The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 976: fisherman

The old man who was chased and killed by those seven people yelled ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, he waved his hands and clapped his hands desperately, inciting the technique of combining magic and martial arts. The waves, whales, sharks, octopuses and other water-type creatures, greeted the fire knives, fire nets, volcanoes, fire bells, flame giants and other killer moves that were coming towards him.

The huge roar of the collision of water and fire resounded in the cave. Although the old man was not weak, he was always fighting against seven. In just a moment, he was forced to be in a hurry by the seven people, quite embarrassed, more and more Dangerous.

"Don't misunderstand everyone, don't misunderstand, I'm just passing by, I'm passing by, I'll go now, I won't delay your making a fortune..." The old man shouted, a smile squeezed on his face at the critical moment, and he was still explaining.

And just as he shouted, a sharp flaming knife traversed thousands of meters in the air, almost slashing across the old man's beard, scorching the old man's beard, and just retreated a hundred meters to avoid the blow, Behind the old man, hundreds of long spears formed by a flame shot at him.

I saw that the old man's body trembled, and the whole person turned into three in an instant. In the blink of an eye, the three old men rushed towards three different directions.

"It's not that easy to escape. Since you also know where this ancient god's body is, then die!" The man who led the seven people sneered, and each commanded two people to catch up with an old man's avatar and besiege the old man. At the same time, he ordered, "Fourth, this old man knows how to escape, go and don't let him run away, first trap him with a formation, we will slowly pack him up and see where he runs..."

"Yes!" A man responded, left the battle group in an instant, and flew to the top of the huge underground space. He took out a glass-colored seven-story pagoda array plate in his hand, and threw it away violently. Out, the array flashed in the air in an instant, and it grew long when it saw the wind. In the blink of an eye, the array covered tens of thousands of square kilometers of airspace, forming a huge cloud in the air, completely covering the bodies of everyone who was still fighting. shape covered.

Although the old man's figure was one to three, and the speed of escape was fast, but in the blink of an eye, he couldn't run thousands of kilometers, so he was trapped by the big formation.


It was not until this time that Xia Ping'an's figure with a leaf in his hand gradually emerged from the void in the sky above the clouds formed by the great formation.

Just now, Xia Ping'an was hiding his figure with a single-leaf-obscured technique, watching those few people fighting.

There are no trees in the ground, and the leaves in Xia Ping's hands are from the mandala and the kingdom of God. As a medium for casting spells, it is convenient to get them.

"Huilong Qijue Formation, interesting, this array is enough to protect the mountain..." Xia Ping'an looked at the big formation under his feet, his eyes flashed, and the next second, the whole person suddenly did not enter the big formation middle.

The old man seemed to have no way out just now, but Xia Ping'an could feel that the old man was still hiding his strength, and he still had some reservations when he used the technique of combining magic and martial arts, so that he would not be killed all at once.

This time the Long Qi Absolute Formation is like a death maze full of crises to others, but to Xia Ping'an, it is a place where one can enter and exit with his eyes closed. After the position of Xia Ping'an changed, Xia Ping'an's figure flashed, and after a while, he had reached the core of the great formation.

In the core of the big array, a surging blood-red sea of ​​fire and several ice-blue water dragons collided in the air, bombarded, the power of water and fire of the five elements roared here, making the radius count. The sky within a hundred miles is filled with flames, the water vapor is filled, the clouds and mists are transpiring, and the power of the five elements is flying in the air like cannonballs and sharp blades.

The old man had been surrounded by the seven people in the great formation again, his hair was disheveled, he was unable to advance or retreat, and was being besieged and killed.

For Xia Ping'an's arrival, including the seven people, no one noticed.

Suddenly, a bang...

A dazzling purple electric light erupted from the old man's body, and the electric light swept across the sky, like a sphere rapidly expanding, swallowing up the surrounding space for thousands of meters, and then turned into a giant pillar, and slammed into a The man who surrounded him, blasted the man into smoke, vomited blood, and shot towards the rear like a cannonball.

In addition, that flash of lightning rubbed against the water vapor in the surrounding void, and streaks of blue electric light spread out from the void like a giant net, blasting the other people who besieged him at once. Retreat tens of thousands of meters away.

"Be careful, what this old man has in his hands is powerful..." a man who was smoldering with electricity shouted.

At this moment, the old man had a golden hammer and a pitch-black chisel more than a foot long in his hand. These two things were like the weapons in the hands of Lei Gong in Chinese legend. The old man's eyebrows stood upright. With a ferocious look on his face, he shouted, "Don't force me, force me again, grandpa, I will perish with your grandchildren..."

