“Guess who I am?” Just when Chu Yao wanted to call Song Wanqing.

Suddenly, a pair of slightly cold snow-white jade hands covered his eyes.

“Teacher Song, how old are you and still play this kind of game?” Chu Yao grinned, suddenly turned around and hugged Song Wanqing behind her, and choked her little zui heavily. ,

Yang Zhijin suddenly glared at the beautiful eye, and the loss of Chuwen made her forget to [earn] for a while.

Chu Yao also sensed that something was wrong, and as soon as his eyes were raised, he met Yang Zhijin’s beautiful eyes, quickly let go of her, and took a step back.

Groove! This time the child kissed the wrong person.

“Sorry, I thought it was Sunset.” Chu Yao pursed his lips, and there was a fragrance of peonies on it, which was completely different from Song Qingqing’s white orchid.

“No, it’s okay…” Yang Zhijin’s face was red as if he was oozing blood, his face was delicate, and his eyes were evasive and did not dare to look at him.

Zhang Xueying’s third daughter, who was standing behind Yang Zhijin, was stunned, and directly covered her mouth and exclaimed: “Brocade, you have been taken advantage of.” ”

They were called by Song Wanqing to find Chu Yao and brought him over by the way.

Then they just saw Chu Yao standing here in a daze, so they wanted to joke with him and tease him, and let Yang Zhijin, who was about the same height as Teacher Song, cover his eyes, and wanted to play Teacher Song to tease him.

Unexpectedly, the scene just now happened…

Only then did Chu Yao see Zhang Xueying and them, and smiled a little embarrassed and said, “Accident, I didn’t know it would be you.” ”

Zhang Xueying glanced at Yang Zhijin inexplicably with some envy, and then gave Chu Yao a blank look and said: “Brother Chu, it’s cheap for you, the brocade hasn’t had a boyfriend yet.” ”

Xiao Xuanyi giggled and stepped forward to hold Yang Zhijin’s arm and said, “Brocade, you didn’t suffer a loss, Senior Chu is also a handsome guy.” ”

Feng Qingrui also leaned over and asked curiously: “Brocade, what does it feel like to kiss?” ”

Yang Zhijin blushed and did not speak, his eyes dodged and did not look at Chu Yao.

Zhang Xueying said with a smile: “Xuanyi, Qingrui, you two converge a little, don’t take the opportunity to bully the brocade.” ”

Saying that, she raised her head again to look at Chu Yao and said: “Brother Chu, Teacher Song asked us to come to you, she is busy arranging for the students in the class to sit down, you come with me.” ”

Chu Yao also knew that he couldn’t mention what happened just now, so he coughed and said, “Then let’s go over, the evening meeting is about to begin.” ”

“Well, let’s go.” Zhang Xueying answered and began to lead the way.

The students in the gymnasium watched four beautiful women hugging Chu Yao and walking over.

Two of them are Zhang Xueying and Yang Zhijin, the two major schools of Tunghai University.

Immediately, he cast his envious gaze on Chu Yao, who was walking among the four women.

This is really the death of drought and waterlogging! This buddy is awesome!

“Brother Chu, the seat of our class is almost here.” Zhang Xueying walked beside Chu Yao and talked to him from time to time.

Yang Zhijin was embarrassed to walk beside Chu Yao, and was walking by Zhang Xueying’s arm with his head down.

Feng Qingrui, who was walking on the other side of Chu Yao, glanced at the boys around her, and said with a smile: “You guys look at these boys, their eyes are wide, it’s so funny.”

Chu Yao naturally felt the color of envy and jealousy of those men around him, and he felt quite refreshed.

It’s like when he went to college, he was also very envious of those male classmates who had beautiful girlfriends, and he would not be angry in his heart, where can he not compare to this male classmate.

And now he has become the object of envy and envy of these students.

Soon, Chu Yao and his party came to the location of their class, and there were about fifty people in the entire class.

At this moment, Song Wanqing in the pile of girls in front also saw Chu Yao, turned around and waved at him: “Chu Chu, come here, I’ll leave you a seat.” ”

Today’s Song Xiaoqing is wearing more formal because of her school, with a black tweed suit top on the upper body, a pink shirt inside, and a printed skirt, which makes her temperament calm and more energetic.

The black pointed velvet high heels on her feet made the already beautiful and indescribable Song Wanqing show a hint of charm in her modesty.

“Let’s go over.” Chu Yao said to the four women beside him, and led them to Song Wanqing’s side.

“Wow puppet~ This boy is so handsome.” Some female students stared at Chu Yao with dumbfounded eyes.

“I heard that it is Mr. Song’s boyfriend, so attractive.” There were also girls who had seen Chu Yao, so they said enviously.

“That’s too handsome, isn’t it? It is several times more handsome than the school grass in our school, and his temperament makes people look so comfortable. The girls’ eyes couldn’t help but be attracted by Chu Yao.

Those male students immediately said sourly: “Don’t be foolish, this is Teacher Song’s boyfriend, be careful that Teacher Song troubles you.” ”

“Hmph, Teacher Song is only strict with you boys, and is good for us girls, we just look at it and don’t want to do it.” The girls shot back.

Those male classmates suddenly stopped speaking sadly and indignantly.

Chu Yao came all the way to where Song Wanqing was, surrounded by all the girls in the class she was in charge.

This is also the common situation of the freshman class, and everyone is not familiar with each other.

Generally, large gatherings like this become girls sitting in a pile and boys sitting in a pile.

And when Chu Yao took Zhang Xueying and they walked over and sat down next to Song Wanqing.

Suddenly there was a feeling of a leaf in a thousand flowers.

There is also the fact that the female students around them have focused their eyes on themselves from time to time.

Song Wanqing put her small hand into Chu Yao’s big hand and winked at him: “How is it, is there a feeling of returning to campus?” ”

Chu Yao said funny: “There really is, and I have completed the things I could only fantasize about in college, and I have become the only man sitting in the pile of girls.” ”

“Beauty kills you.” Song Wanqing glanced sideways at him, her eyebrows were soft and unprovoked, and she covered her mouth and chuckled.

“Hey, Senior Chu, how did you get our Teacher Song chased down?” Feng Qingrui looked at them with a grin and asked.

“I think it’s fate.” Chu Yao grinned and said,

“Why fate?” Zhang Xueying, who was sitting on the other side of Chu Yao, also asked curiously.

“Because, no matter who you meet, he is the person who should be in your life, and it is no accident.” Chu Yao said lightly, and then raised Song Wanqing’s small hand in the palm of his hand, kissed it lightly and continued: “Therefore, I also believe that wherever I go, it is the place I should go, experience the things I should experience, meet, and meet the people I should meet.” ”

“When did you become so good at coaxing.” Song Xiaoqing said beautifully in her heart.

“Wow puppet, Senior Chu, you are so romantic, all appearances and encounters are inevitable, too incisive.” Xiao Xuanyi looked at Chu Yao with starry eyes, and he was foolish again.

“yes, it’s like I’m sitting here today, talking to you, and it’s no accident.” Chu Yao continued to flicker and said.

“Don’t listen to him, he wants to tease you.” Song Xiaoqing covered her waist and said with a smile.

Only Yang Zhijin lowered his head and did not speak, as if he was pondering Chu Yao’s words.

Is he the person he should meet?

But he’s Mr. Song’s boyfriend…

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