The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 914: guest

The next day, in Helena's villa on Odin Street...

"Salina, this is my personal advisor, Mr. Xia Ping'an..." Helena smiled and introduced Xia Ping'an to the person in front of her who was wearing a tight corset and a flashy purple dress, and the gorgeous high hairpin was decorated with decorations. with jewelry and beautiful bird feathers.

Mrs. Salina is tall and thin, with fair skin, but the cheekbones on her face look a little high, which makes her eye sockets look a little sunken and sharp, her thin lips are pursed tightly, and her chin is slightly when she looks at people. Raised, with some arrogance, and the gorgeous and delicate jewelry on her body all show the picky and sharpness of this woman.

Salina, the wife of Chief Kevin of Koland Police, came from a powerful family in Brandy. Her father was a high-ranking officer of the Brandy Provincial Police Department. To a certain extent, Chief of Koland Police, Kevin Relying on this woman to climb up, in terms of family status, this woman belongs to the absolutely powerful kind.

In fact, not all ladies are beautiful women, at least this one is not.

"Hello Madam, nice to meet you!" Xia Pingan greeted the woman in a gentlemanly manner.

"Is that the rejuvenation technique you performed on Mrs. Lawrence?" Mrs. Salina's voice was sharp and sounded like a cormorant with a long neck. The small eyes behind the cheekbones stared at Xia Ping'an with a double scrutiny. Picky means.

Youth Restoration Technique, this is the name of Xia Ping'an's detoxification technique that Helena publicized, because to these women, they may not understand or be interested in what you say about detoxification techniques, but you have to tell them that you can Restore youth and beauty, and make sure your eyes will light up after listening to each one.

"Yes!" Xia Ping'an nodded calmly.

"I want to achieve the double effect of Mrs. Lawrence, can I, I can meet all the conditions?" The woman asked directly, Xia Pingan was a little stunned, and he glanced at Helena.

Helena didn't expect Salina to make such a request temporarily, she could only explain patiently, "Salina, the effect of youth restoration is the same, this ritual is already perfect and powerful, there is no so-called double Double the effect, my personal consultant will do everything possible to ensure that you can experience the amazing effect produced by Mrs. Lawrence!"

"Oh, yes, that's a pity, I heard that different gods cast the same spell, some effects can be doubled, maybe you can ask your personal advisor to teach this spell to higher The favored one, the effect of this youth restoration technique must be even better!" Mrs. Salina began to "point" in front of Xia Ping'an.

"Well, the technique of this youth restoration technique is born by the gods and cannot be taught!" Helena still smiled, "Salina, you can go to the room to prepare first, and when Mr. Xia prepares the equipment for the spell, we will It's time to start!"

"Okay!" The woman glanced at Xia Ping'an again, "I hope the ceremony won't be too painful, and I won't leave any scars on my body!"

"Madam, don't worry, there won't be any scars!" Xia Ping'an could only say.

"By the way, I hope mine is brand new for ritual techniques, not someone else's. I never use something that others have used!" The woman made another request.

"Ma'am, all ritual and magic tools are brand new every time, and a set of magic tools is only used once!" Xia Ping'an replied.

Mrs. Salina finally nodded in satisfaction.

Under Helena's wink, Helena's personal maid took Salina away.

It was not until the woman left the tea room that Helena smiled apologetically to Xia Ping'an, "Sorry, Salina is just like this, she is too picky and caring, and she likes to lead everything to be different, she is actually treating you today. Very polite!"

"It's okay!" Xia Ping'an shrugged. He met many normal guests. It's understandable to encounter a strange one occasionally. "It seems that Director Kevin's life at home is not very good!"

Helena smiled, "Director Kevin likes having more children in the family, and always wants a son, but Salina doesn't agree, because Salina feels that the process of childbirth is very painful, and it will make her figure out of shape, So they only have one daughter."

"Poor Director Kevin!" Xia Ping'an shook his head. He finally knew why Director Kevin gave birth to another child with his lover outside. It was estimated that the atmosphere at home was too oppressive, and the average woman was too strong in a family. When a man has the opportunity, he will build his own comfort zone outside, and Director Kevin is estimated to be a master of anti-reconnaissance. He has had children with his lover in Keland for so many years, and the family does not know at all. He likes to wander around and explore, but Xia Ping'an doesn't know there are so many stories behind it. "Last time I met with Chief Kevin at Mrs. Caitlin's manor. He is a very capable person!"

"Of course, before he married Salina, Chief Kevin was an excellent police officer in Koland. He solved several major cases and was highly appreciated by Salina's father!" Helena said, and took out A dark red box came, "This is the world bead this time. It is very unusual. I heard that a powerful general can be summoned. You should have never merged before!"

Xia Ping'an took the box and opened it, only to see two divine crystals and a silver-white boundary bead on the green velvet cloth in the box. Inside the silver-white boundary bead, a silver figure riding on a horse and holding a spear loomed. "Three arrows set the Tianshan Mountain" floating in the boundary beads.

Xia Pingan knew at a glance that this was Xue Rengui's Jiezhu. Three Arrows Dingtianshan told the story of Xue Rengui, a famous general of the Tang Dynasty. "Three Arrows Dingtianshan" is not a fictional historical legend, but recorded in official history. The real incident of Xue Rengui can be called one of the miracles in the history of human warfare. Xue Rengui conquered more than 100,000 Huns with three arrows.

"I like this world bead very much!" Xia Ping'an smiled and took the box directly into his space warehouse.

At this moment, Xia Ping'an's space warehouse has expanded by five times, and it can hold more things. The divine power consumed by the space warehouse, for Xia Ping'an at this moment, is only a pediatric department, which can be easily tolerated.

"Although this World Orb can summon powerful generals, I have also heard that if this World Orb does not fuse well, there may be serious accidents, and even if there is a corresponding Spiritual Mind Crystal, it is difficult to guarantee a 100% fusion success~ I'm looking for the corresponding Spiritual Mind Crystal for you, it's best to find the corresponding Spiritual Mind Crystal before you fuse it to get a better grasp!" Helena reminded patiently.

"I'll pay attention!" Xia Ping'an nodded. Many Boundary Orbs cannot be successfully fused with Spiritual Mind Crystals. Spiritual Mind Crystals provide strategies, but strategies cannot avoid the dangers and fights in the Boundary Orbs. The ability to react and adapt is actually more important than the strategy. This is the world bead that completely tests the Summoner's ability.

When Jiezhu and Shenjing got their hands, Xia Ping'an was in a good mood, and he didn't mind what happened to the woman in the room who was waiting to get rid of the poison, so he should come here for treatment.

The two chatted for a while, and Helena's personal maid came and said that Salina was ready, so the two went to another room together.

Salina was already lying on the bed, covered with a thin blanket, and was already waiting for the ceremony to start. She heard the footsteps of Xia Ping'an coming in, but without raising her head, she began to ask again, "Oh, God Well, I feel like I'm waiting for surgery, don't let me see blood later, I'm going to faint, Helena, this kind of atmosphere makes me feel a little nervous, it's better to have a band in this room a little Soothing music and some relaxing champagne, even better if you can see flowers!”

"Madam, don't worry, you won't see blood!" Xia Ping'an didn't bother to listen to her chatter any more. As he spoke, he took out a silver needle and stuck it on her foot. The anesthetic on the needle, In an instant, the woman lying on the bed lost consciousness and closed her mouth all of a sudden.

The process of performing the detoxification technique this time is no different from the previous one. After the technique was completed, before the woman woke up, Xia Ping'an had already left politely.

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