The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 922: contest

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Baron Mayer's voice seemed abrupt and harsh amid the applause. As his voice sounded, the applause came to an abrupt end, and everyone's eyes turned to Baron Mayer.

Xia Ping'an smiled, his face did not change at all, he just calmly looked at the guy whose life was counting down to see what else he could do.

"Baron Mayer, what is your reason for objecting?" The housekeeper of Fort Condela was not excited, but still looked at Baron Mayer politely and politely, "Everyone has seen the results just now, Mr. Xia Pingan's prediction results. It is more detailed and accurate than yours, and the results predicted by others are no more accurate than this, so according to the rules of this game, the final winner is Mr. Xia Pingan!"

Baron Mayer glanced at Xia Ping'an with a sneer, looked around for a week, and then said loudly, "Everyone may not be very clear, as far as I know, this Mr. Xia Ping'an, who just graduated from Andesburg, I did not intend to belittle Andesburg. As a diplomat, I have always respected the God-Blessed and the Investigation Bureau of the Redron Republic, but the current situation is too coincidental. A new Summoner who just graduated from Andesburg, Don't you think it's strange that you have won twice in a row in the game that so many senior God-Blessed Summoners participated in?"

Originally, many people in the hall did not know Xia Ping'an's identity very well. Now that Baron Mayer is so bewitched, many people began to whisper, which also felt a little strange.

The housekeeper of Fort Condela frowned slightly, "Baron Mayer, you should understand that the abilities of the favored ones are different. From the moment the favored ones awaken, different favored ones may have different powers. Magic, this has nothing to do with the qualifications of the favored person, the activities and games just now were carried out in public under the watchful eyes of everyone, and your doubts have no basis!"

Seeing that the emotions of the people had been brought up by him, Baron Mayer's voice became even more high-pitched, "Yes, different gods may have different powerful spells when they wake up, so it is obvious that the situation is , I suspect that in these two games, this Xia Ping'an must be cheating by using some spells we don't know, so he can win!"

This guy finally didn't have the advantage of Ling Zhihui to accuse the Condela family of being his accomplice, but accused himself of cheating with magic, Xia Ping'an pouted secretly.

In the eyes of everyone, Xia Ping'an finally said calmly, "Mr. Baron, what evidence do you have to prove that I am cheating with magic?"

Baron Mayer's eyes flashed, and then he said domineeringly and rudely, "Only you know what is in your secret mandala. In the current situation, it is not what I need to prove, but you need to prove your innocence to us! "

"It seems that Mr. Baron has been a diplomat for too long, and he doesn't even know the basic common sense of law. Whoever advocates will give evidence. This is the most basic common sense of law. Don't the diplomats of the Ceylon Empire have experienced the basic law. Are you learning common sense? Since you accused me of cheating, you should be the one who should show the evidence, not me. If such a thing can turn black and white, and I need to prove it myself, then I can also doubt your identity now. , because yesterday I met a beggar, the beggar said that Mr. Baron is his illegitimate son, not a diplomat, now I also ask you, Mr. Baron, to prove that you are not the beggar's illegitimate child, oh, yes, that beggar said that Then he left, I don't know where he went or what his name was, please start to prove it, Mr. Baron!"

Many guests laughed all of a sudden, and Baron Mayer's face turned even darker, looking at Xia Ping'an with dangerous eyes, "Young man, you have just insulted a nobleman of the Ceylon Empire!"

Xia Ping'an smiled, with an extraordinary bearing, "There is a philosophical saying in the east that a person can only insult him if he insults himself first. Mr. Baron, do you think the person who insults you first is me or yourself? Besides, I think , A true noble does not come from his blood, but from his noble spirit and character. In addition to wealth and status, the more important inheritance of a noble family is actually the spirit of the family. Intangible things measured by money, what do you think?"

The surrounding guests also talked quietly. Many people nodded to Xia Ping'an's words. Some guests of the Red Ron Republic directly applauded. Red Ron is the national body of the Republic, and there are no nobles, but this Many people in the country regard themselves as invisible nobles, so Xia Ping'an's words resonate very well.

At this moment, the two confronted each other. Xia Ping'an's wisdom and bearing looked more like a nobleman, while Baron Mayer was obviously at a disadvantage. Instead, he looked like a rogue. Baron Mayer was speechless by Xia Ping'an for a while. .

"Of course, I can understand Mr. Baron's mood and doubts, since Mr. Baron accused me of cheating, so now I can give Mr. Baron a chance to expose me, we can summon our respective fortune-tellers again, let the two of us The fortune-tellers competed here in public for their respective divination abilities. If the fortune-teller I summoned loses, I will give Mr. Baron 100,000 talers and 10 world beads, and give up all the rewards from the two games tonight. If the fortune-teller you summoned, Mr. Baron, loses, then please, Mr. Baron, apologize to me for your accusation just now, and also compensate me with 100,000 thalers and 10 world beads."

If you don't cut a handful of the leeks that came to your door, you'll feel sorry for yourself. Xia Ping'an immediately started to fight, forcing Baron Mayer to the corner.

Hearing what Xia Ping'an said, the guests in the hall immediately became interested. Although the game just now was interesting, Xia Ping'an's proposal was even more interesting.

When Baron Mayer heard Xia Ping'an's words, he hesitated slightly.

Xia Pingan smiled and looked at Baron Mayer with a slightly contemptuous look, "If Mr. Baron dares not take responsibility for what he said, he must give up this opportunity to expose me, or if he cannot afford so much money and money due to financial difficulties. Jiezhu, forget it, I am a very generous person, and I don't care about the slander of losers..."

