The Global Reshuffle of Space

Chapter 203: temperature plummets

  Chapter 203 The temperature plummets

  Xiao Xingzhou glanced at the dishes on the shelf. He might not be able to keep the temperature. At this time, he didn't dare to turn on the air conditioner to keep warm.

  He was afraid that it would continue to be cold, and he didn't even have enough electricity for lighting, let alone kitchen appliances at home.

   In the yard, only a few charcoal pots can be burned to keep warm and keep the vegetables alive for a longer period of time.

   Xiao Xingzhou, who felt cold hands, went back to the house to prepare a charcoal basin. Xiao Yueling stomped her feet in the yard. She was still wearing single shoes, and the first thing she felt was her feet were cold.

  She dialed Bu Kun's communication, and the other party's projection appeared in the courtyard.

   "Ling'er, what do you want to do with grandpa?"

  Xiao Yueling saw that Bu Kun was looking for something sideways. The room was not very bright, so it should be the room where Xiao Kai lived.

   "Grandpa Kun, how is your side?

  The temperature is dropping rapidly, do you have winter clothes to wear? "

   "Yes, I am looking for clothes for Xiao Kai, the temperature in the cave is not bad.

  I have fuel rods here to keep it from getting cold, do you need them? "

  Bu Kun found out a set of thick clothes. Fortunately, he brought two more sets of winter clothes when he came, otherwise they would not have to wear them.

  He is an old man, but he can wear Lao Xiao. Xiao Kai, a five-year-old Xiaodouding, can't wear Linger's clothes!

  Bu Kun really didn't want any boy to wear Xiao Yueling's clothes, even if it was five-year-old Xiaokai.

  Looks like it's time to prepare thick winter clothes. An old man like him always has something to think about.

   "Linger, is there any winter clothes for the resident?"

   "Yes, isn't there one at Grandpa Kun's house?

  Let me order a few sets for you first! Many people will be unprepared for the sudden drop in temperature, and it will be difficult to buy at that time. "

  Xiao Yueling hung up the communication without waiting for Bu Kun to reply. Since she asked this question, she must have not prepared any winter clothes.

  Xiao Yueling called Min Xinghe again, first asked him about the greenhouse, and said after knowing that there was no problem.

   "Brother Min, help me order ten sets of winter down jackets, sweaters, and underwear for two people, and five pairs of boots each.

   Adults are about the same height as you, and they are worn by Grandpa Kun.

   There is also a five-year-old boy in his family. The height of a normal child should be one size larger.

  If there are hats, gloves, scarves, socks, etc., they should be thicker, and it is best to have warm clothes..."

   "Hehe, your idea is really beautiful. Where can I find you a constant temperature suit when the hailstorm just happened, there is no one for sale in the entire resident.

  I will keep the clothes for you first, and pay points to Lin Feixiang when I get them, and they will not be delivered to you until the hailstorm stops. "

  Min Xinghe secretly laughed that this guy reacted very quickly, and he even knew to leave clothes for her through the back door.

  The temperature dropped sharply this time, so there must be not enough winter clothes. My wife and daughter didn’t bring winter clothes when they came, so I had to prepare a few more sets for them.

   It is not a family that did not prepare winter clothes. Most of the people who went from the city to the countryside did not prepare thick winter clothes.

  It was so hot when I left, who would bring a winter coat that would be too hot to see.

   At this time, they couldn’t go out again, and those who didn’t have winter clothes had to hide at home, put on all the clothes they could wear, wrap them tightly and be squeezed together by the whole family to keep warm.


  Many villagers' homes were in darkness, and the unified power supply system of the resident was damaged. Only a few houses in the village could see lights, and those lights belonged to the light source emitted by rechargeable desk lamps.

  People who are hiding in basements or caves are most worried about the crops in the field, which will be harvested in two or three months.

   Now it was destroyed by a huge hailstorm, it would be a lie not to feel sad.

  Especially when gathering crowds to gamble some time ago, they lost their food to those who had very little left.

  At this time, when I thought of the huge hailstorm outside, my heart felt as uncomfortable as being fried in a frying pan.

  That is the ration of the family, the life of the family, there will be very little left after the hailstorm, everyone understands this truth.

  But there is still a glimmer of hope in my heart, hoping that all this will pass soon and everything will remain the same.

   "Hey, it's all your fault. I lost all the food in the family. How will our family live next..."

  Chai Ping cried about the evil deeds of the man Lao Zhang, and when she thought of the food tank that was about to bottom out at home, she hated this domineering man at home to death.

  Their family’s popularity in the village is not very good, Chai Ping is very aware of this, it is impossible to find someone to borrow food.

  It is even more impossible to use points to exchange, because the points they exchanged for food at home were used up at that time.

  I thought that the harvest of more than 4,000 catties of grain would be enough to feed a family for several years.

   I didn't expect to be completely defeated by this father and son, and this season's harvest was destroyed again. How will I live the next day.

  Chai Ping looked at Lao Zhang in the eyes, no longer the usual resignation in the dark, but with a bit of resentment.

   "Shut up, I didn't expect this to happen!

  Cry why cry, there are garrisons here, I am afraid that there will be no food.

  I don’t believe it, and the garrison will not care if there is no food. When the time comes, you women’s family, take your children to the gate of the garrison to beg for food.

   If they don’t give food, they cry there. If they dare not give them, they will make a fuss, so that everyone around can see how the garrison treats the common people.

  See what face they have to stay here, who will listen to them in the future. "

  Old Zhang is full of calculations, isn't a soldier supposed to serve the people!

  If you have any difficulties, of course you should find the troops to solve them. This is a fine tradition of the Chinese nation.

   There is also the Xiao family, didn’t their family collect more than 20,000 catties of grain!

  That is also a big family, Lao Zhang believes that it is not only his family who miss Xiao's family.

  He still has some understanding of the character of some people in the village.

  When everyone plays cards together, you can see the character of those people from it.

   Not to mention that it's safe to say, it's okay to see through six or seven points. When the time comes, someone will definitely respond to the fire, and there are so many people that they are afraid of a ball!

  After all, he has been outside for many years. If he doesn't have this kind of vision, those years will be for nothing.

  The people who played cards together were not his family, and people in the same situation as his family would definitely play with the Xiao family's food.

  As long as many people call the door of the Xiao family open, the Xiao family will not be slaughtered by them.

  Lao Zhang didn’t believe what those people said that the Xiao family had run out of food, and it was almost like coaxing ghosts. At this time, someone would exchange all the food.

   No matter how powerful she is, people are going to starve to death, and who cares whether she is powerful or not.

   If he doesn't give it to her, he will go to the door to rob him. He doesn't believe that the dead girl of the Xiao family dares to kill people in front of everyone, so she will die.

  With the law, no one dares to commit murder in public, and besides, the law does not punish the public.

  Lao Zhang, who has been on the construction site for a long time, is very proficient in using this point, and it is also effective after repeated trials.

  He believed that rich people would cherish their lives, not to mention that no matter how powerful the Xiao family was, there were only two people, and they could crush people to death.

  He doesn't believe that he can't subdue that dead girl of the Xiao family. Then it's time for him to clean up his past shame, and maybe he can take advantage of it even more.

  (end of this chapter)

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