The God and Buddha are actually me

Chapter 69 Overlord Takes Off His Armor

Shi Shang Taohua... turned out to be Yunniang's daughter!

At this moment, Zhang Jiuyang finally understood it completely.

Blind Lin had planned everything long ago. The reason why he delayed it until now was just for two purposes. The first was to observe him, the "alien" who had come back from the dead.

The second was to continue to enhance the power of the Five Elements Heavenly Ghost Secret Art and strengthen the Five Ghosts.

Therefore, the gold ghost swallowed the gold liquid, the water ghost loved separation, the wood ghost stayed in the shade of the locust tree, the fire ghost destroyed the whole family, and the earth ghost reincarnated.

The five ghosts were getting stronger and stronger, until he was fully confident, he showed up tonight, and the dagger was revealed.

This was a big chess game that had been planned for who knows how many years.

Thinking of the ghost gate pattern drawn by Blind Lin, Zhang Jiuyang's heart trembled. Is there also the shadow of the Huangquan organization behind this?

Can a declining Yinshan Sect really do all this?

"What is your purpose for asking me to come here within seven days?"

Zhang Jiuyang said as he quietly reached for the box behind him. Yue Ling was injured. Whether he could defeat Blind Lin depended on the things in the box.

Blind Lin seemed to be unaware and smiled, "Of course it's because of you."

His voice was a little fiery.

"Xiao Jiu, do you know how many surprises you have brought me?"

"Becoming stronger by eating evil spirits, the killing spell that can seriously injure Yunniang, and the method of refining the Taiyue Sword into a spiritual sword, these... I haven't taught you."

After a pause, he said meaningfully, "What secrets are hidden in your body?"

Zhang Jiuyang clenched the sword to kill the ghosts, and a trace of murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

The visualization map is his biggest secret, but now it is secretly coveted by a guy who will do anything to get it. Tonight, no matter what, he must kill Blind Lin!

"Don't look at me like that. No matter what secrets you have, they will all belong to me after tonight."

"With just a few of you young men, there is no need for all five ghosts to show up, but I am in a good mood today, so I will let you open your eyes."

Blind Lin whistled, the sound was sometimes fast and sometimes slow, and the tone was very strange, like some kind of ancient ballad.

Then, a pair of boys and girls appeared. They were covered with tree buds, and their feet were like tree roots, with roots branching out, connected to the land, but twisting like maggots.

The ground cracked open, and dead souls crawled out of it.

These were the villagers of Chenjia Village who were buried alive underground. There were men and women, old and young, all of whom were full of resentment. Finally, they gathered into a huge ghost with heads all over the body, and gravel would fall when walking.

The gold ghost, wood ghost, water ghost, and earth ghost all appeared, but there was only one missing fire ghost.

Blind Lin was not in a hurry, but smiled slightly.

The fire lit up, and the fire ghost came from a distance, holding a charred corpse in his hand. Only the bright silver spear remained unchanged in the flames, and was tightly held by the charred hand.

"Xiao Luo!"

Lao Gao shouted, his eyes instantly red.

They had worked together and fought side by side during this period, and had already formed a deep friendship.

Although Luo Ping had not come over just now, he had a premonition in his heart, but when he really saw his comrade die in front of him, it was still a little difficult to control his emotions.

Zhang Jiuyang was also a little sad.

To be honest, he and Luo Ping did not have a deep relationship. The other party was too introverted at ordinary times. The two of them just chatted when they met, and they met by chance and nodded to each other.

But watching a boy who was only fifteen or sixteen years old turned into a charred corpse, and even when he died, he did not let go of his spear.

In his previous life, he should have been in high school, which was the most beautiful time of youth.

But in this world, he is a warrior, fighting bloody battles with demons, and every day is like the last day.

"You people in the Imperial Observatory are all crazy, and this one is a little crazy."

Blind Lin shook his head and said, "I don't know what kind of evil magic he was hit by. He didn't know how to cry out in pain. He didn't stop fighting until he was burned to charcoal, and he used his gun to support the ground and refused to fall down."

"In terms of bewitching people, you people in the Imperial Observatory are more powerful than Huang Quan."

Even Blind Lin was amazed by this terrible fighting spirit. He suddenly understood why Tianzun was afraid of the Imperial Observatory and regarded it as a great enemy.

"People like you... of course don't understand."

A cold voice sounded, the voice was low, but there was an inexplicable emotion surging in the undercurrent. She pronounced the words very heavily, as if she wanted to bite every word into pieces, but she seemed unusually calm.

That was Yue Ling's voice.

She slowly stood up and released her hand covering the wound.

The hideous wound had become charred black, and it was actually burned by her own flames, so that the muscles contracted to stop bleeding and continue fighting.

"You don't understand how much suffering he has endured and how much blood he has shed in order to become the chief of the Imperial Observatory. At the age of sixteen, he has been involved in twenty-four ghost-level cases and has escaped death six times. Until now, there is still residual poison in his lungs."

"He is not born introverted, but years of hard training have made him not know how to communicate with others, and the old injury in his lungs makes him cough when he talks too much."

Yue Ling held the handle of the Dragon Bird Sword with both hands, and her eyes seemed to be burning with golden flames. The green rope that tied her hair was burned to ashes, and her long black hair danced wildly in the Qi, like a boiling flame.

"How can a dirty thing like you understand his determination and ambition?"

At this moment, her eyes became resolute and cold, like the first drumbeat on the battlefield, the first thunder in summer.

It was a look that could not be described in words. Zhang Jiuyang had never seen such bright eyes.

As warm as the sun, and as cold as ice and snow.

At this moment, Yue Ling, even though her armor was damaged and she was not wearing a mask, looked more like the legendary Vajra King III than the night they first met.

Her anger turned into the fire of demon-slaying. The flames on her armor were more dazzling and hot than the fire ghost Lu Yaoxing.

The ground cracked inch by inch under her feet, and Chenjia Village seemed to have ushered in another ground crack.


Zhang Jiuyang's ears seemed to ring with the sound of a cannonball being fired, and his eardrums were painful. The surging airflow blew his clothes like a flag.

He gathered a lot of magic power in his eyes, concentrated and held his breath, but he only saw a vague figure.

The sword light of Longque was faster, as if it was going to split the lightning in half.

The golden ghost instantly appeared in front of Blind Lin, and his arm turned into a golden shield, trying to forcibly block the knife.

Clang! ! !

The golden ghost was smashed away like a cannonball, sinking deep into the ground, with cracks winding on his body, and even his dull eyes fluctuated, as if he felt pain.

The knife was exhausted, Yue Ling held the knife in his backhand, formed a seal with one hand, and chanted a spell in his ventriloquism.

"Flying fire, god-level thunder. Turning the sky upside down, the sea boiling and the mountains collapsing. Six dragons are beating, ordering the subordinates to chase quickly!"


Six brilliant thunders struck down on his head, just like six green dragons descending to the earth, all falling on Blind Lin's head.

In an instant, the surroundings became white.

Yue Ling closed his eyes, the vertical mark between his eyebrows shone brightly, and he instantly killed the fire ghost Lu Yaoxing, and the dragon bird saber shattered the flames and snatched Luo Ping's body.

The general took off his armor and covered the charred body of his comrade, maintaining his last dignity.

Turning around and holding a knife.

At this moment, she stood in the thunder and fire, her red battle robe fluttering, her posture as straight as a gun, and the dragon-sparrow knife in her hand reflected the blazing flames.

And the eyes that slowly opened, more dazzling than the flames.

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