Domestic media reports were quickly reprinted by foreign media reporters stationed in Xia Guo around the world.

#紧重磅! Firefish product showcase, the peak of your recognition of the bumblebee! #

All the people who watched these reports and videos were shocked!

“Groove! A bumblebee that can transform and drive!! Who will tell me that I’m not dreaming?! ”

“Oh God! How is this possible? This is simply a realistic version of Transformers?! ”

“I’m Defa! How heaven-defying is the technology of firefish! The car has become a big bee, can you continue to drive? How is this done? ”

“Firefish has once again introduced a toy that allows us to play at the pinnacle! It’s terrifying! ”

“I’m a Transformers fan! Firefish’s new product is also too cool, right? I would love to buy one of these bumblebees!! ”

“This is exactly the same as in the Transformers movie!!”

“Such a bumblebee is what I’ve been dreaming about!! Firefish, you’re just blasting! ”

“It’s incredible, can such a transformer still be considered a toy?”

“Why didn’t the firefish play cards according to the routine this time! Such a heavyweight product, actually did not hold a press conference?! ”

“Oh my God, it’s late at night, I almost slept and missed such a big event!”


Millikian’s largest toy giant and world-class toy company – Children’s Paper Treasure.

It has many well-known brands such as My Little Pony, Transformers, Special Forces, Star Wars and so on.

Among them, the Transformers series toys are definitely the most heavyweight products of Children’s Paper Treasure.

It has also cooperated with Hollywood to shoot a number of series of big movies to promote its Transformers toys.

It was late at night, and Brian Goldner, the CEO of Kids, was woken up by a phone call.

“BOSS! Something big happened! The firefish of Xia Guo showed a car that can drive and transform into a bumblebee at the Xia Guo Model Toy Expo! ”

“What? Are you talking in your dreams? How is this possible? Brian Goldner didn’t believe it at all.

“It’s true, BOSS! The news has spread all over the world, I have sent the video and related reports to your mailbox, see for yourself. ”

When Brian Goldner turned on his computer, he saw the video and report in his assistant’s mailbox.

Suddenly, his face was full of disbelief: “Even buy Ka!!” This this… This is simply a restoration of the bumblebee in the movie!! Cars can still drive, God! How does Firefish do it!! ”


And Hollywood’s famous DreamWorks, that is, the production company that shot the “Transformers” movie.

The famous director Michael Bay also saw the media reports from Xia Guo!

“Oh my God! If I can buy such a Transformers product, a “Transformers” will definitely go against the sky!! ”


In a villa in Millikian, Berrygan, that is, the heroine of Mikaela Baines in Transformers 1 and 2.

“Wow puppet~ isn’t this a bumblebee that I like? It’s no longer a special effect, it was created by a firefish? It’s perfect, I want to buy it! ”


Ministry of Science and Technology of Milliken State!

“How is this possible? The real car automatically turns into a bumblebee, and can it still move so flexibly? Has the fire fish of Xia Country actually mastered such a terrifying technology? The person in charge Aoun looked at the video on the computer, his face full of solemnity.

Ordinary people may only know that this bumblebee of the firefish is very good!

And national science and technology departments like theirs know that the technical content required by the bumblebee shown in the video has completely subverted the cognition of the global scientific and technological community!

If we say, Firefish’s first Yu-Gi-Oh series of toys can holographically project battles.

Such technology, in fact, many countries are studying, although they have not really been able to achieve holographic stereoscopic projection, but the progress is not too different.

The ultra-nano smart Pokémon behind the firefish use nanotechnology and intelligent technology, like Millikian, and there are also related research and development.

When it comes to the Firefish’s GUNPLA, the magical Pallavsky particles can bring the assembled GUNPLA to life.

This is already a bit beyond the scope of technology in many countries.

It’s just that it doesn’t pay too much attention to it, because these above technologies, even if applied to the military, cannot increase their power too much.

Until today, firefish has even developed transformers, which makes these countries have to pay attention.

I want to make a bumblebee like this in the video.

The first thing that needs to be solved is ultra-miniature pressure sensing and stress feedback adjustment technology, otherwise it will change shape, and become elbows, corrugated covers, and broken tail vertebrae, how embarrassing is that?

Secondly, the adaptive chelation technology of the equipment surface is required, and the deformation of the deformation of course involves the separation and re-bite between the components.

Otherwise, if the deformed parts cannot bite each other, it must not fall apart.

It is also indispensable to multi-channel information flow integration and distribution, multi-frequency high-frequency photoelectric signal wireless transmission technology, and the control signal of each important component must be able to achieve interference-free wireless transmission and feedback.

Otherwise, after the deformation, the weapons are muted, so how shameful?

Although it is not yet known whether the weapons and equipment on the bumblebee in the video are taken to see or can really be used.

However, if such a transformer is given, even if it is equipped with the most advanced weapons in various countries, it is a powerful war machine!

How strong it is, you can understand it directly from the “Transformers” movie.

Although, it is not yet known whether the materials used in this bumblebee are as strong as the movie.

However, this is definitely already a formidable threat!

Anyway, at present, countries around the world have not been able to develop the technology of the bumblebee shown by the firefish in the video.

“It seems that we can’t wait any longer, otherwise something big will happen!” Orn pondered for a moment, took out his mobile phone and dialed the Twitter Emperor’s special line…


In addition to Millikian, scientific research departments in many countries have quickly contacted their superiors.

The potential threat posed by this firefish was reported.

After all, the products shown by Firefish this time have completely exceeded their imagination!

If the country doesn’t pay attention to it anymore, this is really going to be a big deal!! _

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