The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 980: Mystery of the ancient gods

clap la la...


As the boss was blasted by Xia Ping'an, the contents of the secret mandala space warehouse of the boss exploded!


Big explosion!


Countless things float in the sky!


It's like having a warehouse dumping its contents out of thin air!


In front of Xia Ping'an's eyes, all of a sudden dazzling flowers bloomed, and all the things that the boss burst out filled his sight.


A large number of divine crystals floated in the sky. At first glance, there were at least seven or eighty thousand of those divine crystals. The divine crystals shone with pale golden light under the light of the flames that had not yet dissipated in the sky. Brilliant luster, extra cute. !


In addition to the divine crystals, there are also metal blocks and gems flashing with various colors and brilliance. As a demigod-level powerhouse who can come to this world, ordinary gold and silver are like dung in the eyes of a demigod powerhouse. It is impossible to enter the eyes of a demigod, so the metal blocks and gems that the boss kept in the spatial warehouse are naturally not ordinary metals and gems, but some rare things that can be used to refine array plates or holy artifacts.


In addition, there are two treasures of God floating in front of Xia Ping'an. The two treasures of God are about the size of a person's hug, and one of them is flashing with amber brilliance, like a huge The gemstone, and a jet black one, looked extremely deep.


Of course, there are also the Jewels!


There is a world bead!


Xia Ping'an didn't know why there were so many things in the eldest's spatial warehouse*. He didn't know whether he got it from the ancient god's body or looted it from other places. It was just an instant, a smile appeared on Xia Ping'an's face. These things just burst out, and before they turned into free fall and fell to the ground, Xia Ping'an waved his hand, and all the things floating in front of his eyes were all at once. , all received in their own space warehouse.


From Xia Ping'an killing the boss to putting away the boss's explosion, everything was just a moment!


Other talents suddenly woke up like a dream!


The old man's eyes lit up, and he suddenly became energetic, as if he saw hope.


As for the three men, their faces suddenly changed, they were shocked and angry, and they couldn't believe it!


"Sixth...what are you doing?" a man roared at Xia Ping'an.


"He's not the sixth.


The fluctuation of Lao Liu's combination of law and martial arts is not like this..." Another person shouted, and the shouting person seemed to remind the other two at once, and the other two suddenly woke up, yes, Lao Liu's law They are all too familiar with the fluctuations of Wuheyi. It is not like this at all. The aura of legal fluctuations revealed by Xia Ping'an's punch just now is domineering and majestic. Can be performed.


"What about Lao Qi and the others?" Another person exclaimed. The other three people who were just shot and injured by the old man didn't show up until this moment when such a big accident happened. Thinking of Xia Ping'an just flew over from the place where Lao Qi was blown away, a bad feeling flashed in the hearts of several people.


"What did you do to Lao Qi and the others?" Someone asked angrily at Xia Ping'an.


"Of course I'm sending them on their way!" Xia Ping'an laughed loudly. Although he was wearing Lao Liu's holy weapon armor, he had regained his "Long Huan" appearance, "Don't leave either, just stay!"… . .


! As he spoke, Xia Ping'an threw a punch at the three of them, directly covering all three with one enemy and three.


As soon as the so-called expert takes a shot, you will know if there is any, Xia Ping'an's punch, the power of the five elements in the void mobilized by the wisdom fist mark, like the mountains pouring down, like the sea surging, and they are not at the same level of energy, follow them. As Xia Ping'an threw a punch, the entire formation was filled with the power of the five elements roaring with wisdom fist marks. The huge fist marks were divided into three and turned into three huge fists with a height of 10,000 meters, flashing blue light, fists Inside is the power of water like the sea, like three icebergs, extremely domineering, and smashed directly at the three people, but in an instant, the fire energy in front of the three was rushed to pieces.


Just now, the old man's method of combining magic and martial arts can also mobilize the power of water, but the power of water that the old man can mobilize is higher than that of Xia Ping'an. At least an order of magnitude worse.

