The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 856: hell

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Before the giant tower, there were no portals, but at this moment, a portal appeared under the giant tower. It was a dark and tall portal. The portal had a huge sense of oppression, but it also had a mysterious attraction. There is no light in the portal, and the black mist surging in the portal, like leading to an unknown abyss, makes people shudder.

Can you get in?

Feeling the existence of the giant tower portal, Xia Ping'an's heart trembled. This portal reminded him of the gate to the spiritual world, but he didn't know what was in this giant tower?

Although Xia Ping'an was a little curious, he was not in a hurry to enter the giant tower. Now that he had a few more divine powers available, he could just take the opportunity to explore the changes in the secret mandala.

The spiritual world of the Gods Realm is very strange. Xia Ping'an has carefully studied the arches in the temple of the spiritual world in his secret mandala. Then he discovered one thing, that is, there seems to be no corresponding in the Gods Realm. In the spiritual world, the arch is completely closed, and the opposite side of the arch is like an invisible wall that cannot be opened at all.

Before, he thought it was because he lacked divine power, but now he already had divine power. Although not much, he always had it. Xia Ping'an felt the arch in the temple of the spiritual world in the secret mandala again, and found that there was still something behind the arch. Like a wall, there is absolutely no feeling of being able to enter. This time, Xia Ping'an finally confirmed one thing. This Divine Realm is different from any other place. After a soul master comes here, he cannot pass himself. The secret mandala enters the spiritual world.

Xia Ping'an didn't know if it was a change in the secret mandala or if there was no corresponding spiritual realm in the God Realm. Anyway, this was the result presented to him.

In addition to the Spirit World Temple, the space warehouse in the secret mandala city has also undergone some changes. Xia Ping'an tried to perceive his own space warehouse. To his delight, he found that the space warehouse in his secret mandala city can still be used. It can be used even now, but there is a change in the space warehouse that he didn't expect. Before, he did not need to consume divine power to use the space warehouse of his secret mandala, whether it was taking things out or putting things in. , are very casual, and at this moment, Xia Ping'an found that when using the warehouse, he had to consume divine power.

Every time you consume a bit of divine power, you can use a storage space of about one cubic meter in your own space warehouse within one month. This volume is like a safe. The more divine power you invest, the more space you will use. The bigger it is, the use of that space has no upper limit at all, but the problem is that the use of this space requires continuous investment of divine power, and the time is only one month. If one month expires and you want to continue to use it, you must invest new divine power. , things placed in the space warehouse will explode.

In addition to the space warehouse, Xia Pingan felt his own summoning techniques and found a problem. When he advanced to a demigod before, some low-level spells and summoning techniques consumed divine power against demigod powerhouses. It is already very low, so low that only a little divine power is needed to complete the summoning, because the quality of the divine power of a demigod is completely different from that of an ordinary summoner.

But at this moment, Xia Ping'an discovered that the divine power that his summoning techniques need to consume has changed. Even if he summons the most common farmer, he still needs to consume 530 points of divine power to cast the most common fireball technique. Or the water shield needs to consume 3 points of power, while summoning an archer requires 90 points of power, summoning an elite Wei Wu soldier requires 150 points of power, summoning a black dragon requires 210 points of power, and summoning his Shenxing Assassin requires A full 1080 points of power... Remember the URL m.xbequge. com

Xia Ping'an was stunned by the divine power that these summoning techniques required.

The consumption of the divine power of the summoner in the Gods Realm is completely different from before. The divine power consumed by many secret methods is terrifying and has increased many times.

The use of any ability in the secret mandala consumes divine power, and the natural recovery of the summoner's divine power is pitiful. At this time, the main source of divine power that the summoner can rely on can only be obtained from the outside - Xia Ping'an I fully understand that the governments of all countries in this world need to control the circulation and transaction of materials such as divine crystals.

In addition to the obvious increase in the divine power consumed by the summoning technique, which makes people feel a little frustrated, there is also a change related to the summoning technique, but Xia Ping'an felt a "surprise" all of a sudden, and felt the "goodwill" of the heavens and the gods to the summoner. "- Xia Ping'an saw that the arrival time of all the things he could summon had become one year. For example, if he summons a farmer now, the farmer can work for him for a year after being summoned. This point, compared to before, also has a qualitative leap. If he summons an archer, it can also exist for a year as long as that archer does not suffer mortal wounds.

The longer the duration of the summoned object, this suddenly allows the summoner's summoning technique to have a greater use space and deterrent power.

"The laws of the Divine Realm are very interesting. The divine power consumed by the summons is a bit abnormal, but the duration of the summons is longer, and it starts to be measured in years. It seems that a certain balance has been completed between the two. Ability, if you don’t do anything, the divine power that will be recovered naturally in one year is 120 points, and you can summon four farmers. If you rent these four farmers out to work for others or own a piece of land, this means that you can make His summons are earning money to support himself..." Xia Ping'an's eyes flashed, and he was very amused. He kind of understood why the summoners in this world were turned into God's favored ones. Such abilities are indeed favored by God. , As long as there is divine power, summoners can do almost anything.

