The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 953: magical effect

Chapter 953 Magical Use

Two months later, in the cave...

Xia Ping'an held his breath, and placed the last secret golden mirage dragon array with various divine inscriptions on his hand at the eye of the array. As the last array was placed, the huge array in front of him appeared. It was activated all at once, and began to exhale the power of the five elements in this world. The array symbols and array devices representing wind, fire and thunder light up on the array plate. The cave suddenly became colorful, and Xia Ping'an's face also changed there. In the brilliance, it is particularly vivid.

The cave is still the same cave, but at this moment, the cave has been enlarged several times by Xia Ping'an's magic ablation. The inside of the cave seems to be full of smooth lava cooling texture. The middle part of the cave forms a full two hundred There are many square meters of empty space, and there are a few more rooms.

In the past two months, Xia Ping'an has not gone anywhere, just in this cave, An Xin refining the entire array in front of him.

This array was placed in the empty space in the middle of the cave at this moment. The entire array was about five meters in length and width. Like a huge table, it floated in front of Xia Ping'an, shining brightly.

This is the defense formation of Lingxiao City refined by Xia Ping'an. To be precise, this is just the 1.0 version of the defense formation of Lingxiao City.

"The first step is finally done. In more than two months, I can only get this step first. You can use it first..." Looking at the array in front of him, Xia Ping'an also let out a long sigh of relief. There was a satisfied smile on his face. The formation plate of this big formation used the formation base of the Five Elements Golden Armored Mountain Protection Formation, but it took a long time to refine the formation base of this chain ring formation. Now, he On this formation base, he has only completed the first ring of the Seven Kills of Wuyin. When he has time in the future, he can slowly expand this formation to 18 consecutive formations like building blocks. Interlocking, this can make Lingxiao City solid.

Xia Pingan pointed his finger, and a drop of blood containing his divine power flew out of his finger and fell into the dragon's eye of the Mirage Dragon Array. The dragon's eye suddenly opened, as if it came alive. There was already fog gushing out from the huge array plate.

With a wave of his hand again, the cave was empty, and Xia Ping'an took the array to Lingxiao City.

"I don't know what's going on outside the cave..." Xia Ping'an shook his head and walked directly outside the cave. After easily passing through the formation plate protecting the cave, Xia Ping'an flashed and used illusions carefully. Turning oneself into a transparent existence, people have already appeared on the hillside outside the cave.

It has been more than two months since he came to this island, and it is the first time that Xia Ping'an has walked out of this cave.

Outside the cave, the scenery is completely different from more than two months ago. The oncoming wind is howling. A thick layer of white snow has accumulated on the entire hillside. The white snow has submerged the angular stones on the mountain. Covered by snow, even the sea in the distance has calmed down, frozen, and looking around, the sky and the earth are misty, and this environment is like the polar regions of the earth all of a sudden.

"The temperature is definitely below minus ninety degrees..." Xia Ping'an's body has long been unafraid of cold and heat, but the overwhelming chill in the air here still makes people feel that the cold wind here is as cold as a knife. Looking at the snowflakes falling all over the sky, Xia Ping'an used his spiritual sense to drag a snowflake that fell from the sky and put it in front of him. The length of the snowflake was more than ten centimeters. It really looked like goose feathers. .

In the midst of the wind and snow, another spiral-shaped space channel appeared in the sky in the distance. A few seconds later, a meteorite with flames fell from the sky, carrying a black smoke that cut through the sky, and fell. On the sea hundreds of kilometers away, all traces were lost in the blink of an eye, like a match blown out by the cold wind.

"The sea here will freeze. According to the environmental laws on the earth, does this mean that this island is not very far from the large land, so the sea here will freeze..." Xia Ping'an looked at it Looking at the environment of this island, he secretly speculated.

In the heavy snow, the sky and the earth are completely white, and it is easier to observe the situation on the island and its surroundings, because in this case, things that move on the island are easier to find.

