The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 805: Big win

"This level...Is it over..." Xia Ping'an lowered his head and glanced at the head of the shadow demon demigod, feeling a thousand times in his heart, he could finally kill the demigod-level powerhouse, today's battle, against Xia Ping'an It is a milestone for him to become a Summoner, although this shadow demon demigod is not the strongest, not even the mad **** Xia Ping'an has seen, but, in any case, this is a demigod-level powerhouse , Now, his head is in his own hands.

For Xia Ping'an, he felt like he had gone through hardships and finally climbed to a peak that he could only look up to before. Standing here, the scenery is completely different.

At this moment, the flame of the single horn on the shadow demon's head has been extinguished, and the long thick single horn that has been melted like a candle at this moment has become a section of more than three inches long, and has lost all vitality.

"Watching your body turn gray with your own eyes, it's you!"

In the end, he smiled lightly, his hand shook lightly, the power of the five elements was crushed in his hand, and the Shadow Demon's head was completely turned into ashes, dissipating in the air, and the small horn on the Shadow Demon's head remained. , the single horn is black with red, and if you look closely, there is a golden light that will change color flashing in it, like a crystal and small horn, just enough to be played in your hand, Xia Ping'an also took this shadow. The horns of the demon demigod were left as a commemoration of today's battle.

Xia Pingan then put away the horn of the Shadow Demon Demigod.

"I don't know what happened to the battle above?" Xia Ping'an felt a move in his heart, and wanted to use his remote vision ability to look at the ground, but what he could see was darkness, and he couldn't see anything.

This is deep underground in the endless land. It is too deep. From here, there are thousands of kilometers of rock and soil layers from the ground. All abilities are blocked and cannot be penetrated. Even Xia Ping'an's remote viewing ability is not enough .

Finding that the remote viewing ability could not see the battlefield above, Xia Ping'an waved his hand, put away Xia Laifu, and then the whole person sank into the rock wall of the crystal geode above his head, performed the five elements escape technique, and quickly rushed towards the ground. go.

Just as Xia Ping'an had just left, the huge underground crystal geode of tens of thousands of square kilometers collapsed with a bang, billowing magma spewed out of the ground, and hundreds of millions of tons of rock and soil fell from above, and in the blink of an eye, it collapsed. This place has disappeared. The battle between Xia Ping'an and the demigod just now has completely changed the landscape and structure of the place. The place did not collapse just now, just because Xia Ping'an is still controlling the balance of the power of the five elements here. Now that Xia Ping'an is gone, It was immediately destroyed here.

But to this endlessly vast land, the destruction of such a crystal geode is like a bubble bursting in the sea, which is inconspicuous.

Xia Ping'an quickly shuttled underground, and at the same time turned on his remote viewing ability. He also wanted to see what the maximum penetration depth of his remote viewing ability was in the underground.

More than an hour later, when Xia Ping'an was still more than 700 kilometers away from the ground, the black barrier he saw with the remote vision ability in his mind flashed a few times, and then, in an instant, the scene of the battlefield on the ground. appeared in his mind.

As soon as the situation on the ground appeared, Xia Ping'an stopped underground, and continued to rush towards the ground without any more rashness. become like the soil in the ground. .

For Xia Ping'an, this time, he took on the most dangerous bait mission, and now he has also killed a demigod of the other party. He has already overfulfilled the mission, and it would be unwise to rush out now. Of course, look at the situation first.


With the remote viewing ability, the image that instantly flashed into Xia Ping'an's mind was the battlefield scope of the battle on the ground, which had expanded several times. In a large-scale battle, many people move while fighting. In the blink of an eye, they move tens of kilometers or even hundreds of kilometers. The battlefield of this battle has been expanded to an area with a length and width of more than 3,000 kilometers.

The sky and the earth were full of violent shock waves and the roaring of spells and the power of the five elements.

At a glance, the battle on the battlefield is still going on fiercely. The two sides have formed several large or small circles, which are fiercely stalemate. The human race has a slight upper hand, but it has not yet formed an overwhelming advantage.

In such a war, whether it is the human race or the powerhouses gathered by the shadow demon clan, there are casualties.

