The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 909: The clumsy is to be in harmony

As soon as Xia Ping'an opened his eyes, he found himself wearing a majestic dragon robe sitting on the throne of the Golden Dragon Palace, and the ministers in the Golden Dragon Palace were arguing.

"Beijing offenders, the best way is to have a relative. As long as we send a princess there, Beirong will surely settle down..." A civil minister in a red robe spoke in the hall.

"Beirong Langzi's ambitions, they are trying to test my Tang's determination. Once we show weakness and send the princess over, Beirong will definitely get more aggressive. Those thieves only understand the benefits of swords, how can they know kindness and benevolence!" One The bearded general roared from the hall.

"Fighting, easy to say!" Another minister sneered and retorted, "The so-called "resistance of foreign affairs still needs to be settled, the biggest disaster in our Tang Dynasty is the disaster of the vassal towns. Now the chaos in Xichuan has appeared, and Liu Pi, the deputy envoy of Jiedu in Xichuan," If Wei Gao died, Liu Pi dared to coerce the imperial court to grant him a yue, and he had already dispatched troops to occupy all the dangerous places in Xichuan. Once the imperial court started a war with Beirong at this moment, how could there be any troops to pacify Xichuan!"

"Yeah, in addition to Xichuan, Xia Suijun and Zhenhaijun also have signs of instability. It's not good for me to lose peace with Beirong at the moment!" An old man with a gray beard said tremblingly, "If you can send a woman over, I will do it. It may not be a bad thing to be able to appease Beirong temporarily!"

"Then Beirong will send the princess to kiss me today. If he wants gold and silver children tomorrow, can't I also send the gold and silver children to Beirong?"

The ministers in the court were divided into two factions, and they quarreled. Some people advocated getting along with Bei Rong, some people advocated teaching Bei Rong a lesson, and some ministers did not express their opinions, secretly watching the emperor sitting on the throne. complexion.

Xia Ping'an was sitting on the throne at the moment, looking at the noisy Jinluan Palace, only then did he truly realize that Tang Xianzong and Li Chun were not easy at that time. When encountering a weaker emperor, at this moment, it is estimated that he would just find a woman to give the title of a princess and then Let the woman and the pro go.

The ministers of the two factions in the Golden Palace quarreled for a while, only then did they realize that the sitting emperor had not spoken, and the quarrel between the two factions gradually stopped, and one by one looked at Xia Ping'an.

"An Nei is still needed to fight the outside world. This is a good sentence!" Xia Ping'an opened his mouth softly. When he heard this, the ministers who had just advocated for kinship were immediately shocked, thinking that the emperor had accepted their opinion. Unexpectedly, Xia Pingan went on to say, "And for me, in this world, there is nothing more than this imperial city, the imperial city is disturbed, and the disaster caused by Xiao Qiang is a great hidden danger!"

Ah, what does Your Majesty mean? Isn't he discussing the matter of Beirong and cutting down the vassal? Why did His Majesty suddenly talk about the imperial city?

"Since I ascended the throne, the harem has been without a master, and the queen's position has been vacant. It is not a long-term solution for the long-term stability of the country and the integrity of the harem. I have decided that I will officially ennoble Concubine Guo Gui as the queen, to lead the harem, the mother, and the world. How do you feel?"

As soon as Xia Ping'an opened his mouth, everyone in the Jinluan Hall was suddenly shocked, and many people were stunned.

Guo Guifei is the granddaughter of Guo Ziyi, her father is the concubine Guo Ai, her mother is Princess Shengping, and Princess Shengping is the daughter of Daizong, so Concubine Guo is the granddaughter of Daizong and the cousin of Shunzong, according to the family tree of the royal family. , Concubine Guo is a generation older than His Majesty. In addition, Guo Ziyi's eight sons and seven sons-in-law are all dignitaries, and dozens of generals under Guo Ziyi's subordinates have been named Wang Jinhou. With such a background and such power, Guo Guifei has never been canonized as a queen, so the ministers of the Manchu Dynasty are in the heart. They all secretly guessed that this was because His Majesty was afraid of Concubine Guo, afraid of repeating the old events of Emperor Gaozong, so he did not dare to canonize Concubine Guo as the empress.

