The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 785: buy and sell

"Ah, Brother Buyu, Brother Ba, Xiaotao, why are you here?"

Seeing the three people appearing in front of him, Xia Ping'an was slightly surprised.

"Brother Mei, we thought you would be in any trouble if you were brought to this Blood Front Tower, so we came over here to see!" Shi Buyu said.

"I used to wonder, who can perfectly integrate the Sun Sacred World Orb. It turned out to be Brother Mei. When I saw Brother Mei, when you came out of the tower, I thought I was dazzled. Haha, I didn't expect that Brother Mei would kill me as soon as you made a move. One of the flying eagles summoned has been killed..." Ba Long laughed loudly.

"And my pair of spirit butterflies were also turned into scum by the ice!" Hua Xiaotao looked at Xia Ping'an with a smile, "I guessed that the person in the training tower might be you, and the two of them still didn't believe it, so I I feel that there is no such a coincidence in this Blood Front Base, you just got the Sun Saint Realm Orb and returned to the Blood Front Base, and someone in this Blood Front Base fused the Sun Saint Realm Orb..."

"A fluke, just a fluke!" Xia Ping'an said modestly.

"What a fluke, this is Brother Mei's character, no need to say, the three of us are not wrong!" Ba Long gave Xia Ping'an a thumbs up.

"Don't make fun of me three..." Xia Ping'an smiled helplessly.

"Why are you kidding me? You made such a big move when you merged the Sun Saint Realm Orb, and the entire Blood Front base was shocked. We naturally want to see who has such great ability. Besides, this Sun Saint Jiezhu, how can ordinary people be able to integrate." When Shi Buyu spoke, his face was still cold, but Xia Ping'an knew that this guy was cold-faced and warm-hearted.

After a few people chatted, Xia Ping'an realized that the three of them had been brought here after seeing that they had left the training tower. They hurried over to see if something had happened to them. .

These three are really good friends! Xia Pingan said secretly.

"By the way, Brother Mei, the army master didn't embarrass you, right?" Shi Buyu asked.

"Master Army not only did not embarrass me, but also gave me an errand!" Xia Ping'an shook his head.

"Oh, what's the matter?"

"The owner of the Heyun Mountain Divine Crystal Mine!" As soon as Xia Ping An said this, he found that the expressions on the faces of the three of them changed slightly when they heard this. They seemed very surprised, and they didn't seem to believe it. He asked, "Why, is there any problem with this position?"

Xia Ping'an always felt that this position seemed to be a bit easy to come by, and he wanted to find someone to find out if there was any pit behind the Heyun Mountain Shenjing Mine, lest he accidentally fall into the pit without knowing it. .

"The problem, of course there is a problem, grandma's, the position of the mine owner of the Heyun Mountain Shenjing Mine is a fat shortage in the Xuefeng base. How many people are jealous." Balong's eyes lit up, and he stretched out a big hand and patted Xia. Ping An's shoulders, "The Lord of the Army values ​​you very much, no, no matter what you say today, you have to treat yourself. One is to celebrate your exit, and the other is to celebrate that you have such a fat shortage!"

"Fat shortage? No way, for this position, only two world beads a month are not too much, and the monthly consumption of divine power for this job is not too small, and you have to live in Heyun Mountain!" Xia Ping'an was surprised. Said, hiring a strong man of the Nine Suns to work, two rare boundary beads per month, this treatment is actually nothing, at most it can only be said that it is easy and generous, as for the lack of fat, it seems that it is still so bad. cut.

"Hahaha, Brother Mei, you don't know that, when the Divine Crystal Mine is mined, it will be accompanied by the mining of cloud iron essence. This cloud iron essence is all distributed by the summoner on the mine, and it is an additional benefit. , There are people in this Xuefeng base who are buying a large number of cloud iron essence, the price is not low, how many people buy it here, if you count this, of course the mine owner is Fei Que, I also heard about the mine of Heyun Mountain Shenjing Mine before. The master and the mine supervisor were at odds with each other because of the assignment of Yun Tie Jing, and they refused to give in to each other, and they even started..."

Hearing Balong's words, Xia Ping'an realized that the position of the mine owner of the Heyun Mountain Shenjing Mine was really lacking.

"So that's the case. I heard that there are still people stealing mines from the Heyun Mountain Divine Crystal Mine. Is there any danger?" Xia Ping asked again.

"Haha, although the thieves who steal mines are hard to stop, but those people sneak into the mines from the underground to steal mines with summons, and there are not many that can be stolen. As soon as they find their summons are exposed, they run away, and no one dares to mess around. Come on, after all, that mining area belongs to the Heavenly Dao Guards, if you really dare to mess around, it will be destroyed long ago!"

Hearing this, Xia Ping'an was completely relieved. It seems that the position of the mine owner is really good. Xiong Bi probably wants to use this position to win over himself.

"By the way, Brother Mei, where are you going now?" Hua Xiaotao asked.

"I'm about to go shopping in the trading market below, buy some raw materials for refining artifacts and see if there is a suitable world bead!"