Just as Xia Ping'an was watching, he saw a Human Race Summoner blasting and killing an Insect King-level flying-winged flame worm with the power of the domain. At the same time, more than a thousand kilometers away, a Shadow Demon was seen. He took out the heart of a human summoner, turned the human summoner's body into ice slag, and smashed it into the air...

The summoner who killed the winged flame worm found another opponent in an instant, and the shadow demon who just killed the human summoner was also surrounded by two human powerhouses in a blink of an eye.

On the battlefield, what attracted the most attention was the duel between three pairs of demigod-level powerhouses.

Xia Ping'an saw that Zuo Yan was fighting against a demigod on the shadow demon side wearing a snow-white battle armor. The shadow demon demigod, judging from the appearance of the battle armor, seemed to be a woman.

In addition to Zuo Yan, a human demigod powerhouse with a giant axe that Xia Ping'an had never seen before was smashing with a group of alien demigod powerhouses with a shape like a mist. The player's giant axe swiped at the opponent again and again, splitting the opponent's figure in two or even slicing it into pieces, but that cloud of mist always dispersed and gathered, gathered and scattered, and it was very difficult to entangle.

The main battle was between Xiong Bi and Satu. The battle between the two was more intense than the battle Xia Ping'an had just now. In the sky, the powers of the five elements of the two were red and black, and they had merged into one. The huge spheres are swallowing each other, entangled, squeezed, thunder and lightning, and the earth shakes.

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And the figures of the two have been completely integrated into the huge sphere, and they cannot be seen clearly from the outside.

Grandma's, I said before that I can just hold on for a while, but now in this situation, where is the person who saved me? Could it be that he also burrowed into the ground to find himself...

This is a real fight, and the battle situation is ever-changing. No one's promise can be trusted. The only thing that can be trusted is his own strength.

Xia Ping'an was thankful that he did not wait foolishly on the battlefield, but had his own way of coping, otherwise, he would hand over his destiny to others.


After a while...

In the light group where Xiong Bi and Satu were entangled, Satu's terrified and unwilling roar of despair suddenly came, "Nine secluded insect tears, Xiong Bi... you... despicable"

"Who said that honest people can't use means... Are you still polite... You are envious, but unfortunately you didn't... Hehe..." Xiong Bi's voice came calmly.

After ten seconds...


In the huge ball of light that Xiong Bi and Satu were entangled in, it suddenly exploded, and the ground with a radius of thousands of miles was razed to the ground. Xiong Bi, who was wearing a golden armor, held a flaming long sword in his hand. Appearing in the sky, holding Saturn's head that has been cut into two pieces...

Xiong Bi is too Satu's head was cut open by him directly from the original scar, looking like he was dead.

Xiong Bi, who killed Satu, appeared on the battlefield of the human race demigod powerhouse with a giant axe in the next second. Why were the two of them together in a group of strange powerhouses like mist.

Seeing that Satu was killed by Xiong Bi, the stalemate situation on the battlefield changed instantly. Many strong men of the shadow demon clan who were still insisting just now, alert, began to slip away all of a sudden, the advantage of the human race is here. Zizhan, the demigod on the shadow demon side in the snow-white armor who was battling Zuo Yan, in the blink of an eye, smashed Zuo Yan back with a single move, and his body transformed into nine lightning bolts and disappeared in different places with a squeak. direction.

This secret method of escaping made Xia Ping'an stunned when he saw it, and it really was ever-changing.

Zuo Yan couldn't catch up, so he rushed directly to the other Nine Sun Realm powerhouses of the Shadow Demon clan who were still entangled on the battlefield.

Zuo Yan is a demigod and has an overwhelming advantage over the Nine Suns Realm. When he takes action, he is ruthless, like a tiger entering a flock of sheep. , No nonsense, a moment of effort killed two insect kings and three shadow demon masters from the Nine Suns Realm.

The demigod powerhouses have begun to leapfrog down, who can stand this? Zuo Yan joined the battle of the masters of the Nine Suns, and it became the last straw that overwhelmed the enemy. Seeing that the demigods of the human race had already freed up their hands and started slaughtering their own masters, those masters of the alien race were completely defeated and scattered. While fleeing, the experts from the Blood Front Base began to hunt down.

At this point, the overall situation on the battlefield has been decided...Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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