The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 824: The war is coming

After ten days...

Xia Ping'an flew out from the cube base in the sky, his face was full of indignation, and he turned around and cursed at the cube, "What the heck, you actually want me to hand over my secret method and unique array, dreaming. , I don’t keep a master here, I have a place to keep my master, I won’t serve you anymore!”

Xia Ping'an, who flew out of the cube base, looked at the sky in the distance. In the sky, a huge space channel was clearly visible, but the space channel was blocked by a rolling black cloud. From a distance, the space channel was Like an abyss, like a **** wound in the sky.

The fortress of the shadow demon army has been hidden in the abyss passage.

The lively battlefield in the past has been extraordinarily peaceful these two days. There are very few summoned creatures in the sky and on the ground, but only a few are active.

Xia Ping'an, who scolded and left the cube fortress, didn't even think about it, and immediately released his lightning flying boat. After entering the lightning flying boat, the lightning flying boat turned into a flash of lightning, flew into the distance, and disappeared in an instant.


A few hours later, Xia Ping'an's lightning flying boat had already flown to the sky over an uninhabited desert hundreds of thousands of kilometers away from the cube fortress. There were dense black lines like spider webs. With a loud bang, countless lightnings were released from the void, and the golden snake danced wildly. The lightning flying boat, which was invisible to the naked eye, suddenly seemed to hit a spider The insects on the net suddenly appeared from the high-speed flight, directly sticking the giant net.

The door of the Lightning Flying Boat opened, and Xia Ping'an flew out of the Lightning Flying Boat at once. After retracting the flying boat, he looked at the surrounding sky vigilantly and shouted, "Who is it?"

The void shattered, and three figures came out of the void, staring at Xia Ping'an.

The man walking in the front was wearing a black armor with a blood-red cloak on his armor, a purple gold crown on his head, silver hair all over his head, a wrinkled face, eyes like a wolf, and a sharp sword in his hand. He was staring at Xia Pingan with a wicked smile on his body, and this was the shadow demon prince of the shadow demon army.

Beside this shadow demon prince, there are also two demigod powerhouses in the shadow demon army. He is also an alien, with flames all over his body.

"Hahaha, Mei Zheng, I didn't expect you to fall into my hands today..." Prince Shadow Demon looked at Xia Ping'an as if he was looking at a prey that had already arrived, "The battlefield of this war is not you. A small Summoner can come and leave if he wants, I said, he must have your head, today, I'm going to peel your skin a little bit, watch you cry in front of me, see who can help you?"

"Hahaha..." Xia Ping'an laughed suddenly, "His Royal Highness, it's been a long time, I didn't expect you to be so conceited, the same trap, the same bait, you can fall into it twice, you let go I kept the eyeliner at the Blood Front Base on purpose, I didn't expect your eyeliner to really pass the news to you, not bad, not bad..."

Although Xia Ping'an was speaking, the voice was not Xia's at all, and seemed a little old and deep.

The shadow demon prince suddenly changed his face, as if he had thought of something, and was about to tear through the void and retreat, but he found that the void within a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles had become like an iron barrel, becoming incomparably solidified, completely frozen. Banned by secret law.

The figure of Xia Ping'an who was laughing slowly changed, and gradually turned into the appearance of Xiong Bi, and then the demigod powerhouses of the human race in battle armor came out from the ground and quickly stood in the sky. In the four directions, including Xiong Bi, a full five human race demigods surrounded the Shadow Demon Prince and the two people around him.

"Xiong Bi..." The Shadow Demon Prince's eyes were instantly blood red, and he gritted his teeth and spat out two words. These two words were filled with hatred and panic.

"Of course it's me, Mei Zheng turned against Zuo Yan and the Tiandao Guards in our fortress, and refused to hand over the news of his exclusive formation and the secret method of beheading your demigods, it's just a scene we played. That's all, this big drama spread to the Blood Front Base, and there was a lot of uproar, and you really knew..." Xiong Bi smiled and looked at Prince Shadow Demon and sighed contentedly, "This big drama is actually Mei Zheng's idea, he said. , only when he had a bad relationship with the Tiandao Guards, left the fortress alone in a fit of anger, and created a chance for you to kill him, can he catch you out, but I didn't expect to be able to catch you out, Mei Zheng has made another great contribution!"

There was no more nonsense, and the war broke out in an instant.

The Prince of Shadow Demon and the two demigods he brought with him fled from three directions at the same time, trying to break through, but what was waiting for them was Xiong Bi and the "Chaos Lock Immortal" in the hands of the four human race demigods. Ten thousand ways to ban the big array" array plate.

The three formation plates flew out, and the Shadow Demon Prince and the two demigods of the bereaved were trapped by the formation plates at the same time.

