The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 837: Difficulty parting

A month later, in Misty Mountain, in Huansha Valley...

Three virgins with different images were playing in the valley. One of the three virgins was summoned by Xia Ping'an, the other was summoned by Ming Ruolan, and the other was summoned by Yan Duo.

Ming Ruolan summoned a virgin, a little girl, who was also very lively and cute, while Yan Duo summoned a boy with a braid and a flower apron.

After receiving the empowerment from Xia Ping'an, Ming Ruolan and Yan Duo perfectly integrated the Blessing God Realm Pearl, and each summoned a virgin with different images. At this moment, these three virgins are together, like Like the little friends who grew up together, it was extraordinarily lively, and Xia Ping'an and the others were the only ones who could see the three blessed children and virgins.

In the pavilion in the valley, Xia Ping'an, Ming Ruolan and Yan Duo were sitting at the table, and the table was already full of wine and vegetables.

At this moment, Ming Ruolan is already the pinnacle of the Nine Suns Realm. He is only one step away from the demigods, and only needs to merge with the Nine Heavens Divine Spring. At this moment, Yan Duo is blessed by Ming Ruolan and Xia Ping'an, and Xia Ping'an helps him. With the empowerment, Ming Ruolan provided him with a divine spring. At this moment, he was already a summoner in the middle stage of the Eight Suns Realm, and his strength was not what it used to be.

Because there is no real world pearl that Yan Duo can fuse, the real world pearl in Xia Ping'an's hand, and the real world pearl resource in Ming Ruolan's hand have all been taken out, so this is the only way to go.

Yan Duo was already very satisfied. A month ago, he would not have dared to imagine that he had reached such a level in such a short period of time—advancing to the Eight Suns Realm, mastering the mysteries of the domain, and suddenly becoming a master who could be on his own. , as long as he doesn't make a big mistake, the advanced Nine Suns Realm is almost a certainty.

Xia Ping'an was leaving. This was a farewell banquet for Xia Ping'an, and only the three of them attended.

In the past month or so, everyone in Piaomiao Mountain knew that Ming Ruolan was in retreat. Except for Granny Yan who occasionally came to visit, almost no one came to disturb Qiyun Peak. Therefore, except for the three people here, others They didn't know that Ming Ruolan and Yan Duo at the moment were not what they used to be, and they were completely reborn.

The atmosphere in the pavilion was not happy, even a little dignified.

Yan Duo's eyes were rolling, looking at Xia Ping'an, and then at Ming Ruolan. For some reason, he always felt that the atmosphere in this pavilion could not be described as strange.

Ming Ruolan wore a fiery red dress today, and a fiery red thorn-gold dress was extremely eye-catching and warm, and she had also dressed up carefully. It is very particular, and it is completely different from the usual dressing style, just like a married bride, that beauty, with light, can sting people's eyes.

In addition to the clothes, Ming Ruolan's expression is also a little strange. From time to time, she looks at the three virgins playing in the distance, and at Xia Ping'an, a hand naturally hangs on her lower abdomen, as if gently stroking her lower abdomen, the smile on her face is unpredictable.

As for Xia Ping'an, it is still the same as before. It is difficult for Yan Duo to see any unnecessary information from Xia Ping'an's face. They looked at each other with a sweet smile.

They have one leg, these two definitely have one leg...

Yan Duo murmured in his heart, since the last time the two came out of retreat, Yan Duo found out that Ming Ruolan's eyes on Xia Ping'an were completely different.

Just now, the three of them drank two glasses of wine, and Xia Ping'an said that he would return to Yuanqiu World next.

Everyone knows that when Xia Ping'an went to the Gods Realm this time, he might never come back. Waiting for him, he was either conferred the gods, or annihilated and fell into the Gods Realm. This is what he went to. The home of all demigods.

From his participation in the Sky Patching Project to now, there has never been a moment when Yan Duo felt so entangled in his heart. He didn't know whether to say congratulations or say goodbye to Xia Ping'an.

