Wherever they passed, high-rise buildings were easily destroyed and collapsed one after another.

Most of them are in ruins, and there is no use keeping them.

Chen Wei doesn't need to scrape resources around anymore, stirring and crushing everything in this way will not only open up the space, but also wipe out the zombie monsters hiding in the building.

[Successfully killed the zombies! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Black Iron Treasure Box x1! 】

[Successfully killed high rank zombies! Congratulations to the host for getting the bronze treasure chest x1! 】

[Successfully killed the brain-eater zombies! Congratulations to the host for getting the bronze treasure chest x1! 】


The reward refresh rate was too fast, Chen Wei was annoying, so he simply turned it off, temporarily hidden it, and did not display it.

At that time, go directly to the system backpack and see how much the number of treasure chests increase.

How can he remember so many things.

The program team used Chen Wei's transformation into a giant centipede as a gimmick, and put advertisements everywhere.

The heat in the live broadcast room is steadily rising, and it is a bit too conservative to say that the speed of the rocket is a bit too conservative.

[Good guy, you tell me this big centipede is changed from human? 】

[My God, just came, has such a perverted creature appear on the Blue Star now? 】

[There are still people in Blue Star? Don’t engage in headline parties, or I’ll report it! 】

[This minute, at least 10,000 new viewers must come in, a well-deserved brother in the live broadcast industry]

[Are there any foreign friends? Add friends to communicate, only for women]

[What are you thinking about communicating? 】


"The promotion was very successful. Within a few minutes, hundreds of thousands of people were introduced, and the retention rate exceeded 90%!" The staff reported the situation to the director who came up.

"Okay, continue to promote, we must make this program a national level!" The director has great ambitions, who doesn't want to keep his name in history.

This is definitely the closest he has ever been to that goal in history, so you have to seize the opportunity anyway!

"But more and more people are beginning to question that we have monopolized the income that belongs to the anchor. The noise is getting louder and louder, what should we do?" the staff asked.

"In other words, all of them will be donated to national institutions for relevant research and strive to return to Bluestar as soon as possible. Of course, the operation part must be explored." The director added.

To maintain the operation of such a large program, the labor cost alone is not a small expense.

"Yes!" The staff immediately contacted the relevant personnel to write the copy, and after confirming that the content was correct, the official account would be used for publication.

The official account of the show "Back to Blue Star" has been created in less than ten days and has attracted more than three million people's attention, of which 35 percent are foreign IP addresses.

Soon, ten minutes later, a copy of the text passed the director’s review and was transferred to the staff’s mailbox. The page was switched, copied and pasted, and sent with one click.

The comment area immediately responded, after all, someone was staring at it all the time.

[Donated to the country for research is not unacceptable]

[I hope to research it out as soon as possible. The Universe spacecraft that feeds the anchor will be automatically piloted throughout the journey]

【upstairs? Are you crazy? What if I let them know about Yan Xing's existence and call him? 】

【nonsense! Male god is not such a person, he must be very gentle]

【gentle? you sure? Judging from his decisiveness and cruelty in slaying monsters, how come it has nothing to do with these two words, right? 】

[It's good for monsters, it's good for people, haven't you seen that, he even barbecues and cooks soup for the two girls, now how many men can cook for themselves? 】

[Uh... as long as you are happy]


Where there is discussion, there must be controversy, and no one can convince anyone. In the end, they often fall apart and block each other.

Director's office.

At this moment, as the chief director, the man is seriously thinking about how to promote this show to a higher position than it is now?

Propaganda is definitely necessary, but how to propagate and where to propagate are very important and need to be considered one by one.

The propaganda fees are all real money and must not be wasted at will.

Boom boom boom.

At this moment, the door of the room was knocked suddenly, sounding anxious.

"Come in." The director said.

"Director, the Goathead Giant and the anchor are about to meet!" The staff swallowed and said.

He has been responsible for monitoring the situation of the Goat's Giant.

"What!" This is the huge explosion point the chief director needs. He immediately stood up, came out of the office, and asked the staff to take themselves to see the situation.

"Look at the director, according to this schedule, in less than ten minutes, the two parties can meet, even if one of them suddenly changes direction, they can notice each other's existence from their perspective." The staff member said own. analyze.

"Okay, okay, let the people in the propaganda department quickly replace the slogan and market around the war between the anchor and the goat's head giant." The director ordered without hesitation.

At the same time, the other side is responsible for cutting the live screen into two parts.

Part of the live broadcast of Chen Wei turned into a centipede, and some of the live broadcasts moved forward slowly, but one step was hundreds of meters away. Wherever they passed, there was a lifeless giant with sheep's head.

The live broadcast room suddenly boiled.

[What is this? 】

[This guy with a sheep head, isn't it a human being? 】

[Uh, it should not be, it appeared in the live broadcast room much earlier than the anchor]

[This is really big enough]

[Wait, look at it, the title of the live broadcast room has changed. Is this the rhythm of the fight? 】

[Who do you think can win? I bet on the anchor]

[An inch is long and an inch is strong, I also bet on the anchor]

[I think the Goathead Giant can win. The reason is very simple. That guy has his Death aura, wherever he walks, living will become inanimate, similar to Devil, Cthulhu]

[But don’t be okay]

[Turn your head quickly, avoid, avoid! 】

[Is it possible, that guy is here for the anchor? 】

[Is there so much competition between monsters and monsters? 】


Chen Wei suddenly stopped.

He looked up at the sky, and in the distance, a black cumulus cloud was slowly pouring toward him.

"What's the situation? Why did the sky suddenly change?" Chen Wei wondered.

This cloud looks extremely abnormal, a little bit like a toast bread torn apart.

Below the clouds, there is a heavy fog, which gives people a strong sense of oppression.

"Is it right? Something big is coming?" Chen Wei couldn't help but think about the bad weather in this abnormal weather.

Walk the last days, carefully sail the ship of ten thousand years.

boom! boom! boom!

When the goat head giant entered the kilometer-level range, Chen Wei's centipede that touched the ground could feel the vibration.

Getting closer and stronger.

From this, he was even more sure that something was approaching him!

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