Bai Ye touched his chin, and said with some uncertainty: "With so many cannon fodder and alien beasts to open the way, it is clear that so many low-level alien beasts will consume our long-range artillery. Cannon D is definitely not enough, and even a long distance away. This is definitely a great test for the logistics department. It is estimated that some big men in the assembly department are already busy and busy. Burnt out."

"Following this trend, we must re-divide the logistics route and logistics resources, otherwise, there is no way to completely supplement the front line."

But he is also an old soldier who has been in the army for 10 years.

Bai Ye doesn’t need to read Gao Jun’s explanation at all.

At first sight, I saw the specific purpose of the alien beast, its sinister intentions, and its own crisis.

"Then what shall we do?"

"If the long-range artillery is not enough, we can only fight in close quarters. Didn't we account for a big loss, piled up and piled up on the wall of our city? Those high-ranking monsters, with such a huge body, will just come up directly. "Wang Han thought of the tragic scene of the Great Wall of Life breaking, and couldn't help but shudder, and the goose bumps all over his body appeared directly.

Without even thinking about it,

If the city is broken, it will definitely bring a **** storm, and it will be accompanied by a large number of casualties.

In history,

The Great Wall of Life in the Huaguo region has collapsed three times, and the casualties taken away in each case are no less than one million.

This is the whole country,

Even the pain that the whole world can't bear!

And now, is it about to usher in a new one?


"We absolutely can't let it go like this. If we keep on stacking it like this, it will definitely cause big problems."

Wang Ziwen, who was watching from the side, said with a solemn face: "You have to find a way to clear all the cannon fodder on the front line, otherwise, the longer the delay, the more serious the crisis."

Jiang Ziyan also nodded, sitting there and watching carefully, supporting her chin with her hands, her eyes gleaming, she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Brother Bai, I think it can be burned with fire!"

At this time,

Lu Ping suddenly inserted the topic and said abruptly:

"How do you say?" Bai Fan asked, his eyes shot out, and he looked at Lu Ping intently.

The reason why he raised this question in the whole group,

On the one hand, it is more accurate to understand the situation on the front line, on the other hand, see if we can share it, especially the brainstorming among the team members, it is very likely that a way to control the enemy will be born.

In many cases,

Some seem to be very peculiar, and this is how the one-stroke method of defeating the enemy came out.

"These alien beast attributes from the different planes, according to Bai Ge's research results, are biased towards the cold side. This has been scientifically demonstrated, so the high temperature of the flame is their natural nemesis, and I don't think there is any. Something that can spread more quickly than fire. Once connected, let alone 500,000, even 1 million."

Lu Ping said forcefully, the more he said, the firmer he was, and his expression became more excited.

"No, Xiaopingzi, how do you burn it with fire on the sea?"

"This is not the high temperature that cannon D erupts in an instant. You are talking about the kind of continuous flame. It should be more difficult to handle." Wang Han asked such a question. However, as soon as the voice fell, the people next to him felt strange. Looked at him with eyes.

Especially Lu Ping, looking at Wang Han’s eyes, it was like looking at a pure-blooded Erha.

"Wang Han, I think, after this task is over, you should read more and read more books. It will always do no harm. If you ask you to read more, you always ran out to herd cattle. If you know a little bit, you should There is no need to ask such a question."

"Huh?" Wang Han didn't quite understand.

"Yes, it seems that you still don't want to understand, let Brother Bai explain it to you."

Lu Ping referred the problem to Bai Fan.

Bai Fan smiled slightly and pointed to the Great Wall of Life in the video: "Lu Ping is talking about a white L incendiary bomb. This incendiary bomb is forbidden internationally, because it is very inhumane. The ignition point of the white L is At 40 degrees, it can be said that it will basically burn quickly in the air. It will not go out unless all the nutrients are completely burned. Many times the bones will burn out. However, what we are facing this time is not ours. The same kind, but a different beast, I think this aspect should be able to be mentioned, and it does not violate the relevant regulations."

Heard that,

Wang Han suddenly realized that he waved his hand in embarrassment.


"I have indeed heard of this stuff, but I didn't expect to go there at all."

"You discuss, you discuss, I'll go and see the situation outside... I will let you go."

Wang Han smiled, took two steps back, and walked away from the whole discussion group.

Wang Han's embarrassing movements,

The group members next to me all laughed.

Especially Lu Ping, who didn't put any cover up, just laughed.

Wang Han's dark face blushed directly,


"Then let's just say that, I'll send the news to Brother Gao to see if I can control it."

at the same time,

The highest front-line command,

Gao Jun was staring at the big screen in front of him, waiting for the arrival of the alien beast.

It's been an entire hour,

I saw a group of alien beasts when they were far away, but the closer they were to the Great Wall of Life, the more they slowed down. I don’t know whether it was intentional or unintentional. Anyway, the time is getting longer and longer. Just now, according to According to the analysis of the General Staff, the move of the alien beast should be to fit better and make the density more noble. To put it simply, it is to increase the number and completely consume the artillery. Such a discovery can not help but make Gao Gao Jun got a headache again,

When did these things become so smart again.

It's totally a time, the appearance of a star!


"These **** beasts are smarter again. It's not a good sign to go on like this." Gao Jun rubbed his head and said cursingly.

At this time,

With a ding-dong, a text message came from his personal terminal.

Gao Jun opened it quickly and found that it was a brief message.

After reading the above content, my brows frowned from the original and suddenly stretched out.

Can't help but smile:

"Good guy, I told you that you were right!"

"I can come up with such a way."

The content of the newsletter, after Bai Fan's supplement, has become easier to operate.

First of all, the air force department is carrying out a series of flammable items such as gasoline or diesel on a large scale. As long as it can be burned and covered, it can fall down and cover all low-level alien beasts. Then, It is to throw a white L incendiary bomb on a large scale to achieve the effect of burning into one piece.

If Gao Jun had obtained the treasure, he hurried to Gao Zhi.

Seeing my son in a hurry,

Gao Zhi's face turned dark, and he reprimanded: "What's the matter, hurriedly, when did the chief military officer of a base become so uncomfortable? How can he lead troops?"

Gao Jun didn't care about his father scolding him,

He just kept smiling with excitement, handed the personal terminal straight over, pointed at the content on it, and quickly said:

"Legislative commander, there is a way that should be able to solve the logistical problems for us."

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