The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 483: Bait

"This is the wanted order issued by the Head of the Undead City to Cui Li. It has been sent to us some time ago. According to the wanted order, Cui Li is an outer disciple who has just joined the Undead City. Two other outer disciples who hunted and killed the Zerg in the abyss together found a superb Horcrux. In order to monopolize the Horcrux, Cui Li killed people for treasure, and then fled. The nature is extremely bad, so this wanted order offered a 200 reward. Ten thousand gold coins came to arrest him. After being wanted, Cui Li fled and disappeared and never showed up again..."

   In the dimly lit tavern, there was a lamp on the table. A summoner wearing a gray cloak and hiding himself in the shadow of the light put a not-new wanted warrant on the table and handed it to Liu.

There was a small hip flask and two wine glasses in front of the two of them. There were a few dishes to go with the wine on the table. There were very few drinks in the entire tavern. There were only a few guests drinking on the two tables near the door. liquor.

   Everyone has cast a silent barrier, and the content of the discussion can not be heard by outsiders.

   At this time, it was already late at night, and it would be dawn in a few hours. There were no pedestrians on the street, and even the sharks who set up the stalls went back to the sea.

   As expected!

   Liu Yiqi glanced at the content on the wanted order, and it was exactly the same as Cui Li said. It seems that Cui Li did not lie to himself.

   Liu Yisign nodded in satisfaction, took out a small medicine bottle from the space equipment and handed it over.

The man in the gray cloak took the medicine bottle, looked at the pill inside, and nodded, "As an old customer of our Wanbaotang, I can also tell you a piece of free news that the Immortal City of the Pantheon has been destroyed by the abyss yesterday. It may not take long for the Insect King to be destroyed. The Ten Thousand Gods Sect will withdraw from the underground fortress in the Immortal Sea. Several Nine Suns realm experts in the Immortal Sea will have some actions and will not allow the Abyss Insect King to come to the ground. The two elders of the Ten Thousand Gods Sect have already rushed towards the Immortal Sea..."

  Yiu squinted his eyes, "Okay, thanks a lot, I see..."

   The man in the gray cloak put away the bottle, then got up and left, walked out the door of the tavern, in the blink of an eye, he disappeared into the dark street outside and disappeared.

  Only Liu Yizheng is left on the table.

   Liu Yi signed a drink for himself, until he finished drinking, then dropped a few gold coins on the table and walked out of the tavern.

   Pedestrians are sparse on the street at this time, and Liu Yiqi hasn’t yelled any more. Although this is a city that never sleeps, most of the summoners still have the habit of resting at night.

   "2 million gold coins, the secret of Cui Li's transformation is very useful, far more than 2 million gold coins..." Liu Yixian muttered to himself as he walked on the street.

He didn’t fully believe Cui Li’s words before, but it didn’t matter. Cui Li had already been hit by his Imperius Gu, and it would be impossible for him to escape from his palm in the future. He could only become one of his chess pieces, both life and death. It's up to you to decide.

   Cui Li’s secret method of transforming came from a secret track world orb that no one had ever fused before. His ability to transform makes him unable to see the slightest flaws, which can be described as terrifying.

Over the past countless years, I heard that no one has been able to integrate successfully, but that Cui Li has successfully integrated. This is a coincidence, so that kid may not have told himself the truth, there is still a lot in that kid’s stomach. Secret, in the future, you can slowly squeeze out the secrets and value of that kid like oil.

   Well, as for now, that kid’s secret method of transformation is still very useful, let yourself think about it...

  The young master of the Amorous Valley was murdered by himself and died of unfavorable fate. In the past few years, there is no leader in the Amorous Valley. If Cui Li transforms into the Young Master of the Amorous Valley and returns to the Amorous Valley, I wonder if he can take the property from the Amorous Valley? Passionate Valley is guarding a sacred spring in the Five Suns Realm...

   There is also Duguxin, the Patriarch of the Dugu Family in Tianniu Prefecture, who is crazy and crazy. After entering the Void Secret Realm last time, there is no news. If that kid is transformed into Duguxin, I don't know if I can get the secret library of Dugu Family.

Liu Yixian's head was thinking about all kinds of possibilities, and a smug smile appeared on his face. The world laughed at him as too desolate, but who knew that Liu Yixian had always been holding the world with countless chess pieces, let alone a little gold coin. , In the future, there will be the footprints left by his Liu Yisign on the road to the Conferred God.

   Thinking in his heart, Liu Yiqi came to the Chunfeng Tower.

  Chunfenglou is a big inn and also a big restaurant. This is the gathering place of the three teachers and the best in the city. Because the consumption is relatively cheap, the summoners who don't have much money like to live in this kind of place where they can live and eat.

   Two strings of red lanterns are hung at the entrance of the Chunfeng Building. In the middle of the night, there are still people eating in the Chunfeng Building, and people come and go here from time to time.

   "Ha, Banxian Liu is here, I made a lot of money in the city today..." The shopkeeper of Chunfeng Building saw Liu Yisign back and couldn't help but joke.

Liu Yixian changed his face in the blink of an eye, "Ashamed, ashamed, and earned a little money for alcohol. I have already drunk it in my stomach just now. If you want to come to the shopkeeper, I will give you a 30% discount. I'll be paying for my mortgage in a few days..."

   "Haha, I won't count, don't count..." The shopkeeper shook his hand quickly.

   "It's a pity, it's a pity..." Liu Yixian shook his head and returned to his room.

   As soon as he returned to the room, Liu Yixian poured himself a little tea and drank, and while squeezing a decision, he urged Cui Li's belly to the Imperius Gu.

