The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 959: 10 trillion

Chapter 959 Ten Trillion

Flying over the mountain range in the middle of the island, Xia Ping'an discovered that there was still a place in the middle of the mountain range, there was a lake, and it was not frozen.

Looking from the air, it is very obvious that the lake is not frozen. The surrounding of the lake is already covered with snow, but the lake is green, and the heat is steaming from the water.

Perhaps for Frigatebirds, this is the most peculiar place on the island, so Xia Ping'an was brought here.

"This is... a dormant volcano on the island..."

When he saw the terrain around the lake, Xia Ping'an immediately understood that because this is a dormant volcano, there are abundant geothermal resources, and the lake is not frozen.

This dormant volcano is not big. Even if it erupts again, it can only affect the surrounding area of ​​hundreds of square kilometers at most, and it cannot threaten the safety of the island. Dangerous crater. Judging by the mountains surrounding that lake, the dormant volcano has erupted many times over the past few million years, creating the surrounding terrain and mountains.

This lake formed by a dormant volcano is ordinary to Xia Ping'an, and there is nothing to see.

Just as he was about to leave and let the frigate bird take him to see other parts of the island again, he was in the sky, and suddenly smelled an unusual smell in his nose, which was from the lake below. The transpiration smell, this smell, is slightly stinky, a bit like rotten eggs.

Guan Zidong, who was about to leave, smelled the smell, but left instead. Wait, it was the smell of sulfur...

Lingxiaocheng reacted at once, especially in those places where dormant volcanoes and active volcanoes gather, there will be a small amount of sulfur ore.

Since it's here, take a look and then go.

In the blink of an eye, Ling Xiaocheng fell from the air to the air-conditioned lake, and recovered again. The frigate bird also landed under a nearby stone, combing its feathers.

The snow under the mountains by the lake is very thick, and the closer it is to the lake, the more snow there is, and in these places where the snow is very shallow, the exposed ground shows a very dull yellowish-brown color.

Lingxiaocheng walked to the lake, bent over, picked up a bit of light yellow soil from the ground to look at it, put it behind his nose and sniffed, and immediately felt a shock, it was wrong, it was sulfur, and it was a very low-quality elemental sulfur .

With a wave of Lingxiaocheng's hand, a gust of wind suddenly blew up all the snowflakes within ten meters below the ground behind me, revealing the color of the surface.

There you go, the whole ground is full of dull, dark yellow stuff, and it's all sulphur.

Lingxiao City came to the fore at first, and Cui Hao told me about the resource problems of Lingxiao City just now in Guanzi City. I thought that there would be no sulphur under the island. What Lingxiao City lacked most now was copper, iron ore and coal mines. Minerals, the demand for sulfur is small, but that sulfur is a good thing, and there is a small probability that the sulfur mine can be used in the future.

Guan Zidong remembered that in his next life, he had traveled all over China for archaeology. Although China is small and rich in resources, there are not many extinct volcanoes, but there are not many sulfur mines that can be mined. Every year, China needs to withdraw a small amount of sulfur mine from the sea.

That's what God gave him, if you take it, it's a waste.

Guan Zidong grinned and used the Eye of Heavenly Dao to look at the ground. That was to know, and he was startled. In the Eye of Heavenly Dao, the sulfur mines on my feet had been extending from the dormant volcano on my feet, far away. The one or four hilltops in the tenth place are all low-quality monomeric sulphur ore, and those sulphur ore have formed several ore veins, among which four sulphur ore have been condensed. The resource boundary symbol, this resource boundary symbol, exudes yellow light, and hides on the ground. The sulphur ore vein of the dormant volcano on my feet is only a large ore vein compared to the surrounding ones. The surrounding mountains are only small mines, and it is estimated that they were formed by future volcanoes.

The resource talisman of the mineral resources is similar to the nest talisman of the biological nest. It is also formed by the energy field aura of the land of the gods and those minerals that are aggregated in small amounts. There are some scattered sulfur mines around, because the quantity It is less, and there is an unconditional formation of resource delimiters.

My dear, I made a rough estimate at the beginning of Lingxiao City, and if all the hills in the ten or seventy square meters behind my eyes are sulphur ore, the reserves of sulphur ore are estimated at first. Ton.