But what people didn't expect was that today in the court, His Majesty actually "figured it out" and wanted to canonize Guo Guifei as the queen. This is a big deal.

"Your Majesty Shengming!"

"Guo Guifei is virtuous and virtuous, she can be the master of the harem, and the mother of the world!"

"This is the blessing of the Tang Sheji..."

When some ministers were still stunned, several ministers who were closely related to the Guo family in the golden palace were already shouting excitedly. Senseless.

This is not enough to write two words of Guo. His Majesty named Guo Guifei as the empress. This is a great good thing for the Guo family. The only thing that makes people strange is that this kind of important event has not been revealed in the palace before. , The last time the Guo family met with Concubine Guo, Concubine Guo still had some grudges, probably because she was left out in the palace by His Majesty.

The reason why His Majesty did not canonize Guo Guifei was because he was afraid of repeating the old affairs of Emperor Gaozong. The Guo family knew this well. Although the Guo family was dissatisfied, they could only acquiesce. They regarded this as a balance with Li Chun, but it was shocking. Yes, this balance was actually broken by Li Chun in the hall today.

Guo Zhao and Guo Wei in the hall looked at each other, their eyes were extremely surprised, and when they looked at the emperor sitting on the Golden Palace with sharp eyes and a slight smile on the corners of his mouth, an unfathomable and profound feeling rose in their hearts. He secretly felt awe and awe, not knowing what medicine the emperor was selling.

At a time like this, in the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, who would dare to stand up against it, if they offended the emperor and the Guo family all at once, would they still be alive?

In a moment, the civil and military capitals of the Manchu Dynasty began to support Xia Ping'an's "wise decision", and the canonization of Concubine Guo was settled.

Seeing that this was over, Xia Ping'an, who was sitting on the throne, let out a long sigh of relief. Tang Xianzong might have considered Tang Xianzong's decision not to canonize Guo Guifei as the empress before, but history has proved that this road is a dead end with endless troubles. And later history has also proved that Concubine Guo's morality can also stand the test, and can be worthy of the word Shude. Concubine Guo has no ambition like Wu Zetian, nor is she cruel and faint. In the original history, after Tang Xianzong's death, Guo Guifei's son Tang Muzong ascended the throne. At that time, Guo Guifei was already the empress dowager, and her status could be imagined, but there is no record of Guo Guifei's tyranny and cruelty in the history books. Guo Guifei's reputation has always been very good. Such a woman is very rare. Later, when Emperor Muzong of Tang died, someone in the palace planned for the Guo family to designate the imperial court. Guo said angrily: "Do you want me to imitate Wu Zetian? Although the prince is young, he can still choose a high-ranking minister to assist him. Why should I participate in the outer court? business!"

With Concubine Guo in charge of the harem, the various internal frictions of the royal family in the future can be completely avoided as long as they are properly arranged.

Tang Xianzong's defeat in life, the first defeat was the discord between the husband and wife in this harem, and the family was not in order.

What's more critical, and what makes Xia Ping'an even more happy, is that he has done such a big thing, and the world bead is not broken, which means that it can continue.

After seeing that this matter was settled, Xia Ping'an took a deep breath and said to Manchao Wenwu in a deep voice, "Do you know a person named Rong Yu?"

How about being an emperor? As soon as Xia Pingan opened his mouth, an old minister touched his beard and started to take on the role of holding the scorpion, "Oh, I know this Rong Yu, he was a jinshi before, and later he was at the Jingnan Festival. The imperial envoy Wei Boyu served in the shogunate, and he also served as a staff member beside Tanzhou prefect Cui Kuan and Guizhou prefect Li Changcong. In the third year of Jianzhong he went to Chang'an to serve as a censor, and the next year he was demoted to Chenzhou prefect. This person has some talents. , wrote some poems!"