Thinking of the hive he received from the Divine Kingdom World, Xia Ping'an's heart moved. If there are other animal nests on the island that can be subdued, he can continue to add a little strength to Lingxiao City. In the middle, if there are some raptors and other things to help out, it can be regarded as the icing on the cake, which can make the power of the big formation to a higher level.

Xia Ping'an thought so, and the whole person jumped into the air at once. In the air, when the divine power moved, the whole person turned into a snow-white crane. With its wings spread, it soared over the island, looking down at the ground from the air. situation above.

On this island, there are not many things that can move in winter. A few minutes later, Xia Ping'an saw a few wild wolves foraging for food in a icy forest on the island. The wolf has no value.

More than ten minutes later, when Xia Ping'an flew to the east of the island, he was pleasantly surprised to find the nests of a group of birds similar to frigate birds under a cliff on the east of the island. Xia Ping'an did not know the name of the bird. , it can only be roughly judged that it should belong to the birds of the order Pelicans, so it will be called the frigate bird for the time being.

The nest occupies a large area below the cliff, and there are about two or three hundred frigate birds in it.

The frigate bird system is not small. Several frigate birds in the nest seem to be more than one meter in length. Xia Ping'an used the qi observation technique to see the hidden amulet in the frigate bird's nest. .

Xia Ping'an, who saw the boundary symbol, suddenly came to the spirit, and the existence of the boundary symbol means that this nest can be integrated by himself.

Xia Ping'an flew directly towards those frigate birds.

In the wind and snow, although those frigatebirds stayed in their nests, their alertness was very high. When they saw a crane flying in the sky, two frigatebirds with vigilance tasks fluttered their wings from the nest. He got up and flew towards Xia Ping'an fiercely.

To deal with this kind of bird, Xia Ping'an has many ways.

But in front of him, looking at the two frigate birds rushing towards him fiercely, Xia Ping'an's heart moved, and he suddenly thought of his innate life spirit, the six-winged Peng Wang, Xia Ping'an was in the mood to give it a try, and immediately used it. Spiritual Mind locked the frigate bird's nest, and then released a faint breath of the six-winged Peng Wang towards those nests and the flying frigate birds.

Then in the next second, Xia Ping'an saw that the two frigatebirds flying towards him fell directly from the sky like downed planes, and the other frigatebirds in the nest all put their heads in Under his own wings, he shivered.


Xia Ping'an was overjoyed at once, he flew to the frigate bird's nest, and then tried again to use his divine power to wrap a trace of the six-winged Peng king's breath into the boundary symbol of the frigate bird's nest.

A scene that surprised Xia Ping'an even more happened. Under the influence of the aura of the innate life spirit on him, the efficiency of his control of this bird's nest symbol improved more than a hundred times, almost in an instant. His divine power has completely controlled the boundary symbol. Then he thought about it, and the frigate bird nest under the cliff was swallowed up by his Divine Kingdom fusion and disappeared all of a sudden.

Together with the two frigatebirds who were about to attack him just now, they fell from the sky just now, but the snow on the ground was very thick. The two frigatebirds fell into the snowdrift and were not killed. They were also killed by Xia Ping'an in the blink of an eye. The kingdom of God swallowed and entered the kingdom of God.

The total number of frigatebirds in this nest is 306, which allows Xia Ping'an to easily have more than 300 bird summons.

interesting! The air sentry of Lingxiao City is here!

I didn't expect that the innate natal spirits that I awakened would actually be of great use in this world!

Xia Ping'an was in high spirits, and was just about to see if there were any other animal nests on the island that he could fuse with. Han Xin's voice had already sounded in the temple of Lingxiao City and appeared in Xia Ping'an's ears.

"Reporting to the Lord, our spies have already sent the first batch of news. The army of Gru's kingdom to conquer our Lingxiao City has already set off from their city three days ago..."

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