The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 782: communicate with

Xia Ping'an's face calmly followed the demigod in the fiery red armor and flew towards the Blood Front Pagoda, attracting a lot of curious eyes along the way.

The Blood Front Pagoda was the tallest building under the Eye of the Gods at the Blood Front Base.

When he was merging with Emperor Yao's Jiezhu, thanks to the Lord's protection, nothing else happened. Therefore, Xia Ping'an felt that he had to see the Lord of the Army.

Moreover, Xia Ping'an was planning to stay in the Blood Front Base for a while, so he should visit the boss of the Blood Front Base.

While flying, Xia Ping'an looked at the demigod powerhouse beside him, and at the same time secretly calculated in his heart that he would try to get some boundary beads in the blood front base as soon as possible to improve his strength as soon as possible. , before he heard Shi Buyu and they said that the powerhouses in this Blood Front Base are like clouds, as long as they have the ability, they can get a lot of rare Boundary Orbs here.

The fiery red armor worn by this demigod powerhouse should be a holy artifact. The summoners in this Blood Front base have a lot of demand for holy artifact. I wonder if this is feasible or not?

With one's current strength, it is not difficult to refine a holy artifact, but if you want to harvest a large number of boundary beads by refining a holy artifact, you need to be cautious and cautious, because even a high-level soul master in the base can refine a A set of holy artifact is also a matter that consumes one's soul power and takes a year or two to recover, so there are not many summoners in the base wearing holy artifact armor.

If it is too fast and easy to refine the holy artifact by yourself, you can get a set in three to five months, or your identity will be exposed. Yes, because this is the secret method of the spiritual world.

In such a base, if the people in front of them knew that there was a piece of Tang monk meat around, and if they killed it, they would be able to consecrate the gods and prove the Tao. Xia Ping'an couldn't imagine what kind of picture would appear.

Now this life of my own is not only my own, but billions of people's, so I can't be careless.

However, it is still necessary to find time to refine a set of Holy Artifact Battle Armor for yourself in this Blood Front Base, and then upgrade your Horcrux Sword Whip to improve your protective ability and trump card.

Xia Ping'an was also shocked by the arrangement here. The spells, formations, mechanisms, and runes are integrated with each other and have reached a peak.

"Here, the voice of the gods can be heard..." Xiong Bi stood with his hands behind his back, standing under the black crystal waterfall, raised his head, and said with emotion, "In front of the real gods, the so-called demigods, It's just like a stronger ant, as long as you really feel the power of the gods, you will know that the existence under the gods must be humble..."

"Sir, what is a god?" Xia Pingan asked directly.

Xiong Bi was silent for a while, and then he said, "That is a more advanced life form, close to immortality and immortality, and the existence of the strongest power in the universe!"

[First release on this site, fastest update]


"If there is no war between the gods, they are indeed immortal!" Xiong Bi turned his head, glanced at Xia Ping'an, and smiled slightly, "When you saved the teacher and said nothing, you seemed to be more approachable than now, and I You know, a despicable and ruthless person will never be able to fuse the Sun Saint Realm Pearl..."

Xia Ping'an smiled slightly, if the boss of the Blood Front Base still doesn't know his origin, then the intelligence and defense of the Blood Front Base would be too loose, "Let the Lord of the Army laugh, this Heavenly Dao The secret realm is extremely dangerous, and there are battlefields everywhere, even if a real saint is here, I am afraid they will walk on thin ice and dare not be careless!"

"Well, yes, you are right, do you know where the Giant Abyss Realm is?" Xiong Bi asked.

"Giant Abyss Realm? I don't know..." Xia Ping'an shook his head.

"The Jupiter Realm is a battlefield at the highest point of the Secret Realm of Heaven. We are competing with foreign races for control of the Jupiter Realm. Both parties want to build their own battle fort base in the Jupiter Realm. The human race wants to build a Juyuan base. It is necessary for a strong man who integrates the Sun Sacred Realm Pearl to carry a large number of base components and battle puppets to the front line to participate in the battle, I wonder if you are willing to take on such a responsibility?" Xiong Bi looked at Xia Ping'an with anticipation.

"I can imagine that the battle in the giant abyss must be fierce, right?" Xia Ping'an asked.

Xiong Bi nodded, "Yes, it's very intense. At this moment, the masters on the battlefield in the giant abyss are all saints who have comprehended the technique of combining magic and martial arts. Ordinary summoners enter the giant abyss. It's hard to survive on the battlefield!"

"Isn't there a strong expert who has integrated the Sun Saint Realm Pearl in the Heavenly Dao Guard Army of the Human Race in the Juyuan battlefield?" Xia Pingan asked Xiong Bi sighed and stood up. Two fingers, "Yes, and not just one, but two, those two summoners, one from the Dragon Hunting Star, is a genius summoner on the Dragon Hunting Star, amazing and brilliant, and the other is from the Ark World, too. The top ten masters in the Ark World Summoner, domineering and unparalleled!"

"Since there is already such a candidate, why do you want me to go?" Xia Ping'an asked curiously.

"Because those two are dead!"

I go!

Xia Ping'an's expression changed slightly, and he took a deep breath, "Does the military lord want me to die?"

Xiong Bi shook his head, "Wrong, every summoner who comes to the secret realm of the Heavenly Dao is playing a game of life and death. As long as you enter the secret realm of Heavenly Dao, you have the possibility of sacrifice anywhere!"

"What's the benefit? What's the benefit of me going to the Giant Abyss to take part in such a dangerous mission?"

"The advantage is that once you can complete the task, once the human race's Juyuan base is built, you will get 100 million military points at one time!"

One hundred million military points? Sounds like a lot. Xia Ping'an's heart moved. He heard Shibuyu and they said before. Like Shibuyu, they killed an immemorial remnant of the same rank, and the military points they could get were only a hundred points. Many of these million points entered the secret realm of heaven. The Summoner of , can't earn it in a lifetime.

Xia Ping'an continued to ask calmly, "What can this hundred million military merit points be used for?"

"This hundred million military merit points can allow you to exchange for a chance to get the Jiutian Shenquan!"

Chapter 782: Communication

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