The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 835: heart man

Misty Mountain, Qiyun Peak, Picking Star Tower...

Here, it is the most beautiful and quiet place in Misty Mountain. The place where Mingruolan plays the piano during the day is in the Huansha Valley below the Xingxing Building. There are lush greenery between the Xingxing Building and the Huansha Valley. Strange rocks and pine trees can be seen everywhere. There are also white clouds and mists hanging like a white gauze in the mountains, making this place extraordinarily enchanting.

The white jade is the foundation, the gold is the pillar, the carved beams and the painted buildings, the grand and luxurious, and the seven-storey Zhaixing Building is the place where the entire Piaomiao Mountain receives guests and represents the strength and respect of the Pantheon.

Ming Ruolan lives in Zhaixing Building.

As the night fell, the sky full of stars appeared above the Xingxing Building, and a gray array of light curtains lit up outside the Xingxing Building, shrouding the entire Xingxing Building.

Granny Yan flew from a distant mountain peak and landed outside the Zhaixing Building. Seeing the great array of brilliance outside the Zhaixing Building, Granny Yan was also stunned.

At this moment, Yan Duo was squatting under a big tree outside Zhaixing Building, bored, holding a wooden stick in his hand, teasing the ants under the big tree with rice, a **** dog was also lying on Yan Duo. Around him, that picture is extraordinarily harmonious.

"Ah, is it in the Saint Lady?" Granny Yan glanced at Yan Duo and asked. As for the **** dog beside Yan Duo, it looked like a summoned thing, but Granny Yan didn't care either, thinking it was Yan Duo's summoning. Come out, the summoner summons some pets or something, it's normal.

"The Holy Maiden wants to practice the secret technique, so she may have to retreat for a few days!" Yan Duo said weakly.

"Then what are you doing here?" Granny Yan always finds Yan Duo unpleasant, and thinks that Yan Duo is so annoying when he appears next to the Holy Maiden every day.

"The Holy Maiden asked me to guard outside the great formation. I'm bored, can't I make fun of the ants?" Yan Duo said angrily.

"Oh, since the Holy Maiden is cultivating, then I won't let anyone bring dinner. The Wanshenzong has also prepared the Seven Seas and Hundred Treasures Banquet..." Granny Yan said, turning around and leaving.

"Hey, hey, mother-in-law, I haven't had dinner yet?" Yan Duo stood up and shouted hastily.

Granny Yan gave her a blank look, "Go down and grill the fish by yourself, there are still some cold steamed buns in the kitchen, if you want, get them yourself!" After speaking, Granny Yan flew away without stopping.

"Why is there such a big difference between people?" Yan Duo raised his head and asked the sky with a speechless expression.

The Heilong next to him raised his head and looked at Yan Duo sympathetically.

"Grandma's, isn't it the Holy Master's empowerment? Three people can do it, and it doesn't affect anything. My good brother Xia Ping'an didn't say anything. I can also watch from the side. That woman, why did you drive me out? Let me stand guard outside, alas..." Yan Duo muttered, looking helplessly at the Seven Star Tower.


Seven Star Tower, in the secret room, Xia Ping'an sat cross-legged opposite Ming Ruolan, and on Ming Ruolan's body, the Jiezhuguang cocoon of "Yellow Emperor Searching for Famous Officials by Dream" was covering her whole body. Beside him, the Dream Master World Orbs are floating in the void.

Xia Ping'an has collected a lot of world beads from the Blood Front Base. In addition to the ones he has accumulated before, it's just the Dream Master's world beads. He has more than 80 of them here, and he can make up a complete "three-piece set" and more. For the rest, in addition to using one set for "Senior Bronze Man", Xia Ping'an also cultivated two more pastors.

From the very beginning, Xia Ping'an was empowering Ming Ruolan with the Dream Master Jiezhu.

Once Ming Ruolan completes the fusion of the Dream Master Jiezhu and becomes a pastor, he will also have the ability to return to the Great Flame Kingdom from the spiritual world in the future, and he can even find another clone. Xia Ping'an doesn't need to worry about the situation anymore, and Ming Ruolan has also integrated the Sun Saint Realm Pearl. At the critical moment in the future, Ming Ruolan can bring back all the people on that planet as a spare tire for the plan to mend the sky.

