The Glory of the Godfather

Chapter 855: That's really dark!

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"Pretty! Hames Rodriguez! Rodriguez! This is his second goal in today's game! This very shy Colombian boy scored twice!" Lineker praised Hamei .

"Before the game, we were more concerned about the matchup between Messi and Bell, but now, this Colombian guy has robbed everyone of the limelight with two goals!"

"In this peak matchup, Bale provided Rodriguez with an assist and Messi also scored a goal. The performance of these two superstars did not disappoint us, but the most pleasant surprise was the outstanding performance of Ronaldo. which performed……"

Guardiola stood on the sidelines, frowning.

Barcelona is playing at home. If they lose to Aston Villa at the Nou Camp, they will face tremendous pressure in the second round as a guest at Villa Park.

However, even if you want to tie the score, this is the second half of the game.

Guardiola was very cautious. He did not choose to score at the end of the first half, but chose the safest approach.

Guardiola called Harvey to the sidelines.

He especially emphasized that he must not lose the ball in the first half of the game.

"My request is very simple." Guardiola said, "I can accept a ball behind, but I can never lose another ball."

Guardiola's order is relatively timely.

After losing the ball again, Barcelona's players had different ideas. Some players wanted to quickly strengthen their offense and try to tie the score.

Some players think that they must never lose the ball.

This is ideological disunity.

Guardiola's orders were issued to unify the thoughts.

The impatience of the Barcelona players has been eased and controlled.

On Aston Villa's side, Fang Jue also gave instructions to defend well and not be greedy for merit.

Two to one in the first half is acceptable.

In this way, both sides were very cautious in their tactical choices, and the rest of the first half of the game was calm.

In the end, when the referee from the Netherlands Kupez blew the whistle at the end of the first half, the score on the field did not change.

Guardiola's Barcelona temporarily trailed Fang Jue's Aston Villa one to two at home.


Players from both sides retired.

Aston Villa has a good atmosphere here, and many players have excited expressions and smiles.

It is indeed a joy to be able to lead Barcelona by two to half at the Nou Camp.

Especially Hamei, who scored twice, has the brightest smile on her face.

The teammates talked to him as they walked, dancing and dancing, and seemed to be discussing the goals scored in the first half of the game.

In Barcelona, ​​Pique's expression is expressionless.

The straight-faced Pique quickly passed the player's tunnel.

Pique is very depressed.

He felt that he had seen everything, but he still lost the ball, and it has a lot to do with him.

Puyol looked at the back of Pique walking forward depressed, and shook his head.

Young man, still too impatient.

Puyol admires this little brother very much. He has always praised Pique for his amazing talent and is the future defense leader of Barcelona.

However, it is clear that Pique is still too tender and needs to be hammered and sharpened.

Which of the top central defenders did not come out step by step from mistakes and failures?

During the intermission, Puyol found Pique.

"If there hadn't been that time, your position and choice are actually very correct." Puyol said.

Hearing what the captain said, Pique looked up in frustration.

"So, you are right, but at a certain moment, you made a mistake that you shouldn't have made." Puyol came up and rubbed Pique's hair vigorously. It's the hero."

After hearing the captain's words, Pique's mood improved a lot.

The captain was right. On the whole, he was very correct, it was just an unexpected mistake.

Seeing Pique regained his fighting spirit, Puyol nodded in satisfaction.

What he admired most was Pique. This young man was very confident and never worried that Pique would be defeated.

Guardiola looked at this scene and nodded in relief.

This is the heritage of Barcelona.

A legacy between a great captain and a talented young man.


On the other side, Fang Jue praised the players fiercely.

Fang Jue is very worried about the team's improvised defense.

Guardiola saw that Aston Villa's starting short board was on the ribs, and Fang Jue naturally knew this.

However, he can do nothing about it.

Aston Villa, who lacked major generals, was able to lead Barcelona two to one in the first half, and has done a very good job.

Aston Villa played well in the first half of the game, so Fang Jue chose to remain unchanged and did not make adjustments.

The second half of the game began.

Fang Jue quickly noticed the changes in Barcelona.

Messi has become more active and he has increased the connection with his teammates.

In addition, Busquets's assists are also more active.

Aston Villa contracted the line of defense and continued its counter-attack tactics.

