The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 931: response

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"Mr. Xia, is your answer rejecting or accepting the challenge?"

"Mr. Xia, do you want to win the world beads through the challenge again?"

"What do you want to say to Andrea, do you feel a lot of pressure?"

These reporters seemed to have been beaten by chicken blood, and they were unrelenting. The reporters who were in charge of taking pictures were creating bursts of magnesium powder flashes. The white light stabbed others to open their eyes.

"Mr. Xia, I'm a reporter from "Brandy Business Daily", can I have an exclusive interview with you?" A young Chinese reporter with black hair and glasses could not squeeze into the core interview circle in front of him. He raised a hand and shouted loudly from the back, but just after the call, the reporter's glasses were squeezed out by the person next to him. When the reporter lowered his head, a few people next to him squeezed over, and he was directly squeezed out of sight. .

Xia Ping'an did not return to these boring questions, because he knew that as long as he opened his mouth, the next questions would be endless, which is the specialty of these reporters.

Long Wu stretched out his arms without the slightest expression on his face, blocking the reporters like a wall. Xia Ping'an calmly walked into the garden at the entrance of the villa, went up the steps, and entered the villa.

After taking off his coat, the aunt of the villa had brought hot tea. Xia Ping'an drank the hot tea and relaxed his nerves. After a while, Long Wu, who had set up the carriage, also returned.

"My lord, those reporters have left..." Long Wu replied.

"I see..." Xia Ping'an nodded calmly. Those reporters outside the door are probably rushing back to write their manuscripts. According to their usual style of making news hotspots, the sentence he just answered will probably arrive tomorrow. , they will interpret all kinds of news selling points.

Is this someone delivering to your door?

Xia Ping'an smiled slightly, and his eyes became deep and wise. On the way here, he was still thinking about where to go next to get some new world beads, and hit the eleventh level as soon as possible. Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, Mei The chain reaction of Baron Ye's death came. The operation of the Consulate General of the Ceylon Empire was to deliberately make things bigger, and then forced himself to accept the challenge of that Andrea, and that Andrea, absolutely It was a bad visitor. One of his purposes should be to avenge Baron Mayer, and the second purpose was to recover the face lost at the last reception for the Summoner of the Ceylon Empire.

Since the Consulate General of the Ceylon Empire and Andrea wanted to compete with him so much, Xia Ping'an decided to push the boat and see if he could knock some more beads from them. Uh, the bigger the stakes, the better. Let this matter first. Let’s talk about fermentation. After all, my current identity is still Red Ron’s Summoner. With the official identity of the Bureau of Investigation, the Bureau of Investigation probably wouldn’t want to see a foreign Summoner defeating his own Summoner in front of everyone’s eyes. , so this matter, you can have fun...

Luck is such a scary thing.

The sky and the earth are big, and the integration of the world beads is the biggest thing, and there is no delay at all, so after drinking tea, Xia Ping'an entered the study, and Long Wu still followed him to the study, protecting Xia Ping'an outside the study.

Opening the underground passage of the study, Xia Ping'an came to the secret room. With a wave of his hand, the black Xuanwu was summoned by Xia Ping'an to protect him in the secret room.

Xuanwu's huge body occupies half the size of the secret room, which is extremely oppressive.

Summoning this Xuanwu consumes a lot of divine power, but Xia Ping'an can already afford it at this moment.

Afterwards, Xia Ping'an took out the "water-seeking technique" world bead he had just obtained, dripped a drop of blood, and then sat down and fused.


Among the world beads, as soon as Xia Ping'an opened his eyes, as far as he could see, it was a barren hilly area, with traces of wind and sand everywhere, and a long army of tens of thousands of people marched on this land.

Xia Ping'an's treatment was relatively good. He sat on a carriage full of various packages and supplies. The wheels of the carriage were squeaking on the ground, and he was advancing slowly and with difficulty. Disgraced, wanting to be a little tired, judging from the style of clothes and armor, it should be the army of a big man, and there is also a huge "Han" character on the banner of the cavalry in front of the team.

The sun on the head is already in the west, and it is about to set. It seems that this team has been marching for a long time.

Judging from the surrounding terrain, this should be the west side of Dahan. It is not clear where exactly. This team is marching, and it is not known what military operations are being carried out.

Xia Ping'an looked at the beard on his hands and lips, and judged that he should be over fifty years old at the moment, his body is still strong, he should have a certain position in this army, and he can still sit leisurely when marching. In the car, the package of things on the carriage had a strange and fragrant smell. Xia Ping'an opened a package and saw that all the wormwood that was pulled on the carriage was dried and kneaded.

Suddenly, when Xia Ping'an was looking at the team, there were a few short horns in the team. Hearing the short horns, the long snake-like team suddenly stopped. The soldier was so tired that he sat on the ground.

