The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 826: Emperor's name

Light and shadows flew by in the space layer, and a pair of huge wings of light unfolded behind Xia Ping'an, soaring freely in the space layer, avoiding one space after another, like an elves in this space...

This space layer is chaotic, like an endless sea of ​​storms. When ordinary people enter it, it is like searching for a needle in the sea, making it difficult to distinguish east, west, north and south. The sense of direction and distance in this space layer has been raised to a whole new level. As long as it is the place he wants to go in his head, the strong intuition and induction will let him know where to fly to reach the destination. Don't get lost.

Not long after flying in this space layer, Xia Ping'an passed through a familiar space turbulence and came out of the space layer at once, and Jing Lao's quiet and leisurely space of birds and flowers appeared in front of Xia Ping'an.

In this secret realm, the birds are singing and cicadas are chirping. Jing Lao is drinking tea and reading a book leisurely in the bamboo pavilion. A giant panda is lying at Jing Lao’s feet, sleeping soundly. fight.

As soon as Xia Ping'an came, Jing Lao found out. He put down the book, stood up, and looked at Xia Ping'an with a smile, "Little friend, this task has been completed so quickly!"

Xia Ping'an's figure flashed, and he came to Jing Lao's bamboo pavilion. He smiled at Jing Lao, "Fortunately not to be humiliated!" As he spoke, Xia Ping'an had already killed the six alien demigods who had killed him. Things were taken out and placed on the table.

Those six things have horns, scales, bones, a pair of eyeballs, two long nails, and a strangely shaped skull. Every thing has a powerful demigod aura. Know what this means.

The battle that finally destroyed the army of shadow demons was nothing to Xia Ping'an. He used the "Chaos Locking Immortals and Bans Formation" to trap two demigods of the other party, and Xia Laifu trapped one demigod of the other party. Xia Laifu, who has the peak strength of Xia Ping'an and Jiuyang Realm, used the old method to kill the opponent's demigod before the "Chaos Locking Immortals Banning Great Array" collapsed.

As for Xia Ping'an, he was in the great formation and faced the two demigods of the opponent who were trapped in the formation. When the formation was about to collapse, the remaining one was also killed.

In the last battle, after the task of killing the three demigods of the alien race was successfully completed, he chased and killed a few stragglers who didn't have long eyes. That battle came to an end, and Xia Ping'an was just with Xiong. After meeting with Bi and others, they declined Xiong Bi's retention and quietly left the Xuefeng base.

Everyone thought that Xia Pingan was embarking on a new journey to find Jiutian Shenquan...

"Come, sit, drink tea!" Jing Lao's eyebrows and eyes were smiling, and he summoned Xia Ping'an to sit down and poured a cup of tea for Xia Ping'an himself, "I have heard here that the Xuefeng base is working with Yingying. The demon army was victorious in the battle. Xiaoyou beheaded six demigods of the other party by himself. Xiong Bi beheaded the shadow demon prince. All the demigod powerhouses in the shadow demon army did not run away and were all beheaded. Killing the fallen, the powerhouses at the peak of the Nine Suns Realm below the demigods, lost seven or eight out of ten, and even their war fortresses were destroyed. They are all looking for your little friend, what your little friend has done in this secret realm of the Heavenly Dao has done a great deal to the human race, and it can be described as a great achievement..."

Xia Ping'an took a sip of tea, put down the tea cup, and smiled slightly, "Old Jing has won the prize, I just did my part for the human race, and did what I should do. I just advanced to the demigod, if I just leave the way of heaven. In the divine realm, my conscience can’t live with it. In this secret realm of Heaven, if there were no heroic fights and perseverance of many strong human beings and martyrs for countless years, I am afraid that there will be no Jiutian Shenquan left. Besides, I just killed the other six. You are only a demigod, this is not difficult for you, Jing Lao!"

Jing Lao shook his head slightly, "For me, it is not difficult to kill the other six demigods. However, after the refining method of the 'Chaos Locking Immortals Banning Great Array' left by the little friend However, it can become another weapon for many experts of the human race to crush alien races in the secret realm of heaven. The merit is immeasurable. This time, the little friend gave the 108 people the empowerment of the master, so that the 108 people also have the ability to use the 'chaos lock fairy'. The Wanfa Ban Great Array' fights against the power of beheading alien demigods. When some of them advance to demigods in the future, they will inevitably become the mainstay of the Heavenly Dao Guard Army. The impact of these two great works is incalculable. The guards only added the title of Emperor Zun to Xiaoyou. For tens of thousands of years, Xiaoyou is the person who has obtained the title of Emperor Zun at the fastest speed after entering the secret realm of Heaven..."

Yes, Xia Ping'an is also the emperor at the moment. To be precise, Mei Zheng is already the emperor. The name of the emperor is the title given by the Heavenly Dao Guards for the top powerhouses who have made great achievements for the human race in the secret realm of the Heavenly Dao. , the ultimate honor, through all realms of the universe, Mei Zheng's complete honorific title in the secret realm of heaven at this moment is the Emperor Zun.