Guardiola jumped anxiously from the sidelines. He had long known that Fang Jue would play cautiously and conservatively in a two-to-one lead.

For Barcelona's goal is not so easy to come, Guardiola is also mentally prepared.

However, as the game time goes by, how could Guardiola not be in a hurry.

Guardiola successively deployed troops.

Fabregas came off the bench and replaced Keita.

Junior Cuenca came off the bench and he replaced Sanchez.

Aston Villa's improvised defense line was improvised, but in the end it was not able to completely withstand Barcelona's powerful offensive.


In the 71st minute of the game, Messi, Iniesta and Harvey continued to hit the wall with each other.

Finally, Messi completed a left-footed shot.

Messi's shot was slammed by De Gea and the football fell to Fabregas' feet.

"Fàbregas! Shot-fell down!"

"Is it a penalty? Is it a penalty? The referee Coopers pointed to the penalty spot!" the Catalan commentator exclaimed excitedly. "Not only that, but Coopers also showed the offending Kyle Walker. The second yellow card, the red card! Yes, the red card, two yellow cards turned red, the penalty is very correct."

The Barcelona players originally planned to surround the referee, but before they came around, they saw the penalty of Coupes, and there was a burst of cheers.

Aston Villa is dumbfounded.

The team captain Clemente put his hands behind him, and rushed to the referee with an angry expression, "How could it be a penalty? Mr. Referee, our people have tackled the football first!"

"I can see clearly, penalty." Coupes pointed to his eyes, meaning you walk away, I can see clearly, don't quibble.

Fang Jue was also furious on the sidelines. He had two dissatisfaction. One was a penalty kick and the other was Kyle Walker's red card.

Being whistled on a penalty kick and a player being sent off is simply the worst situation imaginable, and the biggest blow is that.

"How could this be a penalty?" Fang Jue roared, "Which eye did he see that it was a penalty? This is standard, textbook tackle defense!"

The fourth official wiped the saliva sprayed on his face by this guy, "Please calm down, Mr. Fang Jue, if you can't control your temper, I can only call the referee."

"Haha." Fang Jue sneered.

He felt that his team was greatly wronged.


However, slow motion shows that Kyle Walker did shovel Fabregas.

Although Fabregas fell to the ground slightly exaggerated, but Kyle Walker did not shovel the football, but directly shoveled people.

Penalties are no problem.

"There is no problem with penalty kicks. The biggest problem is this yellow card." He Wei said, "Kyle Walker went for football. He didn't tackle the ball. This is a problem of ability. However, he was not maliciously hurting people. Considering that a penalty kick has already been awarded, would it be more appropriate for the referee Coupes to give a verbal warning?"

Domestic narrators are more euphemistic when talking about such controversial topics.

Lineker was not so polite. He shouted, "The penalty is correct, but the yellow card and the subsequent red card are wrong. Under normal circumstances, the referee will verbally warn the offender. This is the art of law enforcement. Up."

John Mortensen is more direct, "From a rule of thumb, it is okay for Coopers to show Walker a yellow card. This card may or may not be issued. However, we have a problem. Why does Barcelona benefit every time when the judgment is not judged?"


The referee Coopers looked extremely serious, and he showed a yellow card to the emotionally excited Aston Villa captain Clement.

Fang Jue shouted and roared from the sidelines, and he motioned for Clement to calm down.

Hearing Fang Jue's call, the Aston Villa captain finally calmed down. He stopped other players from defending and protesting to the referee.

Fang Jue nodded.

Clement is better able to control emotions.

Clement calmed down and Fang Jue felt relieved, but he himself was on the verge of an outbreak.

"Excellent dealer." Fang Jue sneered and said to the fourth official. "Does the team captain have the right to negotiate with the referee?"

Generally speaking, the team captain can negotiate with the head referee on some places he deems unreasonable. This is the captain’s right. As long as the team captain does not make excessive words or deeds, the head referee cannot speak to the team captain. Brand.

Of course, this is a contradictory topic. Whether there is excessive words and deeds depends entirely on the subjective judgment of the referee.

Kyle Walker was sent off with a red card, Fang Jue must quickly adjust and substitute.

He replaced Mane with Thornton.

Barcelona's penalty kick.