There was a strange silence in the pavilion for half a minute. Yan Duo was drinking a suffocating drink by himself. He just forced a smile on his face. He was about to say a few witty words to ease the strange atmosphere. When he arrived, Ming Ruolan suddenly grabbed Xia Ping'an's hand in front of him, and placed it on her lower abdomen naturally.

"Do you feel it? I already have it, I will advance to a demigod, and when the child grows up, I will come to you..."

"Pfft..." Yan Duo directly spit out the wine he just drank, "cough, cough..." His face turned red from the choke, and he stared at Xia Ping'an and Ming Ruolan with wide eyes. Yan Duo thought he would exclaim, but for some reason, he only understood in an instant, and he swallowed the exclamation that had just rushed to the edge of his throat.

Xia Ping'an closed his eyes, as if he was feeling something. Half a minute later, Xia Ping'an's eyes reopened. He nodded lightly to Ming Ruolan without saying anything, just picked up his cup. , drank the wine in the wine glass, "I have everything I want to say in this glass of wine, in the second half of the plan to make up the sky, I will be the first to go, I hope there will be a day of goodbye, and then I will see other companions. I say hello to them, if you can see Xia Ning again, keep it a secret for me, don't let her worry about me!"

After saying these words, Xia Ping'an stepped out of the pavilion and came into the valley. The God of Fortune boy flew towards him, waved at the other two boys and girls, and fell into his secret mandala at once.

"The wind is blowing, the clouds are flying, the Weijia sea is returning to his hometown, and the warriors are guarding the Quartet..." Xia Ping'an sang aloud, and took the second step. , disappeared in front of the two in the blink of an eye.

Xia Pingan just left!

Yan Duo wanted to say something, but found that his throat and chest seemed to be tightly grasped by someone, unable to utter a word. He looked at Ming Ruolan, but found Ming Ruolan staring at Xia Ping'an blankly. In the direction of departure, the tears could not stop flowing.

"It doesn't really matter who a person likes, what's more important than liking is the fit..." Ming Ruolan turned around, looked at Yan Duo, and smiled, "I may be selfish, but to him, I It's the best fit!"

Yan Duo seemed to understand Ming Ruolan's words, but he didn't seem to understand.

After talking to Yan Duo, Ming Ruolan turned her gaze to a forest not far away, and said softly, "Mother-in-law, come out..."

The trunk of a big tree in the forest suddenly bulged, and then Granny Yan walked out of the big tree.

When Granny Yan came and how long she stayed here, Yan Duo had no idea. At this moment, the aura on Granny Yan was a little unfamiliar, and it seemed to be much stronger than before.

Ming Ruolan gently touched her belly again, "Mother-in-law, get ready, I'm going back..."

Granny Yan just looked at Ming Ruolan with distressed After hearing Ming Ruolan's words, she just nodded, lowered her eyes, and replied, "Yes, saint, I'll make arrangements now. …”

The look on Ming Ruolan's face suddenly became majestic, she raised her face, her eyes were bright and dazzling, sacred and noble, "From now on, don't call me a saint again, I am no longer a saint of Tianxingzong, The master has sent the order, she has gone to the secret realm of the heavenly way again, and has just officially passed on the position of the suzerain to me."

"I've seen the Sect Master!" Granny Yan's waist was bent down by two points, and her tone was even more respectful.

Seeing Granny Yan's sharp eyes glaring at him, Yan Duo also reacted at once, and greeted Ming Ruolan with a sect salute, "I have seen the sect master!"

"From this moment on, Yan Duo, you are the guardian elder of the Tianxing Sect, and you are also the future godfather of the child in my womb. Thank you for your hard work!" Ming Ruolan had already arranged a lot of things in a few words.

"Yan Duo takes his life!"


In less than an hour, the entrance to the space channel between the world of killing the gods and the world of Yuanqiu has appeared in front of Xia Ping'an. It is a huge funnel-shaped channel. Two different worlds are connected on both sides of the funnel. The spatial turbulence swirled around the loophole. Xia Pingan did not hesitate. With a flick of the light wings behind him, he did not enter the spatial passage and returned to the Yuanqiu world...


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