, and I am also a graduate of Donghai University, you can still call me Senior Chu.” ”

Feng Qingrui suddenly looked at Chu Yao with wide eyes and exclaimed: “Ah! I recognize you, I saw you send Xueying back to the dormitory before, it turns out that you are Teacher Song’s boyfriend. ”

Xiao Xuanyi also stared at Chu Yao with a confused face and said: “Wow puppet~ Mr. Song, your boyfriend is so handsome, I am so envious.” ”

“You two converge a little, Senior Chu is Teacher Song’s boyfriend, don’t be like a female hooligans.” Yang Zhijin scolded the two roommates with a smile.

“It’s okay, since you are Teacher Song’s students, then that is my friend, don’t be polite with me, just chat as a normal friend.” Chu Yao said with a smile.

These three girls, Feng Qingrui has beautiful eyebrows, straight nose and thin lips, and a slightly longer face, giving people a very quiet feeling, but judging from her performance, it is obvious that her personality is not like her appearance.

And that Xiao Xuanyi is the one who committed the idiot, with light makeup on his face, eyebrows and cheeks, red lips and pink face, dressed quite fashionably, his eyebrows were radiant, and he looked very spiritual.

The two of them are obviously Pokémon fans, as they each hold a Pokéby and Rokuo.

The last Yang Zhijin, his height seemed to be almost as tall as Song Chenqing, or even slightly taller.

With long hair, a light blue short-sleeved shirt with a GUNPLA motif, light white slim-fitting cropped pants, and a pair of coconut shoes on his feet, he has a well-proportioned figure and a beautiful leather bulge.

The face is still a very oriental beautiful goose egg face, the eyes are warm and clear, and there is an ice beauty temperament.

Chu Yao couldn’t help but look at her a few more times, but he didn’t expect that among Song Xueqing’s students, in addition to Zhang Xueying, there was such a big beauty.

After everyone got to know each other, they all found seats in front and sat down.

Zhang Xueying, Yang Zhijin, Feng Qingrui, and Xiao Xuanyi naturally surrounded Song Wanqing and Chu Yao, chatting about the sky.

Yang Zhijin really said the least, similar to what Chu Yao guessed, this is a cold girl.

Hashimoto brought everyone some drinks, including those ice colas, which were sponsored by Coca-Cola for free.

Chu Yao sat next to Song Wanqing, and also continued a sentence from time to time, as if a leaf fell in a flower, and the nose was full of various fragrances, and he really had some heart.

Fortunately, not long after, the first Pokémon World Finals of the Firefish Cup officially opened.

Gu Yafei, wearing an OL uniform, made a grand appearance with a microphone and delivered a speech for the opening ceremony……_

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