The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 918: invisible

As one of the hostess, Helena has attracted much attention on such an occasion, and it is impossible to stay by Xia Ping'an's side. After chatting with Xia Ping'an for a while, she put her head close to Xia Ping'an's ear, almost touching her face. With a face, those lips almost touched Xia Ping'an's ear, and he whispered to Xia Ping'an, "You stay after the reception, I will introduce you to a special client, which will definitely surprise you!"

"What surprise?"

"You'll know then, don't you like Jiezhu, this client is absolutely generous!"

After saying this, Helena smiled lightly, rubbing her sweet lips against Xia Ping'an's ears and face, then walked away with a glass of wine, and in the blink of an eye, she merged into another circle of old men and the people in that circle. Some old men chatted, generous, elegant and exquisite, making those old men in the circle feel like a spring breeze, with smiles on their faces.

Naturally, Helena wouldn't lie to herself, but she didn't expect a world bead to come to her door tonight!

Xia Pingan laughed in his heart, glanced at the crowd, and saw that in the crowd in the hall, Baron Mayer, the vice consul of the Ceylon Empire Consulate General in Koland, had already met a man with a fiery red color in the blink of an eye. The young girl with her hair wearing a blue off-the-shoulder dress had a lively chat. The girl seemed to have been attracted to the man. She looked a little shy and had some blush on her face. The two were very close. Unconsciously, he had touched the woman's waist, but the girl did not escape.

Looking at Baron Mayer, Xia Pingan thought of the people and human organs in the bottle in the wax museum. He took a deep breath and looked away from Baron Mayer, so as not to make the guy feel to what.

"Mr. Xia, I really didn't expect us to meet here!" A man with smooth hair came over and greeted Xia Ping'an with a smile.

"Oh, Mr. Quinell, it's nice to meet..." The person who suddenly appeared was Quinell Ahrens.

When Helena came over to talk with Xia Ping'an just now, Quinelle Arens watched from a distance, and was shocked beyond description. Before, he reconciled with Xia Ping'an on behalf of the Arens family, and the reason was Xia Ping'an's divine support The identity of the person and the background of the investigation bureau, the Ahrens family really does not want to have a bad relationship with the entire investigation bureau for such a little thing, and let the family be labeled as the murderer of the investigation bureau, which is very detrimental to the future development of the family, and he will also I was involved, so I could only grit my teeth and bleed a little bit to end the matter.

Quinell Ahrens thought that Xia Ping'an was an ordinary god-blessed person from the Bureau of Investigation who had no other background. Unexpectedly, he could see Xia Ping'an again here. On such an occasion It was enough to surprise him to see Xia Ping'an, but what surprised him even more was Helena's attitude towards Xia Ping'an. The intimacy and naturalness showed that the two had a close relationship, and Helena belonged to the Condela family. The head of business, standing behind the entire Condela family, to a certain extent, Helena's attitude is the attitude of the Condela family.

This kind of reception may seem lively, but there are actually some unspoken rules. People who participate in the reception, people of different identities have different circles according to their identities and energy levels. High-level people can join the circle at will and wander freely. , and people with insufficient identities can't take the initiative to join the high-level circles, unless someone recommends, just now Quinell Arens wanted to come over, but just because he felt that there was a gap between his identities and Helena, he suddenly ran It was a bit rude to come here, so I didn't come over. Now Helena is having a good conversation with his father and several big families of Keland.

"I didn't expect Mr. Xia and Miss Helena to be so familiar with each other. Our family also has some business dealings with the Condela family. If I had known this, it would have been easier to solve the misunderstanding at the beginning..." Quinell Ahrens was careful.

"Oh, I'm Miss Helena's personal advisor!" Xia Pingan said.

Quinell Ahrens's eyes flashed, and the smile on his face was more cordial, "So that's the case, last time I heard that Mr. Xia can divination, I was just looking for an opportunity to ask Mr. Xia to help me with divination. I met Mr. Xia here, I want to make an appointment with Mr. Xia, do you think it is convenient?"

"Yes!" Xia Ping'an nodded and laughed, "I have time the day after tomorrow, and Quinell can come to see me at 169 Binhu Street!"

"Okay, then it's settled!"

At this moment, Mrs. Caitlin had already walked over to Xia Ping'an. Mrs. Caitlin, who had just drank a little champagne, had a rosy aura on her face, and Mrs. Caitlin, who came to Xia Ping'an's side, immediately hooked up. Holding Xia Ping'an's arm, "Honey, the dance is about to start, don't forget, one of your dances is mine..."

The alcohol in her stomach and the atmosphere here made Mrs. Caitlin even more enthusiastic.

Seeing Mrs. Catelyn's arrival, Quinell Ahrens wisely retreated and walked away.

Of course, Quinelle Ahrens knew Mrs. Caitlin. She was the most beautiful and rich widow in Colander. She was the dream of many men in Colander. I didn't expect that Mrs. Caitlin and Xia Pingan would get together.

