The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 858: report

A river more than ten meters wide separates the main entrance of Andesburg from the road outside. A suspension bridge tied by iron chains spans the river. On the other side of the suspension bridge is a huge dark brown gate. The gate hangs here. A Bauhinia thorn coat of arms representing the Bureau of Investigation, and a brass-colored metal plaque hangs on the other side of the gate - the Secret Service Base of the National Security Investigation Bureau of the Redron Republic in Brandy Province.

Two gun-wielding sentries in dark red uniforms were on duty under the fort at the main entrance, watching Xia Ping'an vigilantly walking across the suspension bridge with a salute.

After Xia Ping'an revealed his identity, a sentry took Xia Ping'an to a waiting room next to the sentry, and asked Xia Ping'an to wait here. Sitting in the waiting room, Xia Ping'an could faintly hear sporadic sounds coming from the direction of Andesburg's manor. gunshots.

About twenty minutes later, footsteps could be heard outside the waiting room. A black-haired, dark-eyed, bearded man with a square face and short hair looked like a Chinese man in his thirties walked into the waiting room.

The man wore a black lapel uniform with a belt around his waist and black leather boots, looking like an officer of the Bureau of Investigation.

"Chinese?" The man was stunned for a moment when he saw Xia Ping'an, and then a friendly smile appeared on his face, "I just heard that Slavin has a newly awakened God-Blessed One coming to report, but I didn't expect it to be you. , It's been a long time since a Chinese god-blessed person came to Andesburg. In the past three months, you were the first one. My name is Fang Ping, the instructor of Andesburg, what's your name?"

"My name is Xia Ping'an!"

"Follow me, I'll take you to go through the reporting procedures!"

"Thank you, Instructor!"

Seeing that Fang Ping had turned and walked out, Xia Ping'an carried his suitcase and followed Fang Ping in.

After entering the gate, Fang Ping pointed to the building behind the camphor forest far in front of the gate and introduced Xia Ping'an, "That's the main fort in Andes. The Deputy Fort is the General Administration Building of the Investigation Bureau in Andes Fort. It is a forbidden area. Students trained here are not allowed to enter without permission. If they enter without authorization, they may be killed by the secret guards guarding the General Administration Building. This happened more than once before. , In this place, the curiosity of the newly awakened gods and the arrogance brought about by just mastering the magic will kill him!" Fang Ping turned his head and glanced at Xia Ping'an, "Looking at the same For the sake of the Chinese, I hope that such a tragedy will not happen to you. The Bureau of Investigation is exposed to the most dangerous and darkest things. They often dance on the edge of the blade accompanied by death. Everyone's nerves are tense, so , don't easily joke and challenge any rules here in the Bureau of Investigation..."

"Okay, I remember!"

"The second forbidden place in Andes is that after the lights are turned off at night, don't try to swim out of the river outside the door without authorization. People who go into the river at night will usually become floating corpses on the water the next day! The three forbidden places are the dungeons of the main castle, if you hear any strange sound coming from the underground at night, you should not hear it!"

Xia Ping'an's heart moved, "You mean, Andesburg is not as safe as we thought?"

Fang Ping's face suddenly became serious, "For God's Favorites, no place in this world is absolutely safe, as long as there are people, danger is everywhere, remember, even in Andes, it's not safe. Everyone is friendly to you,"

"Understood!" Xia Ping'an nodded, "What is the new God-Blessed One going to learn here?"

"Naturally, it is necessary to learn how to change from a newly awakened God-Blessed Person to a qualified State Secret Police so as to better serve the Investigation Bureau. Most newly awakened God-Blessed Persons will not use what they have. Special abilities, their physical strength and potential have not been fully tapped. They are still very unfamiliar with shooting, fighting, swordsmanship, riding, tracking, anti-tracking, and reconnaissance skills, and they are not very clear about the various rules of the Bureau of Investigation. Adapt to complex and dangerous tasks, so train here!"

Most of these courses are completely unnecessary for Xia Ping'an, because all his abilities and skills are still reserved, except for the less divine power, those courses such as shooting, fighting and riding are very important to him. All it takes is memory and familiarity.

"How long will the training take?"

"Everyone's situation is different, and the training time is also different. The shortest may be half a month, and the longest is three months. During the training in Andesburg, your identity is a trainee police officer of the Bureau of Investigation, and there are 3 thalers and 10 dingnings per week. After completing the training, you will officially become a second-level police officer of the Bureau of Investigation. The specific salary is determined by your comprehensive performance during the training period. The so-called comprehensive performance means that you may become a trainee police officer of the Bureau of Investigation. To participate in some investigation bureau tasks, after the training is completed, you will be assigned to specific jobs..."

"Is the specific job position in the Province of Brandy?"

"Yes, with very few exceptions, the positions of the favored ones trained in Andesburg are generally in the province of Brandy!"

While the two were talking, Fang Ping took Xia Ping'an to a house with a red roof in the manor, "I want to conduct a new student induction inspection here, I'll wait for you at the door, you bring your Just go in and do what the people inside say, and when you come out, bring out your test results."