Divine power, divine power, in the final analysis, divine power, divine power decides everything...

After roughly figuring out the changes in his secret mandala, Xia Pingan finally turned his attention to the giant tower. That giant tower could actually generate extra divine power, and he had to figure out why.

Xia Pingan decided to go in and have a look.

Decide, extend your consciousness towards the pitch-black portal in the tower, and in the next second, Xia Ping'an will feel that his eyes are dark, and there is a feeling of passing through another space in an instant, and at the same time, there is a surging mighty force like Yue Ruhai. It came from all directions, and he was like a stone thrown into a shredder. After his spiritual consciousness was completely smashed, he was slowly squeezed out bit by bit through a gap and a tiny pipe. . Of course, this is just Xia Ping'an's feeling. His body has not been shattered, but his spiritual consciousness has been filtered and checked by the portal of the giant tower.

Even so, Xia Ping'an still felt that his entire body had turned into countless tiny particles at that moment. After passing through countless doors and nets, those tiny particles turned into a wing of light, and then he passed the The last door.

Then, Xia Ping'an found himself in a magnificent hall. The entire hall was square, and the length and width of the hall were more than ten kilometers. Such a hall was almost larger than an ordinary city.

On the ground of this hall is a cold, illuminating black slate, and the dome of the hall is more than a thousand meters high. The entire hall, and on the dome of the hall, is a huge mural of the six-winged Pengwang who reigns in the world soaring above the nine heavens. feel.

On both sides of the central axis of the main hall, two rows of huge bronze cauldrons are burning with raging flames, illuminating the main hall into a bright light. In the reflected firelight, Xia Ping'an could see his face reflected on the ground.

Seeing the six-winged Peng Wang's Xia Ping'an's heart suddenly moved, could it be that this giant tower is related to his awakened innate life spirit?

Standing for a while, Xia Ping'an's eyes were attracted by the center of the hall, and he walked towards the center of the hall.

In the center of the hall is a huge high platform that is much higher than the ground. The first steps extend from the hall to the high platform. Those steps are full of white steps. The first steps are completely The heads are connected with all kinds of strange heads. Those heads have different expressions, and some are even vivid. Xia Ping'an recognized some of them, including shadow demons, undead, and he was watching in the secret realm of heaven. to some strange races. That step, every step is thrilling, because below the steps are the heads of countless powerful races.

On both sides of the stone steps, there are statues of three-eyed giants kneeling on the ground with their hands raised, with burning lamps on their heads.

On the high platform at the end of the steps, there was only a huge golden throne. The golden throne, like a mountain of light, was lifted up by nine dragons, and the dragon bodies of the nine dragons entwined together became the final step.

Such a high platform, such a throne, even if you close your eyes, you can feel an aura of dominance that looks down on the heavens and suppresses all realms.

The shocked Xia Ping'an walked towards the steps and wanted to go up and take a look, but when he came to the front of the steps, raised his legs, stepped up to the first step, and then tried to step up, he found that he was completely determined. On the first step, he wanted to climb the second step, but the pressure on his legs was like a mountain, but he couldn't even lift his legs.

After trying to struggle for a while, Xia Pingan gave up. He took a step back from the first step, looked at the place again, and found that there was a portal leading to the underground under the high platform. Below the portal were winding stairs with two sides of the stairs. Lighting the torch, he went down the winding stairs from the portal, and found himself in a strict prison, and there were screams and screams from the prison.

Xia Ping'an walked over to the screams and was startled, because he saw the killer who had just assassinated him in a cell, being scorched by flames and being tortured every second.

The killer was trapped on the iron pillar of the cell, unable to move, and red flames spewed out from around the cell. The whole cell was like a furnace. Among the flames, there were still sheets of flames. The condensed faces of hatred and hatred, those faces were men and women, they were staring at the killer with hatred, gnashing their teeth, reaching out, opening their mouths, tearing with their hands, and biting the killer's body with their teeth. The killer's body was burning like a furnace of Don't come here...don't come here...Andrew, I didn't want to kill you...the one who wants to kill you is Sabo... "…" The killer cried out in horror, staring at a hateful face thrusting his flaming hand into his chest, excruciating pain.

Xia Ping'an stood outside the cell, but he couldn't feel the temperature of the flame in the cell at all, and the scene in the cell also shocked Xia Ping'an.

The killer turned into ashes in a moment, and then reborn in the ashes, the same pain, the same flame, came again.

No, the killer is dead, this is the soul of the killer, Xia Ping'an suddenly understood.

"God... save me... save me... I was wrong... I have committed countless sins, I am willing to repent... I am willing to be a devout believer..." The killer finally saw Xia Ping'an, and stretched The bloody, coke-like hands cried out to Xia Ping'an for help.

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