The next day, early in the morning.

Zhang Jiuyang rarely did not get up early to practice. Yesterday, he fought with Yunniang. The process was really dangerous and consumed a lot of energy. He fell asleep as soon as he got to bed at night.

He slept very soundly. After solving the terrifying ghost Yunniang, he finally didn't feel the crisis of life and death.

I slept alone at noon.

Zhang Jiuyang woke up slowly, feeling energetic, full of energy.

Pushing open the door, the sun was shining, the sky was clear, and even the noisy cicadas seemed to become refreshing.

Hmm? It seems a little wrong...

Is this... my home?

I saw that the originally dirty yard became clean and almost spotless. Between the two crooked trees, a clothesline was set up, and several of Zhang Jiuyang's clothes were drying on it.

The kitchen was also tidy, the water tank was filled with clean water, and there was breakfast in the pot.

A big soft and sticky steamed bun, a bowl of millet porridge and a small stack of pickled cucumbers.

Is this the snail girl at home?

"Jiu Ge!"

A sweet voice sounded, Zhang Jiuyang looked around, but did not see Ah Li's figure, only heard the voice but did not see anyone.

"Jiu Ge, I'm here!"

A palm-sized puppet stayed quietly in the corner, opening and closing its mouth, as if moving.

"Jiu Ge, the sun is too strong, I can't go out now, I made breakfast for you last night, but you woke up late, now it's cold..."

If others saw the puppet talking, they would definitely be scared, but Zhang Jiuyang felt very warm.

He walked over and touched the puppet's head, only to see that the other party squinted his eyes, like a kitten enjoying it.

"Thank you, Ah Li."

As he ate breakfast, he suddenly felt a little inexplicable emotion in his heart. He used to be the only one in his home, but now there is another person... No, it's a ghost.

Anyway, it finally has a taste of home, and it's not like eating leftovers every day.

Not long after, Zhang Jiuyang finished his meal and patted his belly contentedly.

It tasted good!

"Jiu Ge, just put the bowls and chopsticks there. I'll go wash them when the sun gets darker."

Zhang Jiuyang smiled and joked, "You're really a little snail, but I can do this little thing myself."

"It's okay, Jiu Ge. I used to cook and wash dishes at home."

Daddy had to get up early and stay up late every day to knead dough and steam buns. She learned to cook at a young age just to help Daddy share more of the burden.

The next moment, the plate on the table suddenly moved several inches away from Zhang Jiuyang's outstretched hand.

A strange color flashed in his eyes.

At noon, the yang energy was strong, and Ah Li could actually move the plate in the air. This was not like an ordinary ghost.

Uncle Jiang was a ghost, and Ah Li naturally had the blood of a ghost. Could it be that this was why she looked so special?

After all, according to the words of the masters, the souls of people who walk in the underworld are naturally much stronger than ordinary people, so they can shuttle between the two worlds and wander between the underworld and the underworld.

Zhang Jiuyang was about to speak when there was a knock on the door.

"Brother Jiu, it's two constables. It seems that the fat uncle asked you to go over and burn some corpse in public."

Ah Li immediately said crisply.

"How did you know?"

"Well... I don't know, I just thought about it and I knew..."

Ah Li's voice was a little distressed, as if she herself didn't understand why those pictures suddenly appeared in her mind.

Zhang Jiuyang's heart moved, could this be... predicting the future?

In his previous life, he heard that there was a game called Pen Fairy, which could summon Pen Fairy to ask questions, even if it was about the future, he could get answers.

In fact, this kind of ritual also existed in ancient times, called Fuqi, inviting ghosts and gods to predict major events.

Because some special ghosts are born with the ability to predict the future, they often become the objects of Fuqi, and some can even develop special beliefs.

It is said that fortune tellers dream of having such a ghost.

Zhang Jiuyang opened the door and saw two constables.

When they saw Zhang Jiuyang, they looked extremely respectful and bowed.

"Xiao Jiu... no, it's Taoist Zhang, Master Gao wants to see you!"

It really is!

Zhang Jiuyang can be sure that Ah Li is the extremely rare ghost with the ability to predict the future. Fortunately, Lao Gao didn't know, otherwise he might have to compete with him for custody.

He followed the two constables out of the house and glanced at the ghost doll when closing the door.

The doll nodded slightly, indicating that Jiu Ge could go out without worry, and she would take good care of the house.


Yunhe County, Xiaoyun River, Baishi Bridge.

A large crowd of people crowded in, almost all the people in the county came.

When they saw Zhang Jiuyang, people spontaneously made way for him, with a kind of respect and gratitude in their eyes that they had never seen before.

"Xiaojiu, thank you for getting rid of a big scourge for the villagers!"

"Aunt Wang should rest in peace in her grave!"

"I used to think you were a liar, but now it seems that I was blind!"

"You are the one who called me Xiaojiu, you should call me Taoist Zhang!"

People were praising Zhang Jiuyang one after another.

He was a little confused at first, but soon understood what was going on.

Yunniang's incident was too serious, and it was already out of the paper in Yunhe County. In order to calm everyone's fear, the master claimed that he had joined hands with Zhang Jiuyang to transcend Yunniang's soul, and had people fish out Yunniang's bones and burn them in public beside Baishi Bridge.

As the flames rose, Yun Niang's body was gradually burned to ashes.

The people in Yunhe County cheered loudly, and some were even moved to tears.

"Thanks to Heavenly Master Zhong Kui, my mother can finally rest in peace!"

His mother drowned in the river.

Zhang Jiuyang looked at Yun Niang's figure that was gradually engulfed by the flames. He did not feel happy in his heart, but felt a little complicated.

To this day, he can't forget what he saw underwater.

Yun Niang's body lay at the bottom of the water. She had been dead for many years, but she still stubbornly stretched out an arm to touch her daughter who was nailed to the bridge pile.

Yun Niang's indiscriminate killing of innocent people is certainly hateful, but the initiator of this incident is even more hateful.

But Zhang Jiuyang couldn't figure it out. Yun Niang's daughter was also Lu Yaoxing's daughter. Why would Lu Yaoxing be so cruel and want to stake his daughter alive?

And who was the person who pushed Yun Niang off the Baishi Bridge?

Is it also Lu Yaoxing?

The whole thing seems to be over, but in fact there are still many mysteries hidden.

"There are still doubts about this case."

After everyone dispersed, looking at Yun Niang's ashes, the master suddenly said something.

The two looked at each other.

"There are a few things I haven't figured out yet."

The expert said solemnly: "First, why did Yun Niang's strength improve so quickly? From the first time she met you, in less than ten days, she almost turned into a villain. This is not normal. ”

"Second, when you went into the water that day, I had calculated that the weather would be sunny. Why did there suddenly come a heavy rain? What a coincidence."

"Third, and the most puzzling thing for me, back then I clearly watched Yun Niang being saved..."

Seeing the master's frown, Zhang Jiuyang suddenly said: "Maybe I can give an answer to the third question."

"What answer?"

The master's eyes lit up and he asked quickly.

"I have a bold guess..."

Zhang Jiuyang said word by word: "What if there were two Yun Niangs back then?"

The master didn't understand what it meant at first, but he quickly realized what it meant, his expression was shocked, and he blurted out: "You mean... exchanging the fake for the real?"

Zhang Jiuyang nodded.

The civet cat exchanges for the prince, what a good show.

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