The next morning, Chu Yao had just finished breakfast with Song Wanqing and was about to go to the Firefish Park.

Suddenly, a system prompt sounded in my head.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host, complete the main quest to sell 30 million sets of Transformers-type toys and get a random reward: Pangu Combat Talent! You can easily master the use of any battle equipment such as armor and weapons, and your combat experience has increased ten thousand times! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for triggering the new main quest: Manifest yourself in a steel armor, the greater the shock, the richer the rewards! 】

“Groove! Pangu Combat Talent?! This stuff is really good! Chu Yao heard the system prompt in his mind, and immediately became excited.

It turned out that after so many days, the toys of the Firefish Transformers series finally exceeded 30 million worldwide, so the main task was completed today.

This Pangu combat talent is very useful, according to the information that the system has already transmitted to Chu Yao’s mind.

With this Pangu combat talent, he can easily master any combat equipment and battle scene!

For example, if he puts on the steel armor again, he can easily master the use of the entire armor without trying at all.

Or, when he builds the Wanderer mech, the prototype Mobile Suit Gundam, it can be easily operated, such as arm command!

As for the new task, if he was wearing a steel armor to show his saint, Chu Yao suddenly had an idea.

Isn’t tomorrow the military drill of Xia Guo? There are also Millikan and Sun Country, this face is definitely the best place for manifestation.

After Chu Yao decided on this idea, he drove directly to the Firefish Park, because he also had to make some other equipment of the steel armor.


Soon, the time came two days before the National Day, September 28th! ·

And today is the day when Millikan and the Sun Country conduct military exercises in the Great Plain Ocean.

In order to be prepared, Xia Guo is also conducting live-fire exercises in his territorial waters and the East China Sea.

At this time, in the war room named the East China Sea Ship by Xia Guo.

“Is there any change in the military exercises between Milliken and the Sun Country?”

“Report sir, no changes have been found at present!”

“Stay vigilant and monitor their movements at all times!”

“Received sir!”

At this time, Fang Mingyue took two female soldiers and walked to a strong man with somewhat gray hair and saluted: “Hello sir!” ”

The superior leader nodded: “Colonel Fang, you have come at the right time, we also need two pilots to be responsible for piloting the J0 fighter and taking over the cruise mission, so the two pilots you brought will complete this task.” ”

“Receive sir, guarantee the complete mission!” Fang Mingyue and the two female soldiers behind her saluted without hesitation.

“Okay, you guys go get ready.” The superior said with a slight smile at them.

Fang Mingyue took the task and retired with the two female soldiers.

Taking over the patrol task, that is, when the fighter currently on cruise wants to return to refuel and rectify, another pilot will drive the fighter to replace the returning fighter and continue to cruise, ensuring that there are their own fighters cruising at any time in the airspace.

Not long after Fang Mingyue and the three went out, suddenly a monitor shouted: “Sir, the radar shows that there is a fighter that is not our side and is flying towards our East China Sea!” ”

“Immediately contact the 289 and 290 J20 fighters on the deck who are waiting to take over the cruise to confirm the target!” , the higher-level leader’s gaze froze, and decisively commanded.

“Received.” The operator quickly contacted the pilots of the two J2s who were waiting on deck. ,

No. 289 and No. 290 J20 fighters quickly took off and began to approach the unknown flying fighter. ,

The J20 fighter is the most advanced stealth fifth-generation air superiority fighter with high stealth, high situational awareness and high mobility capabilities, which is a symbol of the rapid development of Xia Guo’s national defense capability.

The superior leader picked up the microphone and calmly commanded: “Tianlong No. 89 and No. 290 pilots, before confirming the target, don’t act rashly, first arrive close and observe!” ”

“Tenryu 289! Harvest! ”

“Dragon 290! Harvest! ”

The two pilots of the J20 quickly responded.

Well? The superior leader suddenly frowned, because he heard one of the cold voices somewhat familiar!

“Report sir, Colonel Fang asked me to come back and get a new mission again!” At this moment, the voice of a female soldier sounded behind him.

The superior leader looked back and saw that one of the female soldiers who had followed Fang Mingyue just now was standing behind him.

The superior leader’s heart jumped suddenly, and he hurriedly asked her: “Are you saying that Colonel Fang is on the J20 fighter at this time?” ”

“Yes, sir, Colonel Fang is piloting the Tianlong 289 fighter!” The female soldier reported respectfully. ,

The superior leader’s eyebrows suddenly jumped, how did this little one personally drive the fighter!

If something happens, how can I follow it… Hand over……

But by this time, things had already happened, and he could only hope that there would be no emergencies this time.

“Report sir! Already confirmed. This is a Milliken F22!! At this moment, Fang Mingyue’s voice came out.

When the people in the war room heard F22, they were all shocked!

After all, this is the highest level of fighter in the world!!

What is the intention of Milliken sending such a strongest fighter to the East China Sea!

This is obviously not a good comer!

The higher-level leaders did not have time to think too much, and said decisively: “How far is this F22 from China’s airspace at present?” ”

“Report sir, there are still 28 kilometers left, close to our airspace!” The operator looked at the display on the radar and quickly spoke.

“Switch Tenryu 289 horn!” The superior continued to speak to the operator.


Soon, the big screen in the combat area showed the cockpit of the Tianlong 289 J20 fighter, as well as the picture outside the fighter.

