The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 894: fighting

In the spacious underground passage, the green fluorite emits a faint light, and the roots of the intertwined mangroves are strangely and neatly arranged in the passage, like exquisite works of art, and like the brackets in the mine, preventing the tunnel from collapsing. , Of course, all of this is not the result of natural growth, but the result of the effect of magic. Ordinary people who enter such a place will inevitably be convinced by the magical power of this magic.

No one would have thought that a cult like Life Muge would actually build such an evil underground church in the woods on the outskirts of Keland.

Magic Vine, Orochi, and Assassin rushed to the front, Xia Ping'an followed closely behind, with a brave and fearless appearance, leaving Eagle and Moonlight behind...

Along the way, most of them were the corpses of the low-level members of the cult who were stabbed to death by the magic vine.

The vines of the magic vines drilled out of the ground are like spears and arrows pierced from the ground. They can be as hard as iron, fast and ferocious, and difficult to resist. They are also like the body of a wild python, which can be flexibly twisted and changed at any time. It pierces the vital parts of the bodies of those cult members, and pierces the body of people with a snort.

The members of the cult guarding the life Muge here heard the movement outside and rushed out from the inside. They wanted to break through and block the intruders who came in from the outside, but they just bumped into the hands of the magic vine.

For these ordinary low-level cult members, the ability of the magic vine is both deadly and unpredictable. In the dark green passage, the magic vine is haunted. While stabbing these people to death, it will also absorb the blood energy of these people. It was empty, so the people who were stabbed to death by the magic vine were all pale and shriveled, and their death was a little weird.

"Bang... bang... bang..."

"This is... the devil..."


Gunshots, screams and terrified cries echoed through the passage.

Those who wanted to rush out of the passage, facing the terrifying magic vines that could pierce out from anywhere in the passage, shot red-eyed and panicked indiscriminately, but in the blink of an eye, inside the passage. The light was chaotic and disturbed, and the vines that pierced through the passage from all directions, pierced their bodies like sieves and rags, and threw them underground, losing their vitality.

Most of the bullets that were shot indiscriminately hit the ground and the soil. Even if two of them hit the magic vine, because of the growth characteristics of the magic vine, it can be recovered in the blink of an eye.

In such an underground passage, the combat power of the magic vine can be maximized, almost turning this underground passage into a meat grinder.

"This guy named Ajaluo is more brave than I thought, and the vine of death he summoned is not bad. In the future, you don't have to worry about this guy's greed for life and death..." Watching Xia Ping'an rush to the front, the eagle Voice transmission and Moonlight also muttered.

"The vine of death he summoned seems to be too powerful... I have seen the vine of death summoned by someone before, and it doesn't seem to be as powerful as his..." Moonlight also said with some doubts.

"Maybe there is some kind of secret blessing..." Eagle guessed.

There is only one reason why Xia Ping'an rushed to the front. All these **** are damned, and if he kills these rubbish, the giant tower in his secret and candid will have a divine power reward, and at the same time, he can also penetrate the soul of these **** into the In the prison of God, let them pay the price, and they can pry out some useful information from the mouths of these garbage.

It is for this reason that Xia Ping'an rushed to the front.

In just a moment, Xia Ping'an was the first to pass through the underground passage behind him and enter a hall with the giant snake and assassin in front.

This hall is deep underground, covering an area of ​​1,000 square meters. The dense roots of mangroves and pieces of gray granite form this hall. In the center of the hall, there is a blood pool.

They were advancing too fast. When Xia Ping'an rushed in, there were several people in the blood pool in this hall who were soaking naked in the blood pool, holding some kind of mysterious ceremony, because Xia Ping'an and their sudden Appearing and screaming and gunshots coming from the passage, these people are scrambling to climb out of the blood pool in a panic.

A group of people, males and females, with bare butts, their ugly bodies covered with red liquid, their fat butts trembling and screaming, rushed out of the pool of blood.

To be honest, Xia Ping'an felt a little disgusted when he saw those people crawling out of the blood pond. It was as if he saw some man-eating beasts crawling out of the blood pond.

Xia Ping'an just smelled it with his nose and knew that the blood in the blood pool was human blood! And those who provided blood have all turned into skeletons, embedded in the walls around this hall, showing the connection and gap between life and death.

When they saw the mask on Xia Ping'an's face and the blood-red gloves on his hands, those people screamed in horror.

"night guard……"

The light of the dagger in the assassin's hand flashed, and the heads of several people who were running around flew up.

The giant python opened its mouth and spewed out a flame, which directly burned the two to ashes. With a flick of its tail, it slapped a man with a fat brain, directly smashing the man's whole body and smashing it into the hall. On the wall, it almost turned into a patty.

The magic vine was much more direct. In the sound of chi chi, it drilled directly out of the blood pool, pierced a few people who had not yet climbed into the blood pool, and sank into the blood pool with a scream.

Mr. Coin's order is to spare none of these rubbish!

In addition to those who soaked in the blood pool, in this hall, there are four other summoners of Life Muge who are wearing blood-red mage robes and a pointed hat on their heads, covering their entire faces.

The four Summoners of the Song of Life just now held a ceremony here using a secret method. I didn't expect Xia Ping'an and the others to rush in so quickly, and they were all caught off guard.

The blue water shield light wave on Xia Ping'an's body flickered, and the electric light on his hand rattled.

The water shield resisted several incoming fireballs, ice picks, poisonous smoke, and the electric light on Xia Ping'an's hand, like a flickering snake, directly hitting a summoner who was singing and piercing through the The water shield on the man made that man smoke all over his body, and the mage robe on his body was shattered by electricity and flew out.

The magic vine came out of the ground, and before the Summoner of Song of Life had landed, the vine had penetrated through the body of the Summoner of Song of Life. At this time, the Shen Xing Assassin was revealed. The power of the dagger just flickered, and the Shen Xing Assassin appeared behind a Summoner who was singing a song of life, passed through a net of fire, and the dagger slammed through the Summoner's heart.

At the same time, the giant crossbow in Eagle's hand emitted a red light, which once again smashed into pieces a summoner who wanted to escape and a few dark figures that the summoner had just summoned.

In the blink of an eye, only one of the four Summoners of the Song of Life was left.

The summoner turned around and wanted to run, and with a finger of the moonlight, the summoner found that the ground under his feet had turned into a swamp, and his figure was suddenly trapped.

In the next second, Xia Ping'an's ice cone smashed a water shield on him, and the Shen Xing assassin killed several skeletons summoned by the summoner. Moonlight shot again, and an ice ring melted the fireball blasted by the summoner. .

Under the siege of several night watchmen, the Summoner of the Life Musong couldn't support it at all. He also knew that when the most dangerous moment came, he roared and cut off a leg that was stuck in the quagmire. People jumped up from the ground, trying to rush out through a passage.

At this moment, the golden lotus flower under Xia Ping'an's feet flashed, and directly passed through the space of more than 20 meters and appeared beside the summoner who was singing the song of life. He intercepted the person in the air and waved the long sword in his hand. , with a snort, a sword cut off the Summoner's head.

The summoner's body had not yet landed, and the giant crossbow in the eagle's hand flew with a red light, which directly blew his body into pieces.

In this moment, in the secret underground hall of Life Muge, only Xia Ping'an and the other three were standing, and the other cult members were all beheaded...

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