With Lao Jing and Ming Ruolan in charge, Xia Ping'an can go to the Gods Realm with confidence.

Ming Ruolan's fusion was very fast. This was the nineteenth world pearl she fused. Xia Ping'an felt that Ming Ruolan's aura was gradually approaching the peak of the Eight Suns Realm.

A few minutes later, the light cocoon on Ming Ruolan's body shattered, and Ming Ruolan suddenly opened his eyes.

Gu Sha

Xia Ping'an picked up another Dream Master Jiezhu, this Jiezhu is "Tang Taizong Dreamed Xue Rengui", Xia Ping'an explained to Ming Ruolan, "Fusing three Dream Master Jiezhu, your secret mandala There will be big changes. There will be an additional spiritual world temple. Through the spiritual world temple, you can enter the spiritual world, and you can return to our hometown through the spiritual world. The most important thing is that in the spiritual world, you can cultivate your soul. force!"

Ming Ruolan, who was sitting cross-legged in front of Xia Ping'an, said nothing, but just stared at Xia Ping'an blankly.

Xia Pingan thought Ming Ruolan was tired, "Ah, I'm sorry, I almost forgot that your soul power is not that strong yet. After fusing so many Boundary Orbs in a row, you must be tired. You can take a break and we will re-fuse!"

"Do you think I'm beautiful?" Ming Ruolan asked suddenly.

"What?" Xia Ping'an was stunned, not understanding why Ming Ruolan suddenly asked such a question.

Suddenly, Ming Ruolan made a move, she hugged Xia Ping'an tightly all of a sudden, buried her head on Xia Ping'an's chest, and hugged her tightly, as if afraid that Xia Ping'an would disappear from her in front of her. Same.

Xia Ping'an felt Ming Ruolan's heat. This hug was different from the previous hug. Before, it was the condolences of his companions and the consolation of his comrades in arms, but at this moment, it was a hot soul trying to integrate into his heart.

"Before you leave, let me have a baby for you?" Ming Ruolan whispered in Xia Ping'an's ear, her face starting to heat.

Xia Ping'an let Ming Ruolan hold him, he didn't move, just closed his eyes, another face of Yi Xiyi and anger appeared in Xia Ping'an's heart, that is a girl who sometimes looks stupid and a little innocent, It's beautiful when you laugh, and it hurts when you cry.

After a long time, Xia Pingan said softly, "I'm sorry, I have someone else in my heart..."

"I don't want you to like me, and I don't want to betray anyone. I only want me in your life. I just want to leave you a child so that you have no regrets. When our child grows up, I will teach him to be an adult. I'll find you..."

Xia Pingan never moved!

Ming Ruolan hugged him tightly!

The two were silent for a few minutes in this atmosphere, and they could feel each other's heartbeat and pulse.

Ming Ruolan's body was scalding hot at first, but she slowly regained her composure. She let go of the hand holding Xia Ping'an, sat down again, wiped the trace of wetness on the bottom of her eyes, and showed her face again. He gave a nonchalant smile, bright as summer flowers, and a poignant crack when a flawless crystal shattered, "I understand!"


"You don't have to say It's my own problem, by the way, can you tell me her name?"

"Her name is... Cao Cao!" Xia Ping'an's face showed a hint of tenderness.

"Caocao!" Ming Ruolan whispered, this is a common name like Xiaocao.

"Peace and calm down, calm down, prepare to fuse the next moment of world beads..." Xia Ping'an's voice has returned to the coldness, he raised his hand, and there was already a golden light flashing on his hand.

Ming Ruolan nodded, there was no more expression on her face, she closed her eyes, her face was like jade, with a holy brilliance, let Xia Ping'an's palm brush over her head, let the golden light into her body.

After a while, Ming Ruolan's blood dripped on the boundary bead "Xue Rengui dreamed of Tang Taizong", and her body was surrounded by a light cocoon again.


Just a few hours later, Ming Ruolan's body in the secret room experienced violent fluctuations of divine power. Before she knew it, Ming Ruolan had reached the peak of the Eight Suns Realm...

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