The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 803: The correct use of thieves

The light and shadow of the chains on the outside of the array are slowly turning, as if they are tightening. From the outside, you can see that the entire array is shaking slightly, like the sound of muffled thunder in the distant place. The ground echoed over, shaking the entire crystal geode.

This huge underground crystal geode, which was originally magically crafted, has been destroyed a lot in the moment of the fight just now, and it has become a mess.

The tremor of the array plate means that the demigod powerhouse trapped inside is aggressively attacking the "chaos lock immortals and all methods of banning the great array", and the attack of the demigod powerhouse puts the great array under enormous pressure.

This great formation can only temporarily trap the demigod powerhouse. As for the kill, there is still a long way to go. It can kill the demigod powerhouse and even the gods. Xia Ping'an has only seen it from the secret book. His formation skills have not yet reached that high level. If nothing else, the preciousness of some special array materials needed to kill a demigod is comparable to that of Jiutian Shenquan, and Xia Ping'an does not. But even so, if his current array plate is to be taken out, it can be regarded as a treasure, enough to make many array masters pay homage.

"It's really powerful, grandma, I don't believe that you can't kill you..." Feeling the movement in the big formation, Xia Pingan licked his lips, and the fighting spirit in his heart suddenly burned, and then he didn't even think about it. , While letting Xia Laifu stay outside the big formation, he flew towards the formation, and his figure instantly disappeared into the formation.

For the people trapped inside, this great formation is like being trapped in mud and swamps, and it is extremely stagnant, but for Xia Ping'an, as soon as he makes a decision, the whole person's breath is integrated with the great formation. The big formation is like a duck in water, without any obstacles.

In the blink of an eye, Xia Pingan saw the demigod powerhouse.

A demigod is indeed a demigod, and wrapped in a pitch-black armor full of bone spurs, that guy doesn't care about the electric bombardment in the great formation, even if the dense electric light blasts the pitch-black armor on his body into sparks, Making his armor look like filaments lit in a light bulb, the demigod still doesn't care.

Like a wild beast, he rushed left and right in the roaring array of electric lights. Even if he could not use the power of the five elements for the time being, the flames, hail, black smoke, and the tornado formed by the sharp blades continued like fireworks. From that person's body, it blasted towards the big formation in all directions, shaking the entire formation.

This guy is too strong, and the set of armor on his body is also abnormal in defense, much stronger than ordinary holy weapons.

Xia Ping'an stared at the pitch-black armor with bone spurs on the guy from ten thousand meters away. An idea arose in his heart. To kill this guy, he must first disarm him and weaken him little by little by bloodletting. That's right, since this guy found out that he has been using his divine power to attack himself with the combination of magic and martial arts, and now he is directly urging his magic to break through the great formation. The divine power of demigods is limited. Xia Ping'an didn't believe that this guy's divine power could be endless.

Thinking so in my heart, Xia Ping'an's figure is like a swimming fish, and in a moment, he shuttles silently and appears 100 meters away from the demigod powerhouse. .

Because it is within the large formation, Xia Ping'an can control the entire formation, so this formation is transparent to Xia Ping'an. Xia Ping'an was enveloped in the aura of chaos, chaotic and merging into one, and he couldn't find it at all, but the big formation was closed and hostile to the demigod powerhouse, and all the means in the big formation were aimed at that demigod. The demigod powerhouse, all the perceptions of the demigod powerhouse were banned by the big formation, the demigod powerhouse only wanted to be ruthless and wanted to smash the big formation out, but he never thought that Xia Ping'an had sneaked in silently. to his side.

Seeing that the guy hadn't noticed himself, Xia Ping'an stretched out a hand, aimed at the demigod powerhouse and grabbed it hard, and the "Spirit of Heaven" was cast out at once...

The secret technique of "stealing the sky" is treacherous and powerful, and almost nothing can be stolen. Xia Ping'an rarely uses it, because this secret technique is too taboo, and it might cause big trouble. A summoner who can "steal the sky" , In the summoner group, it is estimated that the feeling of thieves is the same as that of ordinary people, so Xia Ping'an usually uses this secret method very cautiously, unless it is necessary, it will never be revealed easily.