Could it be that when the **** of tricks chose Nawai as my foothold, there was no intention to look at the sulfur ore resources there?

It depends on what the **** of tricks thinks, so if the sulphur ore is too small, Lingxiao City will miss it. If the sulphur ore vein of the dormant volcano on the foot is collected, it will make the dormant volcano erupt. But the surrounding sulphur ore veins have so few concerns.

Lingxiao City's feet floated in the shadows, and the snow on the ground was galloping through the mountains. In the blink of an eye, he leaped from the cold lake to another mountain full of sulphur. He stretched out his hand and hid in the mine veins on his feet. The resource talisman activates divine power and ends the devouring fusion.

It is nervous to merge and swallow such a mine, because the scale is too small, it is as complicated as a few trees, but a mountain.

The resource boundary symbol in the sulfur mine on the foot is only large, but the large scale is only relative to the surrounding small ones. In reality, the large sulfur mine bag that has dissolved the resource boundary symbol covers an area of ​​more than 1,000 meters. , There are also hundreds of millions of tons of sulfur ore.

Guan Zidong's divine power quickly penetrated into the ore veins on the ground. With the divine power of Lingxiao City, the resource symbols in this ore vein glowed with light green brilliance, and then the sulphur minerals in the former ore veins also ended to emit light green brilliance. , A full two hours ago, the whole mountain had finished glowing with light green brilliance, and then, in the last second, with a bang, the mountain of sulfur ore disappeared, and there was still a thousand meters below the ground. small pit.

The sulphur mine was swallowed and merged by Guan Zidong's kingdom of God, and appeared outside the mountain within 70 kilometers of Lingxiao City—because of the appearance of that mine, the area outside Lingxiao City was missing a piece out of thin air. Come, that is also equivalent to the land of the eastern wasteland of the white horse Xuanguangzhou in the world of the kingdom of God, quietly "growing" a piece, that is the strangeness of the world of the kingdom of God, the entire world of the kingdom of God, growing and changing at any time among.

At that time, the sky was completely white.

Lingxiao City was tired, and continued to leap to the top of a mountain in another place, ending the devouring and fusion of the previous sulfur mine.

The sulphur mine was smaller, and the content of sulphur ore was no more than 10 to 7 billion tons, but it was also a few hours ago when there was a loud bang, the sulphur mine disappeared, and was swallowed and merged by the kingdom of God in Lingxiao City again. .

Lingxiao City was so busy all night plus an early morning, until the seventh day was light again, and after another morning, at noon, I fused and swallowed the seven small, two large and one sulfur mine veins under the island.

There's one big sulphur vein left, this dormant volcano, and I'm moving.

"The sulphur ore is also the place where the energy of the heavens and the earth is I don't need to do it too much, just cut off the other sulphur ore and leave the sulphur ore veins of this dormant volcano. , there is not such a crater, it used to be said that the large ore veins on Dingliu can grow and change into small ore veins..." Looking at the dormant volcano, Lingxiaocheng thought to himself, "I worked hard all night and half a day. , harvested tens of billions of tons of low-quality monomeric sulfur ore. If you sell those sulfur ore for money, you know how much you can sell. If you count one thousand yuan per ton, you can earn it in one day. Ten trillion, hehe, demigods can really make money..."

Thinking about that, Lingxiaocheng also felt boring when he thought back to the days when he worked as an auto mechanic to earn money in the future. He was concerned about whether those sulphur ore could be sold for money. Anyway, Lingxiaocheng might have been short of sulphur ore before, and I laughed. Let the frigate bird continue to take me around under the island to see if there is any harvest of mine.

Less than ten minutes ago, the frigate bird took Guan Zidong to find a nest of poisonous snakes under the island. There were no less than a thousand poisonous snakes outside the nest, and a world symbol had been formed in the poisonous snake's nest.

Does Lingxiao City have any distaste for snakes? It would be wrong for those poisonous snakes to be thrown out of the mountain to be sentinels. Lingxiao City was also polite, so they took away the nest of poisonous snakes and put them outside the mountain that was already shrouded in mist in Lingxiao City.

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