   From Liu Yiqi's point of view, as soon as he moved, Cui Li's abdominal pain was like twisting, which was unbearable. In a short time, he would rush to the Chunfeng Tower to see him.

In fact, he didn’t want to explain anything to Cui Li. He just wanted Cui Li to develop the habit of awe and obedience to himself, just like a eagle. Only let Cui Li know that his life is in his control all the time. In the middle, obediently accept your fate, and then you will be able to support the mission later. This is the method of using the Soul-Evasion Gu to control people. Liu Yiqi has long been familiar with it.

   After two minutes of urging, Liu Yiqi did not urging any more, so he quietly drank tea and waited.

It's just that the time passed by second after second. After a full half an hour, the tea on the table was all drunk, still not seeing Cui Li coming, Liu Yixian's face changed slightly, he closed his eyes, and felt a little bit. Soul Gu, the Soul-Eating Gu is still in his induction, it's only a few tens of miles away from him, just to the southeast, not far away.

what happened? Could it be that the strength of urging the Impervious Gu was not enough just now, if it were an ordinary summoner, the one shot just now would be enough to make people roll on the ground.

Liu Yixian sank his face and continued to move for another minute. The pain doubled and Cui Li had a splitting headache. Then he sat and waited. After another twenty minutes, Cui Li still did not come. Liu A sign once again closed his eyes and felt the Imperishable Gu.

   With this, Liu Yiqian's face changed completely.

   The position where the Soul Eating Gu was located was the same as before, without any change at all.

How is this going?

Liu Yixian's face was gloomy, and he walked twice in the room with his hands on his back, and finally opened the window of the room. The whole person turned into a light smoke, directly floating out of the window, and flew towards the place where the Soul-Scaring Gu he had sensed was located. After the past, the road also covered his figure with a secret method.

The distance of dozens of miles on the island is actually not far to him. While sensing the location of the Imperius Gu, Liu Yiqi flew towards that location, just flying, Liu Yiqi's face was just It changed again, because the location of the Impervious Soul Gu seemed to be a little closer to the place where the Blood Demon Cult occupies on Cloud Island. He had been watching the whereabouts of the Blood Demon Cult before, and he naturally knew the blood demon Cult. Where to gather.

  Perhaps, this is a coincidence.

   Liu Yizhi comforted himself so, and continued to fly forward.

A few minutes later, standing in the sky four to five kilometers away from the villa where the Blood Demon Cult was entrenched, Liu Yixian was completely stunned as if he had been struck by lightning. Within this distance, he could already be very obvious. I felt that his Illusory Gu was in the direction of the villa where the Blood Demon Cult was entrenched, and the positions of the two were completely overlapped.

What does    mean?

   Why did Cui Li come to the villa where the Blood Demon Sect is located, and he didn't even leave without even urging the Imperius Gu to make him want to live?

   If Cui Li moves freely, he will not endure the kind of pain with gritted teeth for no reason.

   Unless...Unless Cui Li is not free to move, his body is completely restricted, he is completely unable to move, unable to leave the villa entrenched by the Blood Demon Cult, this is the only possibility.

   Then, the question is, why should the people of the Blood Demon Cult detain Cui Li for no reason.

Liu Yixian thought about it, his body shook suddenly, his eyes widened suddenly, and two terrifying lights bloomed, staring at the villa where the Blood Demon Cult was entrenched--unless...unless...Cui Li is Xia. Ping An, the master of the Blood Demon Cult found Xia Ping An and caught Xia Ping An.

   Thinking of the scene where he saw Cui Li avoiding the masters of the Blood Demon Cult in the street before, Liu Yixian felt that he had completely understood it all at once, and the whole person's mind was instantly excited.

"Hey, you stupid, you were fooled by a kid, and the boat was overturned in the gutter..." Annoyed very much Liu gave himself a slap in the face, and once again looked at the villa entrenched by the Blood Demon, his eyes looked like for a moment. Like congestion, breathing became heavy.

   Liu Yilucian at the moment is like an iron **** and a pauper looking at a lottery ticket that can win 100 million gold coins. He originally bought it, but he gave it away and left it aside.

   I would be able to sense it, indicating that Cui, it's Xia Ping An, indicating that Xia Ping An is still alive.

Zu Motian has not yet arrived at Yundao. Those masters of the Blood Demon Sect may want to wait for the arrival of Zu Motian to give Xia Ping to Zu Motian. However, accidents may happen at any time during this period because of killing and blood sacrifice to Xia. Few summoners can resist the benefits that peace can bring. That is the temptation to enshrine the gods and condense the eternal body.

   As long as the blood sacrifices to Xia Ping An, you can surpass the ancestors, proclaim the gods first, and condense the **** wheels. At that time, who is the ancestor is not necessarily.

   Those who guarded Xia Ping’an could kill Xia Ping’an or make blood sacrifices at any time.

  The opportunity is right in front of me, the situation is extremely urgent, what should I do?

  Looking at the villa entrenched by the Blood Demon Cult in the distance, Liu Yixian's expression became more and more terrifying, and his heart was full of thoughts of consecrating the gods...

   The one who sits here is the Lord of the Golden Moon Palace, a powerhouse in the Eight Suns realm, and he may not be able to win.

   However, if there is a delay, the immediate opportunity may be completely missed. At this moment, the Lord of the Golden Moon Palace may have been preparing for the blood sacrifice ceremony for Xia Ping, so he did not leave Yundao in time.

   Even if it's only a minute later, the situation here may undergo a fundamental change, making myself miss this opportunity forever.

   There is only one chance, I fight it...

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