The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 935: situation

As if nothing had happened, the next morning, everything was business as usual in the manor.

The morning is time for horseback riding, walking and fishing. After lunch, this weekend's trip to the manor is over. Mrs. Caitlin is very satisfied with everything in the manor, and the three of them return to Keland by carriage. .

After coming to Keland, Xia Pingan asked Long Wu to buy a copy of "Brandy Daily" on the street. The showdown between him and Andrea is now being hyped by various newspapers. Today's "Brandy" Dee's Daily still gave it a huge space below the first edition, and the Brandy's Journal cleverly reported that Xia Pingan defeated Baron Mayer at the last reception at Condela Fort. There is no shortage of praise for Xia Pingan, the "genius summoner" who defended the honor of the summoner of the Red Ron Republic.

As for Andrea's challenge to Xia Ping'an this time, although the words used in this report are quite euphemistic, anyone who reads this report will probably have an idea in their hearts. The summoner of the Ceylon Empire is here this time. Koland challenged Xia Pingan in order to take revenge and re-prove that the summoner of the Ceylon Empire is stronger than the summoner of the Redron Republic.

This is no longer a simple contest between two people, but an issue related to the honor of summoners from both countries.

This report also focuses on Andrea's strength and past achievements and honors. In comparison, Xia Ping'an in the report is much "poor". No matter how talented he is, he in the report is just a "coming soon". The Summoner of "Advanced Level 3", but his opponent is a strong man who has been famous for a long time in "Level 7".

Sitting in the carriage, looking at the newspaper in his hand, Xia Ping'an tapped the handrail next to him lightly with a smile on his face. The current public opinion is exactly what he needs, and it is very beneficial to him. Under the circumstances, the Bureau of Investigation had not yet indicated to him that if he really lost, some people in the Bureau of Investigation might have to take the blame.

Turning the "Brandy Daily" to the advertising page at the back, Xia Ping'an saw the message that Mr. Coin asked him to meet, and the meeting time was this afternoon.

The time was just right, and Xia Ping'an directly asked Long Wuxian to drive the carriage to dominate the temple.

Today is the weekend, and there are many people who dominate the temple, especially outside the confession room. Many people are queuing up. Xia Ping'an is also at the back of the line. It took more than half an hour before it was his turn to enter a confession room. .

After waiting in the confession room for a minute, someone from the opposite room came in. Then, Xia Ping'an heard Mr. Coin's familiar and calm voice from the opposite side through the small window in the confession room.

"You came?"

"Yes, sir, Andrea's incident was completely beyond my expectations. As soon as I returned to my residence yesterday, I was surrounded by reporters. I learned from the reporters that the news came from the Consulate General of the Ceylon Empire. News!" Xia Ping'an's voice contained two disguised grievances, "Sir, don't you think the Consulate General of the Ceylon Empire is too much of a fuss, I just won Baron Mayer at the reception..."

"It's not your fault, Baron Mayer may be dead!" Mr. Coin said calmly.

"Ah, what, dead, how is that possible?" Xia Pingan asked in "shocked".

"The specific situation is not clear from the Bureau of Investigation, but Andrea is here this time with the support of Baron Mayer's family!" Mr. Coin's voice paused, "The Bureau of Investigation wants to know more about you. Views and will, dare to accept Andrea's challenge?"

"From my personal point of view, I don't want to challenge a strong person like Andrea. Andrea is much stronger than me. You should know, sir, that this challenge will be very dangerous, but as a member of the Bureau of Investigation One member, I obey the arrangement of the Bureau of Investigation, in order to defend the honor of Summoner Red Ron and the Bureau of Investigation, no matter how dangerous it is, I will not back down!"

Xia Ping'an's tone was a bit impassioned, but he kicked the ball back again, because he knew that at this time, the Bureau of Investigation would not let him be a tortoise. , those big figures in the Bureau of Investigation, whether it is for their reputation or future, will never allow themselves to bear the accusations and pressures of public opinion in order to protect Xia Ping'an. Therefore, letting Xia Ping'an accept the challenge is the only choice for the Bureau of Investigation.

