The Global Reshuffle of Space

Chapter 173: send firewood

  Chapter 173 Sending Firewood

   "Hehe, don't curl your lips, the points seem useless, but don't forget that the points can be directly exchanged for goods.

  You can change whatever you like! "

   "Can you change the gun?"

   "Of course not! Gun control is strict, and a bad environment will only make the control even stricter.

  I will talk about it later when I have a chance. "

  Xiao Xingzhou smiled, what has been reached now is only a verbal agreement, and the promise will not be fulfilled until they make the medicine effective.

   "Take out all the high-yield grains that are going to be exchanged, and put them in the yard to dry."

  The food harvested at home is still fresh, which cannot be discovered by others.

  Xiao Yueling put all the high-yield grains he had obtained in the yard to dry. With a few windows open, the temperature in the yard soared, and the grandpa and grandson quickly hid in the cave.


  After a month of torrential rain, the newly harvested grains of the villagers were not dried in time, and some of them became moldy, germinated, and even rotted.

  As soon as the sun came out, every family was busy drying and shaving off the bad parts.

  The place where each household can dry is full of grain, and some people even put it on the roof, and they don’t care about the scorching sun at this time.

   Preserving food is the most important thing. Although it is unpalatable, it can fill the stomach anyway. The villagers are dragging their weak bodies and working hard.

  During the heavy rain, some people did not actively respond to logging, and did not want to eat raw food when there was no electricity, so they could only use all the wood that could be burned at home to make a fire for cooking.

  When the rain stopped, there was not even a table left at home.

   Those who have participated in logging and took back the straw in a hurry can easily survive the heavy rain.

  But they are also more concerned about collecting firewood, and they are all afraid of similar situations happening again.

  Although the sun reappeared, they still lived a primitive life. The photoelectric generator shared by the whole village was damaged by acid rain and could not be used.

   At this time, they can only show their talents, and put out the small household appliances of each family to charge them under the scorching sun.

  Cooking is still the biggest problem, and collecting firewood has become the first thing for many people.

   Right now they just want to collect, but they are powerless, and it takes all their energy to dry the food.

  The optical brain can't be used either, and the villagers trapped at home feel abandoned by the whole world, as if living on an isolated island, isolated from the world.

  When they were bored before, they could still chat in the group, watch the video to see the outside world.

  But now he has become a lonely family, and he can only find someone by shouting.

  【I really hope someone can come down from the sky and help me! 】

  【When will the garrison remember us! 】


   "Fellow townsman, please open the door. We are the garrison on the mountain, bringing you firewood."

  The villagers who wished to become a reality moved out excitedly to open the door. When they saw the soldiers descending from the sky, they burst into tears and almost threw themselves into their arms and cried.

   "My fellow, please don't get excited. There are still many people in the village who need help."

  The soldier stretched out his hands to support the big man who threw himself on him without changing his expression, but his face kept twitching.

   "Okay, I'm not excited, thank you Bingge.

  My family has eaten raw food for three days, and with diarrhea, I am the only one who can barely move now.

   Hurry up, inside please! "

  Bingge paused when he entered the house, held his breath and put down two bundles of chopped firewood, turned around and went out, exhaling secretly.

   "Each family will send two bundles of firewood, and the villagers will have to solve it by themselves in the future.

  The specific medicine is on its way, and it will be delivered to Nanshan Village soon, so keep at it. "

   "Okay, okay, it's good to have medicine,

   You can send two bundles of firewood, which has already solved my family's urgent need. I will solve the rest by myself. I am very grateful to the army for taking care of us.

  Thank you Bingge! "

   "Serve the people!"

  Bing Ge left after a standard salute, and everyone in the village was in the same situation.

  As soon as they entered, there was a stench that went straight to their foreheads. After running around, they felt that smell all over their bodies.

  The soldiers who delivered the firewood all gathered together and reported their respective situations.

   "Captain Min, we seem to have missed a family. Which one of you sent to Xiao Yueling's family?"

  Rao Pei was deeply impressed by Xiao Yueling, although she cut down a lot of firewood by herself, it’s okay if she doesn’t give it away.

  But everyone in the village gave it away, it would be too obvious not to give it to the Xiao family, so I just took this opportunity to go to her house to see what's going on.

  Every household in the village has infected people, and her family should be no exception.

  They don't understand why she goes out to cut wood by herself every time. Isn't there anyone else at home?

  If there is a man in the family, it would be a bit unreasonable for a girl to go out to work every day.

   "No, not on my side!"

   "Neither on my side!"

   "You forgot that Xiao Yueling said that her family lives in Shishan, and she happened to be on the way back when she returned." Min Xinghe said.

  The soldier who delivered the firewood together was also very curious about Xiao Yueling's family. It can be said that there is no one in the 855 regiment who knows her who is not curious.

   "Go, go back!"

  Five large trucks drove to the station under the scorching sun. When they stopped at a fork, several people looked up through the windows.

  A bare stone mountain with a height of nearly 500 meters and a large enclosed yard in the middle of the mountain.

   "Captain Min, that should be Xiao Yueling's family!

  Go, let's go up and have a look. "

  Rao Pei took the lead to get out of the car, and gathered the remaining firewood in the five cars into one car, a total of eight bundles.

  The five soldiers all got into Min Xinghe's truck, and they also wanted to see what kind of family the Xiao family was like.

   Let a girl in her teens go out to work every day, and the men in the family don't show their faces once.

   Maybe the brothers have to teach her a lesson, those men who don't have a seed.

  Although you can't hit someone yourself, verbal attacks are still possible.

  The big truck was parked outside the gate of Xiao’s house, and Min Xinghe could tell at a glance that the wall was different, and the thickness was almost as thick as the separation wall.

  The tall and thick walls are definitely the first in Nanshan Village. With this house alone, they can't underestimate the Xiao family.

   "You all stay in the car, I'll knock on the door!" Min Xinghe said to the people in the car.


  Actually, several people really want to call the door together. The momentum on the first side must be well-controlled, which is conducive to them going in and attacking others.

  The few people in the car secretly wanted to show off their eloquence, and stalking people is their strong point.

   "Papa papa!"

  Min Xinghe patted on the heavy iron gate and shouted loudly: "Xiao Yueling, are you home?"

  Hearing the knock on the door, Xiaoheixiaobai quickly rushed out of the cave and yelled at the door.

   "Wow, woof, woof..."

  Min Xinghe, who was about to knock on the door again, heard the barking of the big dog, took two steps back, and a hint of interest flashed in his eyes.

  When I saw a small and flexible probe protruding from the iron door, I became more interested. It seems that the Xiao family is not as simple as it appears on the surface.

  Min Xinghe stepped back two meters, his whole body exposed under the probe, with a smile on his face.

  (end of this chapter)

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