Xia Ping'an nodded and entered the red-roofed house with his salute.

This house is like a hospital. The decoration inside is plain white, and it smells of disinfectant. Entering it, Xia Ping'an saw an iron frame table, an old man with an old-fashioned face and glasses wearing a white coat, just in the Behind the table, when the old man saw Xia Ping'an coming in, he began to put on gloves, he pointed to the table, "Put your salute here, open your suitcase, take off all your clothes, and put everything on the table. , remember, it's all..."

Xia Ping'an put his cowhide suitcase on the table, opened the suitcase, and then stripped himself naked in front of the old man. Anyway, he was a man, and it was an inspection, so Xia Ping'an would not feel ashamed. Yes, just take a shower in the bathroom.

Seeing Xia Ping'an stripped naked and putting everything on the table, the old man nodded, then pointed to a room in the corridor, "Okay, you will report to that room now..."

Xia Ping'an came to the room naked, pushed open the door, and felt that the room was like a morgue. The temperature of the whole room dropped by more than ten degrees. The surrounding of the room was surrounded by metal walls, and the ground in the middle of the room. On the top, there is a crystal coffin that is almost three meters long. The outside of the crystal is covered with strange runes and a hint of divine power.

"Lie down..." The old man in the room also said to Xia Ping'an with an old-fashioned expression.

Xia Ping'an did as he did. He lay down in the huge crystal coffin with people lying flat inside. The old man closed the lid of the crystal coffin. Xia Ping'an felt his secret mandala vibrate, and a dense energy Wrap yourself in mist like a full body scan.

After about five minutes like this, the old man in the room opened the lid of the crystal coffin, let Xia Ping'an come out of the crystal coffin, handed him a piece of paper, pierced his right thumb with a silver needle, and let him in. A **** handprint was pressed on the piece of paper.

Xia Ping'an glanced at the piece of paper and saw only three lines of words on the piece of paper.

Line 1 - Individual Cleanliness and Safety

Line 2 - Divine Power is zero

Row 3 - Secret Mandala not activated

Behind these three lines, a circle is drawn for each.

Xia Ping'an's heart was slightly shocked. There are actually two points of divine power in his secret mandala, just above the giant tower. It seems that the inspection just now did not detect it.

He walked out of this room and went outside. Xia Ping'an's old cowhide suitcase and the clothes he wore before were all gone. On the table, a new cowhide suitcase was placed, and all the other clothes, watches, and banknotes were returned. exist.

"Where did you get that suitcase from before?" the old man asked.

"My adoptive father left me..."

"What does your foster father do?"

"He is a low-level apostle in the temple!"

The old man nodded, "That suitcase has been in the temple for a long time. It has been infected by the breath of the temple and cannot enter the castle. That suitcase has been disposed of. This is your new suitcase..."

Xia Ping'an was stunned for a moment. The old suitcase was also left by the godly adoptive father on his forehead. He didn't expect to be able to check it out.

Xia Ping'an put on his clothes again, packed his suitcases and went out. Fang Ping was still waiting outside the room.

Xia Ping'an handed over the piece of paper, Fang Ping took it and looked at it, put away the inspection card, and nodded, "Okay, there is no problem with your side, it's an official report, I'll take you there. At your residence, get your basic supplies in Andesburg and the Student Manual of the Investigation Bureau, it’s past dinner time tonight, you can’t eat any more, and you won’t have breakfast until tomorrow morning!”

"How are the training sessions arranged here?"

"I'm in charge of all your training sessions. Take a good rest today. I'll give you a comprehensive test tomorrow, and then decide what to teach you next..."

After more than ten minutes, Xia Ping'an received some and was taken by Fang Ping to a single dormitory on the first floor of the castle. After Xia Ping'an was asked to wait for him at the training ground at 5:30 tomorrow morning, Fang Ping left.

Next to Xia Ping'an's dormitory are dormitories. In those dormitories, there are newly awakened God-Blessers from other parts of Brandy Province who have come to Andesburg for training one after another.

Because the gods who come here are coming one after another, Andesburg adopts a single-person responsibility system for the training of these new gods. An instructor may bring one or two, at most two or three students. , The situation of the students is also different. There are male and female students, and the dormitory for female students is just upstairs from Xia Ping'an.

That night, Xia Ping'an slept until midnight, and was awakened by a strange movement from the underground. In the underground of Andesburg, faintly, there was a woman's ethereal singing. As long as you close your eyes, the singing will appear. in the ear.

The singing appeared for a while, and then disappeared. Seeing that there was no other movement in the castle, and there was nothing unusual in the other dormitories, Xia Ping'an took it easy.

The next day, before dawn, Xia Ping'an got up, took a shower, put on the newly issued training uniform, and arrived at the training ground before 5:30 in the morning.

At 5:30, Fang Ping appeared on time. He pointed to the track of the training ground and said to Xia Ping'an, "The track of the training ground is 500 meters long. Let me see your physical fitness first. In Andesburg, the trainees' health The pass line is 20 laps here in 30 minutes!"

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