The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 247: Descumb

As the boss of the inspection office, Xia Pingan wanted to come to the inspection office when he wanted to. He avoided the rush hour of going to work in the capital in the morning, and only arrived in a rental carriage at about ten o'clock in the morning. To the outside of the inspection office.

"It is an honor for me to be able to serve adults!"

After opening the door of the carriage for Xia Ping'an, the honest-looking cab driver did not accept Xia Ping'an's money, but after paying a salute to Xia Ping'an, he drove away in the carriage.

Instead, Xia Ping'an was stunned for a while before he smiled bitterly and collected the money again.

The car dealership is very capable. Xia Ping’an originally thought that the carriage was called by him casually on the road. It seems that the dealership should have arranged to wait for him on the street outside the alley. Yesterday’s gorgeous rental carriage was not for him. Goodbye, I guess the car dealer thinks that he doesn't like being too ostentatious, so today he arranged a relatively ordinary-looking rental carriage for himself.

This is also the intention of the car dealers, and Xia Ping'an can't say anything.

The entire capital city was shrouded in drizzle, and the streets were foggy,

The slightly cold air made Xia Ping’an want to buy a carriage. In the upper capital, it’s not too convenient to have no carriage. If you always take a rental carriage, your whereabouts will be exposed and privacy cannot be considered. But if you want to buy a carriage Employing a driver is also a problem. If the driver is unreliable, there will be more troubles.

When he walked to the entrance of the Supervision Office, Xia Ping'an sighed secretly, take his time.

"My lord, you are here..."

Seeing Xia Pingan enter the gate of the Supervision Office under an umbrella, Luo Laoyao ran out from the gatehouse with his dog, and nodded and bowed to Xia Pingan.

Luo Laojiao's dog was also wagging its tail madly at Xia Ping'an, which was quite interesting.

"Has Hua Ziqin come back?" Xia Ping'an asked by the way.

"I have come back. She will come back before dawn today. Except for the person on duty, she was the first to go to the inspection office!"

"Okay, got it!" Xia Ping'an nodded, and walked towards the building of the Supervision Office.

It seems that Hua Ziqin was busy working all night yesterday.

Entering the inspection office, the staff of the inspection office and the summoners who saw Xia Ping'an stood on the side of the aisle one by one, giving way to salute Xia Ping'an.

When she came outside her office, Wei Meiyu hurriedly greeted her and took over Xia Ping'an's umbrella.

Hua Ziqin, who had been waiting outside the office, also stood up, "My lord..."

"Have you got your things?" Xia Ping'an asked directly.

"It has been taken. Several of the victims moved. It took a while to find those people again!"

"Okay, hard work, let's go into the office and talk!" Xia Ping'an opened the door of the office and walked in, and Hua Ziqin also followed in.

"My lord, this is the hair of those women..." As soon as she entered the office, Hua Ziqin opened a bag she was holding, and put a lock of hair tied with a rope in Xia Pingan's On the desk.

It was a whole nine strands of hair cut with scissors. The lengths varied. The longest was about three feet long, and the shortest was less than one foot. Some hair still carried the faint fragrance of women.

"Some victims did not report the crime because of fear and various reasons after being violated. In fact, we estimate that the number of victims is more, there may be dozens of people. That garbage is really damn..." Hua Ziqin said bitterly. As a woman, she hates that kind of man.

"Well, don't worry, you will soon know if that guy committed the crime!"

"That guy has been unable to convict, and we can't find any stronger evidence. We are also worried that we caught the wrong person. Is there any way for the adults?"

"Well, of course!" Xia Ping'an said, and with a wave of his hand, he summoned the black dragon.


Hua Ziqin glanced at Xia Ping'an suspiciously. Summoners who can summon dogs are not uncommon. Most of the dogs summoned by summoners are similar to ordinary dogs. I don't know what the dog called by the supervisor can do.

"Heilong, leave it to you..." Xia Pingan touched Heilong's head and pointed to the hairs on the table. Heilong wagging his tail, jumped flexibly, and jumped onto the table, sniffing between those hairs. Once again, he barked twice at Xia Ping'an and jumped off the table.

"Let's go, let's go to the dungeon..." Xia Ping An said to Hua Ziqin, opened the door, and took the black dragon towards the dungeon of the Supervision Department. Hua Ziqin also followed Xia Ping'an. past.

After going down two floors, he finally came to the inner guard duty room outside the dungeon. Seeing Xia Ping'an appear, Qi Dafeng quickly arranged his clothes and came out to welcome him.

"Go to the interrogation room and bring the person from cell 11!" Xia Ping'an said to Qi Dafeng.


Qi Dafeng glanced at the black dragon following Xia Ping'an, and walked towards the interrogation room with Xia Ping'an and Hua Ziqin, and arranged for his subordinates to bring the people from cell eleven.

The interrogation room is a room less than 30 square meters. In the room, there is a metal chair fixed on the ground.

