The Global Era: The Arrival of the Beast

Chapter 356: Permeating up and down

Laser guidance, when the name appeared in the command center, it undoubtedly stunned all the bigwigs directly, and fell into deep horror. What's the joke? This thing is like they are sitting next to a dynamite stove. As long as they are slightly careless, they slammed it, and the flames splattered everywhere.

Therefore, they did not dare to delay this question, and reported it layer by layer, and directly stab Tang Zheng.

"Laser guidance!"

"Deploy laser weapons?"

"Okay, I said that the situation was calm last night. The intelligence department didn't move at all. It turned out to be waiting for us here. I thought this group of strange beasts had changed their sex. Sure enough, the dogs can't change their feces. I feel at ease in my heart.

Tang Zheng sat in the middle of the conference room and said a few words with a smile, without seeing the slightest fear, and even jokingly said: "Don’t be afraid, everyone. Once the guidance equipment is removed, this thing will burn with the home. There is no difference between sticks."

"Calm down and see how to solve this matter."

The first time it happened,

On behalf of Huaguo, Tang Zheng pacified the senior officials of various countries, saying that he would complete this investigation as soon as possible, and urgently send them into the hotel room for strict protection. At the same time, related laser investigations are also underway. ,

Bai Fan was right when he found one.

But is there a second one?

No one can tell this.

It cannot be said to bet on the lives of high-level global leaders. This is impossible and unrealistic.

In the unlikely event that something happens, the entire world will suffer a major earthquake, and it will be a devastating blow to the global cause of fighting alien animals.

Therefore, dozens of investigators, under the above arrangement, swarmed in. Every corner was searched without landing. The newly completed booth was also swarmed to find out all the guidance. equipment.

It completely runs through the persistence that would rather kill a hundred mistakes than let go of one,

"How about the source of the black man's personnel?"

"where are they from?"

"And what is the reason for them to bring this kind of thing into the venue?"

"Is it our internal problem or some reason?"

Tang Zheng stood up, scanning everyone in front of him in turn, and said thoughtfully,

Putting strong pressure on everyone present!

Some even have to sweat underneath.

In the entire venue, there are dozens of inspection systems in total.

If we say that these things are brought in, the greatest possibility is that there will be an inner ghost.

Upon hearing this, the head of the intelligence department rose to the sound and said: "The chief of the report, according to preliminary investigations, this man in black comes from a small country in China and belongs to the security of that country’s senior leaders. Personnel, with the help of this identity, came in."

"Shortly after the incident, we immediately sent relevant intelligence personnel to investigate, but unexpectedly discovered that this small country was completely infiltrated. From top to bottom, even the chief T was their puppet, let them At the mercy of the government, they brought a large number of laser guidance equipment into the venue under the cover of the entire national department. This problem, which we did not expect before, is a mistake in our work. Please punish it."

"At present, we have now controlled all personnel, in the hotel's 1917 room."

After finishing talking, the person in charge suddenly bowed his head, his face flushed with anger or shame.

He was a staff and intelligence officer specially dispatched by Tang Zheng from the Supreme Military Headquarters. He deliberately made a comprehensive plan for the entire venue. It can be said that he is one of Tang Zheng's most trusted people and was given great expectations. However, that's it. , He still failed Tang Zheng's trust in him and made such a big loophole there.

He really couldn't believe it. If he really made laser guidance for the alien meat organization, some D bombs would come down from the sky, and the venue would be messed up.

What would be the consequence of that!

He can't even think about it!

The whole body was shaking involuntarily,

As you can imagine, by that time, everything will be over.

At the very least, each country will enter a period of chaos, and in this chaotic period, the aliens will definitely attack. The final result need not be said, it is naturally self-evident.

This is the current situation,

If something goes wrong at a certain key point, it is likely to affect the overall situation of the global fight against alien beasts.

Nothing is sloppy!


"The whole thing was directly infiltrated. What are you kidding me? That's a sovereign G house, with more than 2 million people going up and down. What is going on? Is it possible to be controlled by one person?"

"When did the alien beast evolve to this level?"

A big guy sitting in the audience was surprised and almost jumped up.

Think about it, how horrible,

Although this country is a small country, the sparrow is small and well-equipped,

It sounds like a very scary thing!

Moreover, they saw something deeper in this news.

"Come on, Xiao Zhang, don't worry, don't lower your head, say slowly, this time the responsibility is not on you, no one thought it would be such a situation, and you were controlled up and down."

At this time, another big man was beside him comforting the head of the intelligence department.

He saw that the head of the intelligence department was very ashamed at this time.

"Well, don't worry!"

"Speak slowly and see if there are any other clues."

"It should be your reason, you can't escape, but it's not your responsibility, and the board won't hit you."

"Don't worry!" Tang Zhengrong became solemn. If this is the case, then the matter is much more serious, both in terms of nature and impact.

To glimpse the full picture of the knowledge of the wild,

A small country can control it, so if a little more time is wasted, can the entire big country control it?

This is what Tang Zheng must think about first, and he must also think about it. He is responsible for the entire country of China and even the whole world.

"This small country was controlled a year ago. At first, it was just some grassroots workers who took advantage of some of their greedy characteristics. Then, based on this, it slowly infiltrated upwards. As time passed, it was different. The infiltration led by the animal organization gradually turned into a giant net. In the end, even the high-level leaders were captured and became a true member of them. It was because the integrity was maintained very well that it was not cleared out by the last plan... ………"

I cleaned up my emotions a bit,

The person in charge continued to say that some are facts, and some are based on the judgment of the entire department.

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