"Yes, this Rong Yu also wrote a poem called "Yong Shi", I like it very much!" Xia Ping'an looked at the ministers in the hall, and started reading the poem "Yong Shi" casually. "In the history of the Qing Dynasty of the Han family, Ji Zhuo is a relative. The Sheji is the master of the Ming Dynasty, and the safety is entrusted to the woman. How can you pretend to be quiet and Hu Chen with a jade appearance. Underground thousands of years of bone, who is the assistant minister?"

After listening to Xia Ping'an's recitation of "Chronicles of History", the hall suddenly became quiet. The ministers who were clamoring for a kiss just now trembled in their hearts. They quickly lowered their heads and dared not look at the emperor sitting on the throne, because the emperor The meaning is already very obvious. Anyone who wants to mention marriage is to look at the emperor as a fool, and the person who mentions it has also become a traitor.

The Lord of Sheji Yiming, the wife of Anwei, Rong Yu's poem is so ironic that it's so heart-wrenching.

"Unfortunately, this Rong Yu has already passed away. If he is still alive, I would like him to be the prefect of Langzhou. Wei Jiang was the first to propose a policy of reconciliation. This person is a shameless coward. To sacrifice one's life to serve the country, to entrust the safety of the country to a woman, to make the woman suffer, but there are a lot of reasons to say what to do with the five benefits, this is really a big joke!" Xia Ping'an sneered, and then murdered. Said, "I have made up my mind. In the future, I will never make friends with barbarians. Beirong invades my border and kills my people. This matter will be discussed with the Ministry of War. Bian soldiers, attack the intruding enemy, let me, the warriors of the Tang Dynasty, use swords, spears, swords and halberds to discuss peace with these barbarians, all right, retreat!"

Xia Ping'an had already stood up, ready to go to the harem to see Concubine Guo, to reveal her feelings and have a good chat with Concubine Guo.

The so-called family and everything are prosperous. This emperor's family affairs are not trivial. If he wants to reverse the fate of the Tang Dynasty and his own future, the first thing to do now is to completely reconcile with Concubine Guo, and the husband and wife will rebuild the harem together. Suppressing the power of the eunuchs in the harem is the real peace. If you don't cut down the power of the eunuchs in the palace, he wants to cut down the vassal. His life was cut, and Yuan and Zhongxing were short-lived and turned into the return of the Tang Dynasty, which is really a tragedy.

However, Xia Ping'an had just taken a few steps, and the world in this world bead suddenly shattered without warning.


In the secret room, Xia Ping'an, whose body was shattered, opened his eyes, shook his head, and a wry smile appeared on his face, "The perfect fusion of this divine power pearl originally increased the upper limit of divine power by 18 points, but now, the upper limit of divine power has been added. It is exactly 49 o'clock, indicating that I have changed history to some extent, and it can be regarded as a breakthrough integration, but the time given to myself in the Jiezhu is too short, and many things are too late to do..."

Because of this world bead, Xia Ping'an's divine bone has been added, and he is now a fifth-level six-star divine favored person.

Looking at the time, it was less than five minutes before Xia Ping'an walked out of the secret room.

It's still early. Before the break, Xia Ping'an, who had just walked out of the secret room, was reading a book in the study, and he had not read it for a few minutes. Xia Ping'an felt a sudden feeling in his heart. in the direction of the swamp.

Lucky God boy is in the swamp at the The Ninja Turtle who has been hiding his life in the swamp for so long has been restless tonight, and there is a change... It seems that he wants to come out of the swamp .

Are you here to give yourself a world bead?


A few minutes later, Xia Ping'an, who was wearing an angel mask and blood-colored gloves again, was in the dark night. Like a ghost, his body turned into a translucent black mist. The roofs of buildings rushed towards the swamp.

When the Summoner's flying technique has become an auxiliary technique that cannot fly and can only make people jump higher and run faster in this world, as long as they are willing to burn their divine power, the Summoner's action ability can make the strongest warriors feel free ashamed...


Just over ten minutes later, Xia Ping'an arrived at the familiar mangrove to the west of Keland, but Xia Ping'an did not enter the mangrove, but made a circle outside the mangrove, cutting into the swamp from the east of the mangrove. In the hills where the earth meets, the figure disappears in the blink of an eye...

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