The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 933: hunting

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"The duel of honor between the Ceylon Empire and the genius summoner of Red Ron is about to begin"

The Brandywine Investigator's Rookie Is About to Be Defeated? 》

"Andrea's Proclamation - No one in Red Ron's young summoner is his opponent! 》

"This is the battle of honor to defend the Red Ron Summoner! 》

"Xia Ping'an can't be defeated by Andrea"

The next morning, while eating breakfast, Xia Ping'an looked at the eye-catching headlines on the front page of the pile of newspapers that Long Wu bought for him, and couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

Helena's work is really quick and reassuring. It was only one night. As soon as the news in the newspapers came out, Xia Pingan felt that he had already succeeded halfway. In such a confrontation, if he really failed, then Bran Many people in Di Province couldn't hang their faces. This was a battle of honor between Brandy and Red Ron.

Because Red Ron and the Ceylon Empire are allies, so how to grasp the proportion of these reports, so that people who read the newspaper can have the idea of ​​defending the national honor without affecting the relationship between the two countries, this is a test. The level of the operator behind it.

There is still no news of Mr. Coin's mission in the "Brandy Daily", so today is like a holiday for Xia Pingan, all the time is arranged by him, and he promised to accompany Mrs. Caitlin back to the manor today.

Of course, Mrs. Caitlin's money, Xia Ping'an didn't ask for it. Xia Ping'an still has nearly 100,000 talers. If you want to exchange this money for world beads and spiritual mind crystals, you need a chance. Those things are not goods in the store. , you can buy it if you have money.

The villa in Mrs. Caitlin's manor has been renovated, and new guards have been hired. During this time, Mrs. Caitlin has not returned to the manor. She plans to go back today, but she has some concerns, so she invited Xia Ping'an. Go to the manor with her, spend weekends, go fishing and hunting. Remember the URL m.xbeqge. com

Before the breakfast on the table was finished, Xia Ping'an heard the noisy voices from outside the street. Xia Ping'an just thought about it, and he saw that on the street outside his villa, a group of people had come. There were about forty people, both men and women. Those people were wearing cotton-padded clothes and holding signs. They stood in an orderly manner on the human-shaped road behind the flower beds by the roadside, shouting slogans. The sign is also similar to the slogan they shout.

"Xia Ping'an, come on, come on!"

"The honor of Red Ron's Summoner cannot be violated!"

"Red Ron will win!"

"Defenders of Brandy's Summoner's Honor will not fail!"

"Brandy is not the back garden of the royal summoner of the Ceylon Empire"

These people were... arranged by Helena... To?

Xia Ping'an was stunned for a moment, don't tell me, after doing this, he felt that his momentum came out all of a sudden, and he really had a sense of honor to fight for Red Ron.

While those people were holding up signs and shouting slogans, several reporters had appeared outside and started taking pictures and conducting interviews with a few people holding signs.

This kind of momentum suddenly attracted the attention of people passing by.

Yes, this work can be arranged.

After breakfast, Xia Ping'an went out. Long Wu's carriage was ready and was waiting outside.

Those who held signs and shouted slogans saw Xia Ping'an come out of the villa. Many people cheered directly, as if they saw the emperor superstar. They were very excited. Xia Ping'an waved to those people and didn't say much. , just instructed the aunt at home to give those people some **** candy, hot water and biscuits on time, so as not to let those people faint, and then got on the carriage.

Xia Ping'an's carriage first went to Mrs. Caitlin's villa on Odin Street to meet Mrs. Caitlin, and then went to the manor together. After arriving at the villa, Xia Ping'an found out that Caitlin had also invited Helena, so three people, three cars The carriage drove towards Lady Catelyn's manor outside the city.

Both Mrs. Caitlin and Helena ran to Xia Pingan's carriage, and the three of them were crowded together. The entire carriage of the carriage was filled with the scent of the high-end perfume on the two women.

"I met Aligheli last night, and Alligheli already knew about this!" The bright and charming Helena was in the car, with a lazy expression on her face, "This kind of confrontation between summoners is still private in the end. Yes, the Governor's Palace is inconvenient to intervene, but I can see that Aligheli doesn't want to see you lose. This morning, after the news in the newspaper came out, Aligheli asked his secretary to go to the Bureau of Investigation to understand the situation, so soon , there will be feedback from the Bureau of Investigation..."

"Thank you!" Xia Ping'an said sincerely, without this woman, he would not have advanced so quickly in the past few months.

"I don't know why you insist on such a dangerous contest. Is it because of a man's self-esteem?" Mrs. Catelyn shook her head inexplicably and sighed.

"Men are some weird egomaniacs!" Helena said, and the two women looked at each other and nodded, feeling very consistent.

"I insist that there is a natural reason for me, and you may know it later. In order to express my gratitude to the two beautiful and lovely ladies, this time I go to the manor, I will cook in person, so that you can **** craftsmanship and authentic Chinese food!" Xia Ping'an said.

"Ah, you can still cook?" Lady Catelyn and Helena looked at each other in surprise.

"You wouldn't want to summon a chef, would you?" Helena asked immediately.

"Don't worry, I'll do it myself!" Xia Pingan said confidently.

After Xia Ping'an said this, the two women immediately became interested, and began to shift the topic to the topic of food and hunting, and the atmosphere in the car became more relaxed.

I came to Mrs. Catelyn's manor again. In the fields of this manor, it is the scene after the harvest. The fields are full of piles of wheat straws. When sitting in the carriage, you can see hares scurrying in the fields. The main villa building of the manor has been completely renovated, and the inside and outside are completely new, and there is no trace left at all.

The new butler of the manor was waiting in the manor with a group of servants to welcome Lady Catelyn's arrival.

After having lunch in the manor, Xia Pingan, Mrs. Caitlin and Helena each changed into their hunting outfits, put on boots, a hunting hat, and a shotgun, all of them valiantly.

Herman and several of the manor's entourage left the manor on horseback with hunting tools, hunting dogs, and a group of people.

It was not until this time that Xia Pingan discovered that in this world, hunting and fishing are also hobbies that many upper-class women can participate in. For Caitlin and Helena, they even have smaller calibers and smaller recoil specially made for women. shotgun.

The messenger in green flew happily in the sky. The black dragon was the first dog, chasing the hares in the The other hounds followed behind the black dragon. Lady Catelyn and Helena rode on horses. , following Xia Ping'an, laughing and laughing all the way...

An hour later, Xia Ping'an, who was riding on the horse, frowned slightly.

At this moment, the group was in the wild valley, resting by a river. Herman and the others were dealing with several prey they had hit. Helena was very excited and was going to fish here, but Xia Ping'an had a feeling of being spied on.

The tenth-level summoner's perception ability is very terrifying, far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Xia Ping'an remained calm, but as soon as he thought about it, the child blessing **** appeared beside him. After two breaths, the child blessing **** locked on the target.

In a pine forest on the top of a mountain more than three thousand meters away, a gray-black wild wolf was hiding behind a bush, sticking out his tongue and staring at everything in this valley with a pair of reddish evil eyes...

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