Mr. Coin suddenly sighed, "Andrea is very strong, and is one of the most potential summoners in the Ceylon Empire. It is very likely that he will advance to the ninth level in the future. This time he accepted the Baron Mayer family. I came here with the belief of winning. If you avoid the war this time, the Bureau of Investigation will be under enormous pressure, and it will also have a lot of negative impact on public opinion. Therefore, the Bureau of Investigation supports you in accepting Andrea. From today onwards, you should concentrate on preparing for the challenge of the night watchman, you can put it aside for now!"

"Yes!" Xia Ping'an replied obediently, and then he didn't speak again, he was waiting for Mr. Coin's next words.


"Do you have any requests?"

"Can the Bureau of Investigation coordinate those big families of Red Ron to lend me the notes of their family's Summoner Fusion Orbs, sir, you should know that this time, the showdown between me and Andrea is very interesting. There is a high probability of death roulette!" Xia Ping'an first said with a lion's mouth.

"Impossible!" Mr. Coin refused without thinking. Then, he seemed to feel that he refused too quickly, and then eased his tone, "The Bureau of Investigation does not have that much authority, and Red Ron's Those families are also unlikely to agree that the notes and materials collected by the various families and the snobby Summoner Fusion World Orbs are the most precious possessions of those families, and they cannot share it!"

"That's such a pity!" Xia Ping'an sighed, "Since this is the case, can the Bureau of Investigation give me as many boundary beads and spiritual crystals as possible? I want to let my Advancement and then upgrade two or three levels at will..."

"Upgrade two or three levels at will?" With Mr. Coin's calmness, when he heard Xia Ping'an's request, he couldn't help his eyes twitching. According to the consensus of the Blessed Ones, it takes an average of at least 30 Boundary Orbs and 30 corresponding Spiritual Mind Crystals to upgrade a level. This is not a small amount of resources, not to mention two or three levels, which requires six Ten to ninety world beads and spiritual mind crystals.

Thank you for being so brave!

Mr. Coin took a few deep breaths and calmed himself down again, "Cough, the resources you need cannot be met by the Investigation Bureau, the resources of the Investigation Bureau are in short supply, and Jiezhu and Spiritual Mind Crystal have always been With scarce resources, the Bureau of Investigation can only give you a certain amount of support and encouragement, but it is impossible for you to improve two or three levels."

"Then... It's always possible to raise a level of I want thirty Boundary Orbs. If some Boundary Orbs don't have Spiritual Mind Crystals, it doesn't matter. I have saved a lot of money here, I can Try to obtain spiritual mind crystals from other channels." Xia Ping'an even had a tragic expression on his face.

"The Bureau of Investigation can only give you twenty-five Boundary Orbs at most. Twenty of the Boundary Orbs have Spiritual Mind Crystals, and the other five do not have Spiritual Mind Crystals, but the fusion failure will not be fatal. This is what the Investigation Bureau can give you. Your greatest support!"

Hearing this, Xia Ping'an was overjoyed. With these boundary beads from the Bureau of Investigation, he could steadily advance to the eleventh level. Usually, if he wanted to get these rewards from the Bureau of Investigation, he didn't know how much credit he would have to take. , and now, the situation is here, and it becomes easier to get these realm beads all of a sudden.

"Can the Bureau of Investigation give me a list and let me choose those world beads that are matched with Spiritual Mind crystals?"

"There are forty world beads in this list, and you can choose twenty from it!" Mr. Coin had already prepared, and as he spoke, he had already handed over a document from the narrow window, that document Inside, there are miniature photos of forty world beads, which Xia Ping'an can choose freely.

Xia Pingan knew that this should be the highest treatment he could get from the Bureau of Investigation.

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