Many people know that the value of the dollar is very strong and is used in many countries around the world.

One of the main reasons for this is the dollar oil system!

Oil is a precious energy resource known as “black gold”, and it is an indispensable strategic resource for a country’s survival and development.

Its value has been recognized by people all over the world, and it is a product directly linked to the economy.

There is a saying that “once you can control oil, it means that you control all countries!” ”

Milliken is by controlling the settlement method of oil, so that any country that wants to buy oil must use dollars as a settlement.

That is, for example, if a country wants to buy oil, it has to buy dollars in the foreign exchange market and then pay for the cost of buying oil.

This is equivalent to the monopoly position of the dollar as a medium of exchange, consolidating the hegemony of the dollar and increasing the purchasing power of the dollar.

Therefore, many times, we can see Millikan constantly printing money and releasing water for the people of Millikan to spend.

It is equivalent to that Millikan printed unlimited money to distribute welfare, and the world paid for him unlimited printing money.

Now, Firefish announced that the exported toys would be settled in Xia Guoyuan.

Then that is, which country wants to import firefish toys, you must first go to the foreign exchange market to buy Xia Guoyuan, and then pay for the purchase of toys.

This is equivalent to increasing the purchasing power of Xia Guocoin, and is using toy settlement to impact the monopoly position of the US dollar oil system!

Milikan the Great, after hearing the news, jumped on the spot !!

“Fak!! This firefish’s vengeance is too heavy! Wouldn’t I just want to use a fishing boat to get him to share some technology? To actually storm our dollar system?! ”

“Emperor, what should I do now? As soon as the news of Firefish came out, other countries must lose confidence in our dollar, and then sell the dollar to exchange for Xia Guoyuan, in this way, our dollar will depreciate! ”

The whole parliament of Millikan is a mess!

And on the network of Xia Guo, it is also boiling!!

“Firefish beef than fried!!! Unexpectedly slapped Millikan and did not let him go, and kicked Milliken fiercely! It’s so cool!! ”

“Chu Dong, this is going against the sky!! The temper just exploded!! It’s about to impact the status of the international currency! ”

“I just want to know, who else in the world can point at Milliken and scold and kick Milliken again!?”

“Chairman Chu Yao is awesome!! Firefish is the pride of our entire Xia Kingdom!! ”

“Chairman Chu Yao’s wave, it’s too explosive!! This is better than enough for me to blow for a few years!! ”

“My mother asked me why I was kneeling and brushing my neck, and I just wanted to say, I’m kneeling the super fairy of the firefish!”

“That’s awesome!! Firefish, this is to benefit the whole Xia Kingdom!! ”

“If you have any foreign currency. Immediately converted back to Xia Guoyuan, the exchange rate of Xia Guoyuan will rise sharply! ! ”

The entire network of Xia Guo was directly taken over by firefish-related newspapers!!

On this Mid-Autumn Night, Firefish will bring a wave of super gains!!

This kind of gain is that when the exchange rate of the Xia national currency rises, for example, the previous exchange rate of the US dollar is 1:6.94, and if not, it may rise to 1:3, then the goods of Milliken, like the Apple mobile phone, 699 US dollars a piece, imported to, our country does not count tariffs, it becomes 210 national currency!

It is equivalent to the goods of Millikan in the past, imported to our Xia Kingdom, and it is half as cheap.

Moreover, it is not only Millikian’s goods, but the world’s goods imported into Xia Country are cheaper.

This is the huge benefit that the rise of Xia Guoyuan brings to Xia Guo people!!

When the exchange rate of Xia Guoyuan rises in the international currency market, then correspondingly, you can buy more things with less money, and the purchasing power of Xia Guoyuan continues to rise! ! !

Therefore, many Xia Guo people who have foreign exchange, or foreign currency, quickly began to exchange for Xia Guo currency.

Because if the change is slow, originally 100 US dollars can be exchanged for 694 Xia Guoyuan, and after the Xia Guoyuan exchange rate rises, then there will be no 694! ,

At the same time, other countries also began to take notice, and began to sell foreign exchange to buy Xia Guocoin…

And because the US dollar was the world’s common international currency before, the foreign exchange of many countries is at most the US dollar, so now the most foreign exchange is the US dollar…

At this time in the Milliken Congress, there has long been a mess!

“The Great! Xia Guo’s side directly sold $2 trillion in foreign exchange at one time! ”

“The Great! The Giant Bear Country also directly sold $1 trillion in foreign exchange!! ”

“The Great! The Gallic country also sold $500 billion in foreign exchange! ”

“The Great! Koryo Guo also sold $300 billion in foreign exchange!! ”

“The Great! The Sun Country also sold $300 billion in foreign exchange!! ”

“The Great!! ……”

“It’s over!! No one took over these foreign exchanges!! Our dollar has already depreciated by 20%! “,

Millikan has maintained its international currency hegemony for decades, and it is the first time that it has been hit by such a huge impact!!

Fortunately, they still control oil, and whoever wants to buy oil has to buy it in dollars, and they did not let those countries completely abandon the dollar, otherwise Millikian’s finance would have to collapse today!

Soon, Emperor Millikan recalled the press conference again and quickly came out to speak.

“We Millikan think that it is a liberal country, and we will not coerce any enterprises or individuals, so I made a mistake, in order to replenish firefish, we Milliken will greatly reduce the toy tariffs on firefish…”

When this report spread to the entire world of the world, it once again caused a blatant wave! !

“Miriken the Great! Actually admitted it?! ”

“Groove!! This old rogue actually admitted his mistake with the firefish?!! ”

“Firefish, this is going to be fried!!”

“If you can make Emperor Milikan admit it, there will only be firefish in the whole world?!”

“Firefish, this is also awesome!! A bib, a global event!! ”

“Hahaha!! Today’s Mid-Autumn Festival night is so cool!! Emperor Milliken only threatened the firefish to hand over the technology on the front foot, and apologized on the back foot for the tariff! This big drama is simply wonderful! ”

And Chu Yao saw Emperor Millikan admitting his mistakes, and directly issued a response: “Is it useful to admit mistakes? Why do you want the police? Don’t you call yourselves the policeman of the world? Firefish toys Xia Guoyuan settlement method remains unchanged, and soon Firefish will have new toys launched, so stay tuned! ”

When Chu Yao’s neck came out!

The whole world was shocked by Chu Yao’s strength and domineering!!

The only person who can not give face to Emperor Milikan so much is Chairman Chu Yao! !

Soon, Xia Guo was at 21:30 on the day.

Milliken 9:30 a.m.! Mi stock open!!

Three minutes time… The entire broad market stock was stimulated by this and fell directly by 7%! Trigger the first circuit breaker of the day again…


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