Messi was Barcelona's first penalty shooter, but this time Messi took the initiative to give the penalty to Fabregas, who created the penalty.

From Arsenal to Barcelona, ​​Fabregas's performance cannot be said to be bad, but it is still far from people's expectations.

Fabregas now needs more goals to improve his confidence.

Fabregas stood at the penalty spot.

The referee Coopers whistle sounded and Fabregas made a run-up shot!

Although De Gea judged the right direction, but failed to prevent the football from entering the net.

The football rolled into Aston Villa's goal!

"Fàbregas! Fabregas! Fabregas!" The Catalan commentator finally broke out, he shouted the name of the goal scorer Fabregas.

"This is a key goal! Two to two! We evened the score, which means that even if it ends with this score, we can only qualify for the away game with one to zero! Come on! Barcelona! Come on!"

After the goal, Fabregas did not celebrate the goal. He rushed into the goal, grabbed the football before De Gea hugged the football, and then ran to the center circle holding the football.

Other Barcelona players followed him back to the half.

This goal boosted their morale!

What's more, one person on Aston Villa's side was sent off, which gave Barcelona the hope of overtaking the score.


Fang Jue sat in the coach seat.

He looked up at the time. It was eighty-nine minutes and the game was about to end.

Fang Jue was quite satisfied with the score of two to two in the Nou Camp.

This means that Aston Villa, who returns to the home court, only needs a small score to win, or even a one-to-one draw, to advance to the semi-finals.

The whole game was injured in two minutes of stoppage time.

This is an uncontroversial stoppage time, which is very reasonable.

Last minute of injury time.

Iniesta's sudden long shot tested De Gea, and De Gea saved the football to the bottom line.

Barcelona's corner kick.

Fang Jue got up from his seat, and if there were no accidents, the Barcelona’s corner kick ended and the game would be over.

Harvey takes a corner kick.

The football was still in the air, and the referee Coopers' whistle sounded.

At this time, many people, including Fang Jue, believed that this should be because the referee felt that there was a pull or other behavior in the penalty area. He wanted to stop it and then take a corner kick again.

This situation is very common in set-piece defense. Sometimes the referee needs to blow the whistle several times in succession to stop small movements such as pulling between players.

Then Fang Jue was stunned.

He saw the referee Coopers pointed directly at the penalty spot.

What kind of situation is this?

Half of the corner kick is turned into a penalty kick?

Not only Fang Jue was shocked, but many commentators were also shocked.

They also thought that the referee blew the whistle to signal that the corner kick was to be severely penalized. They did not expect the referee to point directly to the penalty spot.


"What happened? Coopers pointed directly to the penalty spot?"

"Penalty! At the last minute of stoppage time, Barcelona had a corner kick. However, the corner kick was just in mid-air and the referee blew his whistle. He called a penalty kick! What happened?"

Slow motion playback display.

Barcelona’s corner kick opportunity, Papastasopoulos, Busquets, Puyol "entangled" near the penalty spot.

Papastathopoulos pulled Busquets.

Xavi's corner kick went into the air, Papastasopoulos held Busquets, and Puyol also pushed Papastasopoulos.

The difference is that Papastasopoulos did not fall tenaciously, while Busquets fell to the ground very skillfully.

Then there was the whistle of the referee Coopers, and he ran over quickly and pointed to the penalty spot very firmly.

He Wei was silent for ten seconds before speaking.

"Regarding the rules, Papastasopoulos really pulled Busquets. This is a penalty. However, if such a pull requires a penalty kick, there will be a penalty kick in every game. He said, "Furthermore, the corner kick has just been taken and it hasn't even flown over the penalty area. The sound of this whistle is a bit too anxious."

"There is another situation where Puyol also fouled Papastasopoulos. The situation is that Papastasopoulos pulled but he was behind him. Puyol grabbed, this penalty, hehe, hard to say." Zhang Lu hehe shook his head.

Fang Jue was completely angry, his angry face on the sidelines turned red and roared loudly.

He is really angry.

If he hadn't had a trace of reason, he would have rushed into the court to find the referee for 300 rounds.

Black me?

Black me? !

you sure?

Lao Tzu turned in self-defense against the dark, it was dark!

PS: Thank you very much [What did you get here] and [JimWest] for your rewards. I ask for a monthly pass. Thanks.

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