Previously, Emperor Ziyan of the Heavenly King Sect was also an Emperor. At that time, Xia Ping'an didn't quite understand the meaning of the title of Emperor, but now he understands it.

How difficult it is to obtain the honorary title of Emperor Zun, you can see from Xiong Bi that Xiong Bi is the military leader of the Xuefeng Base, and Xiong Bi has not yet obtained the title of Emperor Zun. In the past, Mad God had also entered the secret realm of the Heavenly Dao, beheading many strong men of alien races, but Mad God had never won the title of Emperor Zun.

This title of Emperor Zun is really not something that ordinary demigods can win. Xia Pingan won the title of Emperor Zun this time, not because he killed six demigods and destroyed a war fortress of the shadow demon army, but Because he can empower the "Won Win" Jiezhu and come up with the "Chaos Locking Immortals and Ten Thousand Laws Ban Great Array" that can improve the combat power of the entire Heavenly Dao Guard Army. The latter two things are the most important things for the Heavenly Dao Guard Army. valued.

Now the Heavenly Dao Guards are still collecting the "Waiting" world beads everywhere, and they are planning to find Xia Ping'an to empower them in the future and create a group of masters who can kill the opponent's demigods...

Gu Ya

In addition to the honorary title of Emperor Zun, the Tiandao Guards directly gave Xia Ping'an 200 million military points, but these two hundred million military points are basically useless for Xia Ping'an at this moment. When Xia Ping'an left the Xuefeng base , just used more than 50 million military points to empty the Boundary Orbs in the Xuefeng base, and took away half of the stored divine crystals.

He can't use those world beads himself, but there are still people who can use them. As for the divine crystals, Xia Ping'an can use them himself, just in case.

"Little friend, do you know that the world bead you empowered has now become a sweet pastry, and countless people are looking for it, and it has become a treasure. I have been here for the past two days, and I have received messages from some old friends and god-born families. Ask, and some are even willing to exchange the Jiuyangjing Shenquan for the world bead..." Jing Lao said with a smile.

"The value of that world bead was indeed underestimated..." Thinking of the "Hou Ying" world bead, Xia Ping'an also shook his head and smiled. The secret method of stealing the sky is paired with the array of "Chaos Locking Immortals and Myriad Laws Banning Great Array", which is against the sky. It can give the powerhouses of the Nine Suns Realm the strength to fight against the demigods. It is no wonder that some people are willing to take out the Nine Suns Realm. Shenquan came to exchange a world bead, which was unexpected for Xia Ping'an. If the person who sold the "Hou Ying" world bead to himself knew that the "Hou Ying" world bead could now be exchanged for the Jiuyang realm's Shenquan, he would probably regret it. The thighs are going to be purple, but if they don't empower themselves, even if those people get the "waiting to win" world beads, it's useless.

"Little friend is now attracting attention. As honored as little friend is now, how dangerous is it, little friend must be careful!" Jing Lao looked at Xia Ping'an with wise eyes, and reminded earnestly, "Now I want Mei Zheng's head. People, I'm afraid there are no less people than those who want Xia Ping'an's head, as long as you kill you, no one will be able to cast the secret technique of the holy master empowerment of the world bead."

"Thank you for reminding Jing Lao, I understand!" Xia Ping'an nodded, which is why he quietly left the Xuefeng base. He wants to continue to stay in the Xuefeng base. I am afraid that the next confrontation with the Xuefeng base will be the alien race. of ten war fortresses.

"What's your plan now, little friend?"

"I'll go back to the realm of killing gods and insects for a few things, and then I'll go back to the world of Yuanqiu. After the things in the world of Yuanqiu, I can safely go to the realm of the gods and attack the realm of conferred gods!" Xia Ping An is smug, and the determination has been made.

"Half-god powerhouses enter the realm of the gods and attack the realm of conferred gods, which is equivalent to dying and rebirth, just like a phoenix after calamity and then reborn from nirvana. Here, I will use tea instead of wine, and I wish my little friend to set foot on the avenue of conferred gods as soon as possible! "Old Jing smiled and raised the tea.


"By the way, Jing Lao, what kind of place is in the God Realm?" Xia Ping'an asked Jing Lao shook his head slightly, "I have never been to that place, and I don't know how it is. , it's just that when I read the gods' notes, I left a sixteen-character description of the gods and gods!"

"Which sixteen characters?" Xia Pingan asked curiously.

"Great world, thousands of mortals, **** and heaven, gods and men govern together!"

Xia Ping'an savoured these sixteen words, and his heart trembled slightly. He felt that these sixteen words had infinite meanings. According to some classic descriptions of the universe and the universe, a large world is equal to a galaxy. Could it be that the gods Does the domain represent a galaxy-sized place and space? If the ten thousand feet of red dust represents worldly life, what does **** and heaven mean? As for the co-governance of gods and humans, it means that the manifestation of the power of the gods can be seen in the gods and gods...

Xia Ping'an thought about it for a long time, but he couldn't understand what the realm of the gods was.


Xia Ping'an stayed with Jing Lao for three days in this secret space. After three days, Xia Ping'an bid farewell to Jing Lao, left the secret space, and returned directly to the world of killing gods and insects...

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