Sure enough, I saw a silver-gray Milliken F22, which was being followed by the Tianlong 289 escort! ,

“Dragon 289, immediately issue a warning to the enemy aircraft to drive away! At the same time, all personnel entered a state of readiness! The superior gave the order decisively.

“Tianlong 289 received,” Fang Mingyue replied coldly.

Switch the cockpit radio communication to the public call channel, and then start shouting at the F22 flying below!

“I am the Xia Country Air Force, you are close to the airspace of the Xia Kingdom, please leave immediately, otherwise you will be intercepted!”

“…… chnge.your.course.immediate1,··! “,·

And at this time in the war room of a warship in the Great Pingyang.

“Admiral Scano, the Xia Guo Air Force is warning us!”

“Leave them alone, they will fire at us if they have the courage, so that we can hold this handle and put pressure on Xia Guo!” Admiral Scanaud said with disdain.


On the side of the East China Sea ship, the operator looked at the display on the radar and hurriedly reported to the superior leader.

“Sir, the enemy aircraft F22 is no more than 10 kilometers away from our airspace! They don’t have a stop at all, picture! ”

At the speed of Mach 2 on the F22, it can fly 680 meters in 1 second, that is, about 4.7 seconds. F22 can enter the territory of Xia Guo.

“Dragon 289 requests fire! Please approve it! Fang Mingyue’s cold voice came out. ,

When the superior heard the sound coming from the headset, his brows furrowed directly, and he could already guess this provocative act of Millikian.

If we fire, then we fired this first shot, and Millikan would definitely bite us back and say that we moved first, maybe it would be a direct attack!

After all, Millikan and the Sun Country are still conducting military exercises in the Great Plain Ocean, and they have a large amount of military power.

If we don’t open fire, our Xia Country’s airspace arbitrarily allows Millikian’s fighters to fly, which has lost its dignity for the sovereignty of Xia Country’s aviation!

Just when the superior leadership is facing a difficult decision.

At an altitude of 20,000 meters in the East China Sea, F22 was already approaching the Xia Guo airspace cordon less than 2 kilometers.

The driver inside the F22 fighter suddenly cursed: “Fak! What exactly is this J289 trying to do, what?! ”

Because he saw the J20, which was originally flying overhead, and suddenly dived down directly!!

“I am the Xia Guo Air Force, Tianlong 289, and the fighter has failed! To avoid accidental injury, please retreat quickly!! Fang Mingyue said coldly directly on the public channel.

“Even snow! Admiral Scano, the other party is going to bump in!! ”

“Keep driving, we have to enter the airspace of Xia Guo for a walk, they are just scaring us, no need…”


Before Admiral Scano’s words were finished, an explosion came from the headset!!

The monitor hurriedly shouted loudly: “Admiral Scano, our F22 and Xia Guo J20 fighters, there is a collision!” “·

“Fak!! Is this J20 dead?! Admiral Scano cursed directly. ,

Originally, he came to provoke Xia Guo, as long as they dared to fire, they could grab their handles!

If they don’t open fire, they just walk around their airspace and trample on their dignity.

And I didn’t expect the driver of Xia Guo to be so crazy, directly saying that the fighter was faulty, and it crashed over!

This is to fight for life!!


Tokai ship war room.

“Sir, our Tianlong 289 fighter crashed into the enemy!!” The operator hurriedly reported loudly!

“What?! What is the situation of the Dragon 29 fighter now!! The superior asked anxiously.

Why is this little ancestor fighting so hard!!

“From the last picture of the cockpit, the nose is already on fire! I don’t know if I can continue flying. The operator quickly switched the big screen to the final screen of the Tianlong 289 fighter.

The superior leader quickly picked up the call device: “Tianlong 289, Tianlong 289, this is the East China Sea ship, the hull number 28·, call Tianlong 289, A has been cleared, the airspace has been cleared, you can land, please return immediately!” ”

“Tianlong 289 received that the fighter plane has failed, and I can no longer return home.” Fang Mingyue’s cold voice came out, still so calm and waveless.

“Eject skydive, parachute fast!!” The superior leader hurriedly shouted loudly.

“The cockpit has been damaged and it is impossible to perform the ejection skydive…” said Fang Mingyue in a calm voice.

“Colonel Fang, you… Why are you so stupid! “The superior leaders are already a little choked.

“The sovereignty of Xia Kingdom’s territorial airspace is sacred and inviolable!” Fang Mingyue said firmly, and her cold voice sounded again: “Can you help me connect a call?” ”

“Colonel Fang, you say.” The superior leader thought that Fang Mingyue was going to call his family.

“138…” Fang Ming read a string of numbers out.

Honk…… Doodle…… Soon the phone was called.

“Hey hello, are you?” Chu Yao was wearing Mark 50 nanometer armor and flying towards this side of the East China Sea, but was prompted by Nuwa that there was a strange call, so he answered the phone a little strangely.

“Chu Yao, I’m Fang Mingyue, I’m sorry… I lied to you, I can’t come back, I’m sorry, I’m sorry…” Fang Mingyue’s cold tone was filled with reluctance.

She remembered that two days ago, she also swore to Chu Yao twice: I will be back soon.

At this time, she could not fulfill her promise.

“Miss Fang, what are you talking about? What can’t come back?! Chu Yao suddenly felt that something was wrong with her tone.

“Chu Yao, the day you took me shopping two days ago was the most relaxed and happy day in my life, thank you… Goodbye…” Fang Mingyue closed her Qingli eyes, a string of tears slipped from the corner of her eyes, and she cut off the communication…


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