"The general has an order, the army rests on the spot for two quarters of an hour!" A Han Dynasty cavalryman on a horse came flying, and when he rushed in front of Xia Ping'an, the cavalry on the horse stopped for a while, and the horse's front hooves stood up. Showing his superb riding skills, "The general asked Guo's medical staff to quickly find a nearby water source and dig a well, so that the army can camp and rest!"

"Yes!" Xia Ping'an quickly jumped off the carriage to take orders. This water-seeking technique was indeed one of the professional skills of ancient Chinese military doctors.

This army must camp where there is a water source, and Xia Ping'an's duty is to quickly find a place with water underground in this barren land nearby when the army is resting.

For this task, anyone who changed it would be dazed, and for many doctors in ancient China, it was just a routine.

The sergeants next to the carriage followed Xia Ping'an's assistant. Xia Ping'an got off the carriage, stood on a nearby mound that was more than ten meters above the ground, and looked around, and then let a few of his men Take out a large pile of wormwood from the carriage, and set it on the ground in a leeward hollow.

The ignited wormwood was rubbed finely, and it did not burn violently, but like a lit smoke, it glowed red and burned slowly, and the light smoke of the wormwood appeared immediately.

More than ten minutes later, the pile of wormwood had burned into a pile of gray-white ashes. Xia Ping'an stood on a high place and looked at the surrounding wilderness. Suddenly, just a thousand meters away, there was a A trace of smoke rose from the ground.

it is as expected!

Xia Ping'an let a few of his men ride on the horses, and quickly took the tools to dig the place where the smoke was underground. Sure enough, just after digging a few feet in the ground, the gurgling water came out of the ground.

Looking at the water coming out of the ground, Xia Ping'an laughed loudly. The wisdom of Huaxia ancestors was wonderful.

Artemisia argyi is the most yang thing, which can cure diseases, and the smoke produced by igniting mugwort leaves also has the nature of extreme yang, and the underground water is yin. Find a place with water.

Having found the water source, the army immediately came to camp near the water source, buried the pot to cook, and the world of this world bead shattered immediately.


In the secret room, Xia Ping'an opened his eyes and smiled slightly. The boundary bead of the water-seeking technique added 31 points to the upper limit of divine power, and it also allowed him to master another water-seeking spell. With another boundary bead, he would be able to use it again. A new **** bone has been added to advance to the tenth level of the four-star **** favored person.

When Xia Ping'an finished merging the Boundary Bead and came out of the secret room, the doorbell of the villa rang, and Helena's carriage had already parked outside the villa.

Helena came in a hurry.

"I just found out about your business. The Consulate General of the Ceylon Empire is too much. It's forcing you to fight someone. I just received news that Baron Mayer died shortly after returning to the Ceylon Empire. In the study, Helena was talking to Xia Pingan about the seriousness of the incident, with an annoyed expression on her face, "The exact cause of Baron Mayer's death is unknown, and Baron Mayer's family has not disclosed the reason. It may be that after Baron Mayer failed here, he wanted to quickly improve his strength, but he failed to fuse the world beads and died of a headshot. Baron Mayer's family has a lot of power in the Ceylon Empire, and their family has taken Baron Mayer. The cause of death is angered on you, and Andrea is here to seek revenge for you, this is not an ordinary contest, but a duel between summoners!"

"Oh, I see!" Xia Ping'an was very calm, Helena was able to come so Xia Ping'an was actually a little moved.

Seeing that Xia Ping'an didn't seem to be worried at all, Helena was so anxious that she almost jumped up and took a bite on Xia Ping'an's face, "You haven't understood the seriousness of the matter, that Andrea is not ordinary. Summoners, in the Ceylon Empire, only the most outstanding and talented few summoners are qualified to put the word "royal" before their titles and become the advisors and bodyguards of the royal family of the Ceylon Empire, and that Andrea is also involved. He has made countless outstanding achievements in the war with the Dark Alliance. He is already a seventh-level Summoner. He came to compete with you this time, and he wanted to kill you in the contest. The Consulate General of the Ceylon Empire is now building momentum, forcing you not to Don't accept Andrea's challenge, and kill you righteously!"

"I've been targeted by them now, so what do you think I should do now?" Xia Ping'an smiled and asked with open hands.

Helena stared at Xia Ping'an's face, revealing the powerful side of a strong woman, "I've already thought about it, after I leave here, I'll go to Aligheli, and he will come to the Bureau of Investigation to coordinate, and let the Bureau of Investigation appoint you A special mission, leave Keland temporarily, and then declare to the public that because you are performing a special mission of the Bureau of Investigation, you cannot compete with Andrea. This reason makes sense, and Andrea cannot stay for a long time. Keland, after he leaves, you come back. If you avoid the duel, your reputation may suffer a little in a short time, but after a long time, everyone will forget it, this is the safest and most decent way..."

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