Baron Mayer gritted his teeth. He really didn't believe that the fortune-teller summoned by Xia Ping'an was more powerful than the fortune-teller he summoned. He felt that it was impossible for Xia Ping'an to win two consecutive victories. It must have been achieved by other means. So he asked directly, "You haven't said how to let the fortune-tellers we summon compete. It's hard for me to be sure if this is another trick of yours?"

"The method of the fortune-teller's contest can be proposed by you, Baron Mayer. As long as it is fair and just, I can accept any method of contest!" Xia Ping'an said confidently.

"Okay, then let our fortune teller come here for a poker duel. The game of poker is a chameleon, and the winner is determined in one round!"

Chameleon is a complex high-level poker game, with 52 cards, each player is dealt 5 cards at the beginning, and the rest of the cards are used in the center to make up cards and penalty cards. , reverse cards, turn cards, wild cards, lore cards, and oracle cards are interspersed among them. Different cards are played, which means different responses to changes. It is indeed fair to use this poker game to test the summoner's divination ability. .

"Okay, no problem!" Xia Ping'an nodded directly.

Seeing Xia Ping'an's promise so readily, Baron Mayer's heart stunned, afraid that Xia Ping'an would play some tricks, and immediately said, "Both of us must stay ten meters away from our respective summoners. At this time, it needs to be carried out within the isolation barrier of the magic technique, completely isolating outside intervention!"

"it is good!"

The two decided to have a test, and the guests who were watching the excitement suddenly became excited. The housekeeper of Condelaburg didn't talk nonsense. He directly asked the table and chairs to be moved to the middle of the hall, and brought a new set of playing cards. , let Xia Pingan and Baron Mayer check at the same time and there is no problem.

Then Xia Pingan and Baron Mayer each summoned their own summoners.

Baron Mayer's summoner has long been familiar with the game of chameleon poker, but Cui Hao still doesn't know how to play the rules. After being summoned, Xia Pingan told Cui Hao the rules of chameleon poker on the spot.

Afterwards, the two fortune-tellers sat on both sides of the card table in the middle of the hall. A Summoner from Condra Fort directly took out a magic isolation barrier on the scene, isolating the two fortune-tellers at the card table.

The so-called magic isolation barrier is four crystal small towers. When activated by divine power, a transparent energy barrier will appear on the small tower. The energy barrier can isolate the induction of magic. If a magic passes through the barrier, The barrier will appear strange.

After confirming that there is no problem, the machine on the poker table automatically shuffles the cards, and the battle between Cui Hao and Baron Mayer's summoner begins.

In the first minute of the contest between the two sides, the two fortune-tellers seemed to be evenly matched, but a minute later, with the exclamations of the guests present, the situation of the game on the table completely turned towards Cui Hao. No matter what card the Summoner summoned by the baron played, no matter what changes on the card surface, it would definitely be restrained by Cui Hao's card, just as Cui Hao expected.

At the end, the fortune-teller summoned by Baron Mayer completely lost all the cards on the table, and he did not win a single card. In the end, the fortune-teller spit out a mouthful of blood, and his face suddenly turned sallow, originally pitch-black. The hair turned gray, and the whole person instantly aged dozens of years. After bowing to Cui Hao, it directly turned into a light spot and dissipated in the isolation barrier of the magic technique.

"Ah, why did the loser fortune-teller disappear?" Many of the onlookers asked in surprise.

"The fortune-teller's mental strength has been completely exhausted, which is equivalent to the soldier's blood draining and can only die. This shows that the strength of the two summoned fortune-tellers is too huge!" A Summoner explained.

Everyone looked at Baron Mayer, Baron Mayer's eyes were sluggish, his face was pale, his whole body was shaky, and he kept muttering to himself, "Impossible...impossible..."

Just under everyone's gaze, Baron Mayer suddenly covered his chest with one hand, and then a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, and he fell to the ground at once. Among the guests, the people from the Ceylon Empire Consulate quickly hurried. He rushed towards Baron Mayer, took Baron Mayer out of the hall, and left in a hurry.

This change was beyond everyone's expectations.

Everyone thought that Baron Mayer was so angry that he vomited blood. Only Xia Ping'an knew that this guy had a disordered body and a mental breakdown, which made his body dysfunctional, and the inside of his body was like a broken city. After this fall, Baron Mayer estimated that he would never wake up again.

As for the bet, Xia Ping'an doesn't have to worry about not getting it back. So many big people and celebrities are watching the scene. Even if Baron Mayer dies, the consulate of the Ceylon Empire must take out the bet. Otherwise, the entire Ceylon Empire will become The laughing stock of Brandy Province, the diplomats of the Ceylon Empire will no longer have to look up to be human.

All of this is just a small episode of tonight's reception...

When the hall of the reception resumed its liveliness, Xia Ping'an suddenly felt a pair of sharp eyes watching him. As soon as he turned his head, he saw a corner of the hall, an old man was staring at him intently, the expression on his face said no The clear way is unclear, it seems calm, but it seems to be very excited. By the way, the old man seems to be the elder of the Rabelais family who came to the reception.

Xia Ping'an raised the wine glass in his hand to the old man, but the old man stepped back slightly, lowered his head, and gave Xia Ping'an a chest salute.

Hey, aren't the people of the Rabelais family unruly and difficult to mess with? Why are they so polite and grand? Xia Ping'an is a little flattered.

Xia Ping'an also hurriedly bowed his head and returned a stroking salute, but when Xia Ping'an raised his head, he found that the elder of the Rabelais family had disappeared.

This is the advantage of strong luck, you don't have to look for the world beads, it's the world beads that are delivered to your door...

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