As he spoke, the chisel on the old man's hand was facing a guy who was rushing over. He smashed the chisel with a hammer, and a scorching dazzling electric light burst out from the chisel, rubbing against the water vapor in the air. Countless lightnings and a huge and sharp beam of electric light several meters thick passed through the giant flame hand and slammed directly on the person who wanted to rush over, causing the person to vomit blood and shoot into the distance like a cannonball. , submerged into the clouds and mist in the air.

"Big brother, it's an artifact..."

"No, it's an artifact that is still sealed. This old man can't use the power of the thing in his hand..."

"If it's an artifact, we can't stop it..."

"Brothers, kill him, things are ours..."

Several men shouted, and each of them looked at the things in the old man's hands with greedy eyes like hungry wolves seeing their prey.


Xia Ping'an was watching the fun, and the people were dozens of miles away, but he didn't want to, the guy who was hit by the hammer and chisel in the old man's hand and vomited blood and flew upside down just happened to be blasted in front of Xia Ping'an. kilometers away.

The guy was gasping and coughing violently. He was already injured. It seemed that the injury was not too light. As soon as the person stopped in the air, he vomited two more mouthfuls of blood. Then the person gasped, moved his hand, and took out a bottle of medicine pill. , seems to want to take it.

If you don't start with the dish that was brought in front of you, you will be very sorry for yourself.

Just when the man raised his head and was about to take the medicine pill, Xia Ping'an licked his lips and silently came behind the man.

The sky was filled with clouds, mist and fire, Xia Ping'an was in hiding again, and there was no sound between his actions. In addition, the person was injured, and he never thought that there would be a ninth person in this great formation. Not high, so even Xia Ping'an didn't notice the slightest abnormality when he approached behind him.

Just as he had just swallowed the medicinal pill, Xia Ping'an's left hand suddenly covered the man's mouth, the man was startled, and he didn't wait to react. It had silently slammed into the man's heart from behind.

The power of the demonic seal is so great that with Xia Ping'an's cultivation, with one punch, he can overturn the river and the sea within a hundred miles, not to mention directly hitting the vital point of that person at such a close distance.

The terrifying power of the Five Elements exploded in that person's body, turning that person's heart into ashes in just an instant. all human life.

The body of the man who was covered by Xia Ping'an's mouth instantly turned to ashes under this powerful force, and dissipated little by little in the air. Only the weapon in his hand, the battle armor on his body, and some things in the space equipment exploded. come out.

When Xia Ping'an waved his hand, a drop of blood flew out, and powerful soul power was poured into that person's battle armor. The holy weapon armor on that person just dimmed after losing its owner, and instantly had a new owner, and again. Renewed radiance.

And some of the things that broke out of that person were also received by Xia Ping'an in his space equipment.

Then in the blink of an eye, Xia Ping'an turned into that person's appearance, wearing that person's armor, holding the weapon in that person's hand, and rushing towards the other side of the battlefield.

The whole process takes less than three seconds...

On the other side of the battlefield, among the clouds tens of thousands of meters away, there is also a guy whose hair was scorched black by electricity, and the exposed part of the skin outside the armor was carbonized under the electric light. This man just swallowed the medicine pill. , to stop the blood he coughed up, the carbonized skin on his body began to crack, and new skin was growing.

This guy was the first person to suffer a big loss from the old man's hammer and chisel. Because he was the closest to the old man, he was hurt more than the man who was just killed by Xia Ping'an.

"Are you okay..." Xia Ping'an flew to the person and asked.

That person saw Xia Ping'an flying and didn't suspect him at all, but spit out a mouthful of saliva and said fiercely, "It's not a big deal, it will take some time to fully recover, that old dog's trick Duoduan, I almost suffered a big loss from him just now..."

"Yeah, there are definitely a lot of good things on that old man!" As he spoke, Xia Ping'an had already come to that person's side.

"Go, go up together, continue to **** him..." The man said, and was about to fly forward.

"Wait a minute..." Xia Ping'an said, a hand was already on the man's shoulder.

"What's the matter?" The man stopped and just turned around.

Xia Ping'an's hand on the man's shoulder instantly clamped that man's neck like iron tongs, and the hand exploded like a mountain, and with a click, it directly smashed the man's throat. At the same time, Xia Ping'an's right hand The demonic seal of slammed into the man's heart from behind again.

The man stared at Xia Ping'an with a look of astonishment in his eyes, but his body gradually turned to ashes and dissipated in the air...

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