"Then let's go together, we also want to buy something, the market below has a lot of raw materials for making pill refining tools, but there won't be too many Jiezhu words, but occasionally someone will come up with the secret treasure of the gods, and they are bold. You can try it..."

Xia Ping'an raised his eyebrows, but he was still thinking about getting more rare world beads here, "Oh, are there few people who shoot the world beads here?"

"Of course, there are the most rare world beads in the secret realm of Heaven. Most of the summoners who come here have families, sects and forces, disciples, relatives and friends who need all kinds of rare world beads. Most of them are kept and brought back. Most of the Summoners in the Great Silent Realm are rich in wealth. Unless they are really unnecessary World Orbs, or they urgently need to exchange other resources with the things they have on hand, they are willing to take rare World Orbs. There aren't many summoners out to buy and sell!"

"The price of rare Boundary Orbs in the Heavenly Dao Mystery Realm is not as expensive as the outside world. In some planets and Realm Mystery Realms, the price of these rare Boundary Orbs will be beyond imagination, so everyone is not stupid!"

"Even if some rare world beads will be sold here, you have to try your luck to meet them. As soon as some rare world beads are taken out, they will be bought or exchanged, and they will not appear in the market for too long."

The three of them each said a word, allowing Xia Ping'an to understand what was going on here.

Xia Ping'an nodded, "Oh, so it is!"

A few people said, and flew towards the bottom of the blood front tower. After a while, several people passed through the clouds and landed at the bottom of the blood front tower.

The bottom of the blood front tower is the thickest part of the tower. It covers an area of ​​more than ten square kilometers. Dozens of giant pillars like skyscrapers support the tower. There are many streets in this lively place. On those streets are the trading area of ​​the Blood Front Base. There are all kinds of shops, stalls, restaurants, auction houses, and even some training towers, which are located in this lively place. Balong said that some summoners just like this lively atmosphere.

In addition to the summoners, most of the people doing business here are actually the characters summoned by the summoners, guarding and selling things.

Sure enough, as Balong and the others said, Xia Ping'an found that there were not many stalls selling rare Jiezhu here. I occasionally saw a few stalls and shops selling Jiezhu, and the Jiezhu inside were all ordinary goods. , or Xia Ping'an has already merged.

In comparison, there are the most stalls selling all kinds of Horcruxes, Magical Artifacts, Medicines, Formation Plates, Organ Puppets, and Artifact Refining Materials. Summoners who can reach the Nine Suns Realm are not unknown, and most of them are. Some special abilities, or good at casting, or good at alchemy and pharmaceuticals, or proficient in the way of runes, and some have good attainments in organ puppets and formations, so such a prosperous market was born here.

Xia Ping'an really saw someone selling God's Secret Treasure at the booth here.

The secret treasure of the gods to be sold exudes a faint white light, and an old man is selling it for 3 million divine power points.

Seeing Xia Ping'an's interest in the treasure of the gods, Ba Long and Shi Buyu quickly pulled Xia Ping'an away.

"If you encounter that kind of white treasure of the gods, don't buy it. Most of the treasures of the gods are divine springs below the Five Suns Realm, and some are even empty. Buy that kind of treasure and try your luck. Yes, basically everything is lost!" Ba Long warned.

"That kind of God's Secret Treasure has another name in the secret realm of Heaven, called Bai Zang, which means that only Xiao Bai or an idiot who has just arrived will buy it!" Hua Xiaotao added next to it.

"Ah, isn't there any real treasure in that white treasure?"

"Yes, yes, but the probability is too low. I've heard that some people have opened items of artifact level in Baizang before, but one hundred Baizang may not be able to find one more precious than the Sun Saint Realm Pearl. Come Those who sell Baizang take advantage of this, and they can bid so high for Baizang!"

After just wandering around for a while, Xia Ping'an found the raw materials he wanted, such as mountain copper, star silver, dragon's back steel, floating mercury, blood tin, Taiyi black gold, azure iron, flame gold, etc...

These raw materials, in addition to casting tools, can also be used to refine array plates and make puppets. Xia Ping'an bought them all at once. Although he did not have divine crystals, he took out the divine crystals and world beads that he did not use in exchange. Easy to change to.

The three of Shibuyu also bought some of the things they needed. Hua Xiaotao also picked a giant world bead and said bluntly that she was lucky.

"This is an armored Soul Realm Orb, at least four rare Boundary Orbs should be exchanged for... Two will not be exchanged..."

Just when a few people were hanging out, a voice suddenly appeared in Xia Ping'an's ears.

As soon as Xia Ping'an moved in his heart, he walked towards the place where the sound came from. Before walking a few dozen steps, he came to a booth.

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A man with white temples and elegant temperament stood there and summoned a green giant python, and in the python's mouth, there was a dark blue boundary bead.

There was a Summoner next to him bargaining, and he had already offered three rare Boundary Orbs, but he still couldn't agree, so he could only shake his head and leave.

Xia Ping'an looked at the blue boundary bead in the python's mouth, and his eyes lit up. In the boundary bead, there was a light and shadow of a pair of armor looming, and Xia Ping'an recognized it at a glance. The style of the iron armor unearthed from the king's tomb...

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