Xiong Bi personally trapped the Shadow Demon Prince, while the other two demigods of the Shadow Demon army were trapped in the "Chaos Locking Immortal Banning Great Array" by two human race demigods...


glutinous rice

"How is it, is this big formation okay?" Xiong Bi smiled and looked at the shadow demon prince who was completely condensed by the big formation. The holy weapon armor and long sword had already appeared on Xiong Bi's body. Yi suddenly rose up from Xiong Bi, "Forgot to tell you, the name of this great formation is 'Chaos Locking Immortals and Myriad Laws Banning Great Formation', this great formation is indeed a great formation exclusively controlled by Mei Zheng, he has already The refining method of the Great Array was completely taught to the Heavenly Dao Guards. He used this Great Array to kill the three of you demigods that day. Although I don't have Mei Zheng's secret method, but with the help of this array, I can do it today. I killed you here..."

The Prince of Shadow Demon has completely changed his face at this time, because he has already discovered the power of this array. This array completely restrains the ability of the demigod, not only restricting his movements, but also completely stagnant around his body. , if one falls into the mud of chaos, and also isolates the power of the five elements that he can mobilize, in a demigod-level duel, if one party falls into the large array controlled by the other party, then the result will be Like entering the opponent's preset battlefield, if the disparity between the strengths of the two sides is not large, the side with the help of the formation plate can occupy the geographical advantage, and the final result will be completely tilted towards the side with the formation plate.

If this array can be popularized among all the demigod powerhouses in the Heavenly Dao Guard Army, this is equivalent to giving all the demigod powerhouses of the Heavenly Dao Guard Army an extra weapon, which will affect the entire battlefield of the Heavenly Dao Secret Realm. situation affects...

Yes, although Xiong Bi and the others can no longer be empowered by the Holy Master to master the Heaven Stealing Technique, the formation of the "Chaos Locking Immortals and Myriad Laws forbidding Great Array" is under their control. , this formation can also create an excellent fighting environment for them, suppressing the strength and actions of the opponent.

"Roar..." The Shadow Demon Prince instantly turned into a Shadow Demon's form, roaring furiously, and began to frantically output against this large formation.

In the great formation, the lightning flashed and started to counterattack, and countless electric lights began to bombard the Shadow Demon Prince.

At the same time, Xiong Bi also moved. Compared to the Shadow Demon Prince who was restricted by the large formation and was bombarded by lightning, his actions in the formation were completely unaffected.

When Prince Shadow Demon blasted away the chaos around him, Xiong Bi's long sword had already slashed to his side...


The big formation began to tremble, and a fierce battle broke out in the big formation...


Almost at the same time, where the cube fortress was located, Xia Ping'an, Zuo Yan, and more than a hundred elites in the fortress had all flown out of the fortress. All the racial summoners in the fortress were all ready to go. The war is coming today.

Among the more than 100 fortress elites who flew out of the fortress with Xia Ping'an and Zuo Yan, there were seven demigod-level powerhouses, and the others were almost all summoners who had received the empowerment of Saint Xia Ping'an these days. .

"The Lord of the Army has already dealt with the Prince of Shadow Demon. It is the Prince of Shadow Demon who intercepted you this time, and there are two other demigods. In addition to the Lord of the Army, we have four demigods, five In the third fight, we have an absolute advantage, now it's up to us..." Zuo Yan said to Xia Ping'an with some excitement.

Hearing that the Shadow Demon Prince actually went to intercept him and was blocked by Xiong Bi, Xia Ping'an felt a little regretful. He originally wanted to cut off the prince's head himself, but he didn't expect...

Forget it, the credit you have made is enough, even if there is one more head of the Shadow Demon Prince, this kind of opportunity to make a contribution and make a career is reserved for those who need it more.

Xia Ping'an comforted himself Zuo Yan, Xia Ping'an, and the elites who flew out of the fortress, rushed straight to the abyss passage. Among these elites, some of them received the task of Protect Xia Ping An.

Everyone's speed was like electricity. After a while, they flew into the void more than 2,000 miles away from the abyss passage. They didn't encounter any obstacles along the way. Seeing the black smoke screen in the sky ahead, Xia Ping'an stopped. down, and then everyone stopped.

"Just here!" Xia Ping'an nodded and took a deep breath.

"Just here?" Zuo Yan asked suspiciously.

Xia Ping'an nodded, "That's it!"

No one else said a word, and looked at Xia Ping'an with anticipation and a little doubt. There are still thousands of kilometers away from the abyss passage, and the shadow demon's war fortress is hidden in the abyss passage, so far away. There is almost no magic technique that can attack the opponent's war fortress. Even a hundred demigods can't force the shadow demon's fortress to automatically jump out of the abyss...

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