Quinell Ahrens was shocked again, a little tasteful, but also a little jealous. After walking a distance, he looked back and saw Chief Kevin of the Colander Police Department, also smiling. He walked to Xia Ping'an's side, clinking glasses with Xia Ping'an, as if he had known each other for a long time and had a good conversation.

Franko that **** bastard!

Quinell Ahrens cursed in his heart, he didn't know who he had offended, and he even said that Xia Ping'an was a poor boy. Before, Quenelle Ahrens still felt a little pain in the flesh and felt a little prickly about the boundary beads and spiritual crystals that he gave to Xia Ping'an for reconciliation. It's so worth it. The pimple in Quenelle Ahrens's heart disappeared at once. Instead, he was a little fortunate. Fortunately, he didn't completely tear his face with Xia Ping'an. .

In the next few minutes, Helena's brother, Alighieri, the current governor of Brandy Province, delivered a speech in the hall. As soon as Aligeli opened his mouth, the entire hall of the castle fell silent. As soon as the two-minute speech was finished, the protagonist of today's reception, the spirited Holderlin Condra led Helena to the center of the hall with a smile and greeted the guests present. With the sound of music, Hall Delin and Helena danced gracefully in the center of the hall. The father and daughter started the first dance of the reception. The atmosphere in the entire hall suddenly became lively. Only a pair of people joined the dance floor, and hundreds of people danced in the hall.

Mrs. Caitlin pulled Xia Ping'an to the dance floor and joined the dance floor. Caitlin found that she didn't need to teach her at all. Xia Ping'an hugged her, danced well, mastered the rhythm very well, and cooperated with her. It's perfect, it's like a veteran on the dance floor, attracting the attention of the people around.

"I thought you couldn't dance?" Mrs. Catelyn swirled like a butterfly on the dance floor. She almost gave Xia Ping'an all the weight of her body. This feeling was like being in the clouds, comfortable and comfortable She was slightly dizzy, and the eyes of the people around her made Mrs. Catelyn even more happy. She was intoxicated by this feeling, it was perfect, and this was what she needed.

"I didn't know how to dance before, but I can see it with a second look. This dance is not difficult!" Xia Ping'an said with a smile.

"Is the learning ability of the favored ones so strong!"

"Almost!" Xia Pingan swirled on the dance floor with his arms around Mrs. Catelyn's waist. He saw that Baron Mayer also got off the dance floor with the girl who was talking just now.

Xia Ping'an was in control of the rhythm, and before they knew it, the two approached Baron Mayer's.

Five minutes later, with the end of the first dance, the people gathered on the dance floor also stopped, and the crowd dispersed. A man with a big belly just turned around and was tripped by Xia Ping'an under his feet. The man couldn't help but pounced forward. It hit Baron Mayer, and at the moment when the man hit Baron Mayer, it was almost synchronous. The poisonous needle in the ring on Xia Ping's hand also stabbed Baron Mayer's waist. The deadly poison was injected directly into Baron Mayer's body.

The place where Xia Ping's poisonous needle pierced was exactly where the man hit, and the impact of the impact completely covered the imperceptible numbness when the poisonous needle pierced into the body.

Before Baron Mayer turned around, Xia Pingan had already walked past with Lady Caitlin.

"Ah, I'm sorry..." The man who bumped into Baron Mayer quickly apologized to Baron Mayer. There were too many people here and it was crowded just now. He didn't know what was going on, and he stumbled and bumped into someone else. Almost embarrassed.

Baron Mayer glanced at the man who accidentally bumped into him, and found that the man was just an ordinary bald old man, bloated like a pig, the buttons of the vest under his dress were stretched very hard, and he even came to the dance floor to join in the fun.


In the eyes of the woman beside him, Baron Mayer, who snorted coldly in his heart, showed a friendly smile on his face, made a gesture, and let the old man out of the way very The man and his girlfriend went over.

The back waist had just been bumped, and there was only a slight discomfort, but the discomfort disappeared in the blink of an eye, and it was nothing serious.

"Mr. Mayer, your dance is very good..." The woman dancing with Baron Mayer was reserved and slightly shy, and lowered her eyes, "I almost stepped on your foot just now, I'm too nervous, next time The moon is my coming-of-age ceremony..."

"Oh, yes, Xue Ni, you can dance well too, you can just treat me as your dance teacher!" Baron Mayer showed the charming smile of a mature man and held the woman's hand lightly, looking more and more gentle and graceful , "Let's go to the garden outside first to get some air. Tonight's reception will be very long. We'll come in after a while. As long as you dance two more songs, you'll get used to the atmosphere..."

The girl was completely fascinated by Baron Mayer, she just nodded obediently.

Baron Mayer smiled, licked his lips lightly, and walked out of the hall with this tender prey. Baron Mayer was already convinced that this young girl who had not yet experienced the world was completely fascinated by him. After tonight's reception, ask this woman out again, and you can enjoy it to the fullest.

Xia Ping'an was in the distance, holding a wine glass, watching Baron Mayer lead the girl out of the hall calmly, smiling slightly...

No matter what Baron Mayer bought those human organs for, but one thing is certain, this guy is definitely scum, and scum, he should die!

Ricin is used well, it is much more effective than magic.

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