And at this moment, there is no scruples.

The demigod powerhouse trapped by the great formation is like a tiger caught in the mud, and it is the perfect target for the stealing of the sky.

It's just that as soon as the Heaven Stealing Technique was performed, the next second, the set of pitch-black armor with bone spurs on the demigod powerhouse disappeared with a clatter, and the whole set of armor appeared on Xia Ping'an's hand all at once.

And the demigod powerhouse never thought that the armor he was wearing could be pulled down by someone in the big formation. All of the electric light hit him all at once, blasting his whole body into smoke, suddenly dizzy, and tingling all over his body.

At the moment when he succeeded in stealing the sky, the figure of Xia Ping'an, who was holding the set of pitch-black armor in his hand, also revealed his figure from the chaos of the great formation.

Although the thief of the sky made great achievements, Xia Ping'an grabbed the suit of human-shaped armor, but all the sacred artifacts were connected with the master's mind. , I wanted to fly out of Xia Ping'an's hand and return to the master's body.

"It's you..." The demigod powerhouse also discovered Xia Ping'an, and he was shocked and angry all of a sudden. Even if he was a demigod, he didn't know what secret method Xia Ping'an used, and he could actually strip off his holy weapon armor. .

"Hahaha, yes, it's me, your armor is good, I want it..." Xia Ping'an smiled, without thinking about it, with a wave of his hand, a piece of pig blood was summoned by him from his secret mandala, and he brought it with him. With red light, it was drenched on the set of struggling and trembling armor.

The reason for raising pigs in the forbidden garden is that pig blood breaks evil and law.

The pig's blood was drenched, and the struggling holy artifact battle armor, like a red-hot iron block meeting water, made a screeching sound, and stopped struggling all of a sudden. Xia Ping'an suddenly received it into the secret mandala .

Then, when five mighty and blood-colored sword lights slashed towards his head and body, Xia Ping'an shrank back into the chaos of the great formation, and immediately shifted. to thousands of meters away.

The magic technique summoned by the demigod powerhouse did not slam into Xia Ping'an's hair, but just like before, it slashed into the chaos of the big formation, causing the whole formation to continue to vibrate.

"Roar..." The demigod powerhouse roared like a madman in the big formation, and began to output his spells and destructive power toward the surroundings even more frantically.

What the demigod powerhouse didn't know was that some of the energy in all his attacks on the big formation would be converted into the energy of the big formation, and bombarded him with magic techniques. The denser the thunder on him, of course, the greater the load and pressure on the big array, everything is relative.

"Sure enough, this demigod powerhouse only has one set of holy weapon armor..." Xia Ping'an looked at the crazy demigod powerhouse from a, the whole person was very calm, and even a little excited .

The demigod powerhouse without armor and body protection looks like a human with eagle nose and wolf eyes, and a body as strong as a cow. Of course, this is only the temporary appearance on the surface.

Amidst the thunderbolts, the suit of the demigod powerhouse's armor vanished in the blink of an eye. In the baptism of electric light, the skin of the demigod powerhouse began to change, carbonized, fell off, and became a piece of pitch-black scales. Appearing on the body of the demigod powerhouse, on the neck, on the arm, in just a moment of effort, the so-called demigod powerhouse changed into another appearance in the great formation - it was a man with a head on his head. A single blood-red horn, covered in pitch-black scales, and a monster with a crocodile-like tail behind it.

"This is the shadow demon family!"

Xia Ping'an was shocked, but he didn't stop. Since the "Sky Stealing Technique" could be used, he would continue to use it to see how much he could **** off this shadow demon's demigod powerhouse.

In the blink of an eye, Xia Ping'an appeared 100 meters away from the crazy shadow demon demigod, grabbed it out again, and performed the Heaven Stealing Technique again.

"Crash..." In Xia Ping'an's hands, this time, there were a lot of high-level golden insect crystals, and in those insect crystals, the divine power was extremely abundant...

Before the Shadow Demon Demigod's attack came again, Xia Ping'an laughed and disappeared into the chaos.

A few seconds later, Xia Ping'an appeared and was caught out by "Thief of Heaven" again...

I stole, I stole, I stole, I stole...Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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