Xia Ping'an and Hua Ziqin just sat down in the interrogation room, and the summoner from cell 11 that they had seen yesterday was brought.

An inner guard opened the iron chair of the interrogation room, stuffed the guy into the chair and sat down, then locked the chair again, and then exited the interrogation room.

Only Xia Pingan and Hua Ziqin were in the entire interrogation room.

"My lord, I am wronged. I have already said everything that should be said. I am really not the QJ guilty you were looking for. This is all a misunderstanding..." The guy probably had been interrogated more than once, and he started to scream as soon as he sat down. stand up.

"Did you commit a crime, we will know soon!" Xia Ping'an said, pointing to the person, and the black dragon, who had been sitting obediently next to Xia Ping'an, rushed towards that person.

Seeing the black dragon rushing over, the man screamed, "Don't bite me...Don't bite me..."

The black dragon naturally wouldn't bite him, but just wandered around him twice, sniffed around him, and then the black dragon ran back to Xia Ping'an's voice, barked several times at Xia Ping'an, and lifted it. Two paws.

Xia Ping'an gently touched Heilong's head, and squinted at the man coldly.

Seeing Xia Ping'an's gaze, the man's eyes flickered, his heart went guilty, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and smiled forcefully, "My lord...I'm really fine, can you let me go?"

"I will give you one more chance at the end. You can tell who the other person is who committed the crime with you. I can spare your life and let you leave this interrogation room alive!"

Upon hearing Xia Ping'an's words, both the face of that person and Hua Ziqin changed at the same time.

The person looked obviously panicked, but in the end he forced a smile, "My lord...I was really wronged, and I really don't know what you said?"

Xia Ping’an said softly, “You were caught by us and never confessed that person. One is that we don’t have direct evidence to convict you and make you a fluke. The second reason is that you feel that as long as you survive At this level, as long as you go out, that person will definitely give you a huge return. It seems that that person still has a bit of identity, which can make you carelessly guarding you here, and I hope that person can get you out of here again. Do you think I am right?"

The person in the iron chair started to turn blue, but still gritted his teeth, "My lord...I was really wronged. If you want to bend a trick, I'm afraid you will get yourself into trouble..."

Xia Pingan shook his head, "It's a pity that you didn't seize the last chance I gave you!" Xia Pingan pulled the rope bell next to him, and Qi Dafeng immediately opened the door and entered the interrogation room.

Xia Pingan directly asked Qi Dafeng, "If you want to kill people in the dungeon, how do you usually do it?"

Facing such a problem, Qi Dafeng was shocked at first, but looking at Xia Ping’s gaze, he still honestly stated the darkest unspoken rules in the cell. Qi Dafeng did not dare to say that he did not know. If that were the case, then It's just making the inspector a fool.

"There are several ways. One way is to keep the person who wants to die together with other dangerous prisoners, implying that other prisoners will kill him, and the other is to add something to his meals to make him sick and die. If not, Those in the background can also be poisoned to death, and then report that the prisoner is infected with a serious illness. The corpse can be quickly cremated through special procedures without autopsy. The third is to let him commit suicide. The sheets in the cell can be hanged, and there is water in the toilet. Put your head in and drown, and some can hit the wall and cut your wrists..."

"Go and prepare a report. The prisoner in Cell No. 11 committed suicide today. He put his head in the toilet and drowned himself!" Xia Ping'an said to Qi Dafeng. As soon as his voice fell, he reached out to the prisoner on the iron chair. With one finger, a azure blue water ball appeared out of thin air, wrapping up the prisoner's head.

The prisoner in the iron chair had his head wrapped in a water ball. He couldn't breathe at all. He could only struggle in vain. He couldn't scream even if he wanted to. He opened his mouth and drank a lot of water, and he wanted He used his hands to grasp the water ball that wrapped his head, but because his hands were shackled and locked in the gap of the iron chair, he was completely immobile.

"" The man The shackles on his hands and feet rubbed against the iron chair and the ground, and tossed, but it didn't work, because no matter how he moved , The water that envelops his head keeps soaking his head in it motionlessly.

Hua Ziqin and Qi Dafeng watched in the interrogation room, watching that the prisoner's face became whiter and paler in the water ball, the strength of the struggle was getting less and less, and the metal shackles on his hands and feet gradually fell silent.

After five or six minutes, the man stopped moving, his body was softly locked on the chair, his head and hair were floating in the water, his face was pale, his eyes closed, and he was completely out of breath.

That person's head was like a specimen of the head soaked in a solution of formalin.

"Wow..." The puddle of water that wrapped his head fell down and sprinkled on him.

Qi Dafeng suppressed the panic in his heart, stepped forward, touched the arteries and heartbeat of the man's neck, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and reported to Xia Ping An, "My lord... the suspect in cell No. 11... committed suicide... himself. Drowned myself!"

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