And when the old man saw Xia Ping'an's move, he didn't sit idle and watch the excitement, but seized the opportunity, and charged towards the person closest to him in the form of electricity. The group of electric light entangled a person at once.


Seeing the old man seize the opportunity to make a move, Xia Ping'an gave the old man a high look. The old man's mind was too clear. When he made a move, he first showed his attitude. He would not sit on the mountain and watch tigers fight. It was shown that standing with him, the two were on the same front, and finally he told himself to keep all three of them.


Those three people are not fools!


Before they fought seven times and one fight, the old man couldn't take that old man*, but now they have three fights and two, how could there be any chance of winning.


Therefore, escaping is the most important thing.




In the huge roar that ripped apart the sky, the three people were directly blasted away by Xia Ping'an, and the situation of the man targeted by the old man was even worse. He just resisted the old man's thunder and lightning. He was hit by a giant fist like an iceberg. Although he had already resisted it with all his might and dissolved the strength of many opponents, he was still severely injured in an instant. Under Xia Ping'an's iron fist, the sacred armor on his body roared like a railroad track. The whine is like the roar of the keel of a 10,000-ton giant ship being twisted by the waves in the turbulent sea. The whole person vomited blood, the bones were broken and the tendons were broken, and they were smashed into the distance like a cannonball.


Xia Ping'an laughed loudly, and before the three people could relax, he punched again. This punch turned into a wheel mark, and when the wheel mark came out, the sky in the entire great formation was blown away. In the middle, it was like a huge grinding wheel, and the grinding wheel was spinning, sucking two of the three people into it.


There is only one of the three, the "fourth" who released the big formation just now. While being blasted away by Xia Ping'an, he vomited blood, his body flashed, and between waves, hundreds of metals were released in the air. Puppet swallows, as soon as the hundreds of puppet swallows were released, they rushed towards Xia Ping'an and the old man, and then began to explode, releasing colorful poisonous smoke.


Although the power of the self-destruction of those metal puppet swallows is not comparable to that of the Void Divine Thunder, the explosive power of a metal puppet swallow is also extraordinary within a radius of 1000 meters, and some metal puppet swallows release some poisonous smoke. Horror, it seems to be able to ignite the power of the five elements inspired by the way of the unity of law and martial arts. …. .


! For a time, the sky was like thunder, roaring everywhere, blocking the attack from behind, the scattered power of the five elements was ignited by poisonous smoke, and the fire like a fuse rushed around, forcing the old man who wanted to chase him. Back quickly.


And the "fourth" took the opportunity to rush into the edge of the big and disappeared without a trace.


The old man wanted to chase after him, but Xia Ping'an's wheel seal had already taken shape, bursting out with great power. The wheel seal basically covered all the space inside the big and also blocked the way for the old man to pursue. The old man saw the power of the wheel seal and did not dare to break into it, for fear that he would also Being affected, he could only stomp his feet and watch the "fourth" disappear into the formation, and this big formation* trapped him just now, and he couldn't get out.


Xia Ping'an's wheel fist mark is like a huge grinding disc in the sky, covering the inside of the big array, rolling in, and it can crush everything into powder. Under the power of the wheel mark, the other two people blinked. The kung fu was sucked into the most powerful center by the wheel imprint. The two struggled hard. Looking at them from a distance, the two were like two smoking guns that were ignited and thrown into the iron mill. . There was a little smoke and a fire, but it soon became the residue under the grinding table, and there was no sound.


Five minutes later, Xia Ping'an closed his fists. The two demigod powerhouses who were dragged into the revolving seal had disappeared without a trace. Only a pile of things floated in front of Xia Ping'an, who was waved by Xia Ping'an. absorbed in time.


At this time, the old man rushed over in a hurry, bowed to Xia Ping'an first, and then said anxiously to Xia Ping'an, "There is another person who ran away, don't let him go..."


Xia Ping'an glanced at the old man and smiled in his heart. Of course, that "fourth" was deliberately let go by Xia Ping'an, but the old man didn't know it... .

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