The God and Buddha are actually me

Chapter 75 Wang Lingguan guards Lingxiaotu

When Zhang Jiuyang saw the god with golden eyes and feet on the fire wheel in the visualization picture, his heart was shocked and he showed a trace of joy.

It turned out to be Wang Lingguan, the guardian god of Taoism!

In his previous life, he had heard his grandfather tell the story of Wang Lingguan and admired this powerful Taoist guardian god.

There are 500 spiritual officials in Taoism, and Wang Lingguan is the leader of the 500 spiritual officials, known as the Great Lingguan of Dutian.

It is said that his real name is Wang E, and he is the temple god of Fuliang, Xiangyin. For some reason, he had a grudge with Sa Shoujian, one of the four great Taoist masters. Sa Shoujian caused thunder and fire to strike his temple, but he didn't expect that Wang E would be burned into fire eyes and golden eyes.

Wang E was dissatisfied and appealed to the Heavenly Court. The Jade Emperor immediately gave him wisdom eyes and golden whip, allowing him to follow Master Sa secretly and take revenge if he found any faults.

During the twelve years, Wang E observed everything with his wisdom and could not find any faults that could be attributed to Master Sa. Later, when he arrived in Fujian, he appeared and worshipped Master Sa as his teacher, vowing to assist him in his conduct.

Master Sa changed his name to "Shan" and changed Wang E to Wang Shan, and reported to the Heavenly Court, recording him as the Thunder God of Thunder Department Sanwu Fire Train, also known as Huoluo Lingguan.

There may not be many people who know Wang Lingguan in later generations, but many people have seen Wang Lingguan.

In the mountain gate of a general Taoist temple, the first hall is the Lingguan Hall, where Wang Lingguan is enshrined, so there is a folk saying "worship Wang Lingguan first before going up the mountain".

Zhu Di, the Yongle Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, was the number one fan of Wang Lingguan. He once sculpted the 26 Heavenly Generals, with Wang Lingguan at the head.

He had a rattan statue of Wang Lingguan, which Zhu Di enshrined in his bedroom, worshipping him day and night as if he were a guest.

Even when marching and fighting, he would bring the statue of Wang Lingguan as the patron saint of the army. When he went to the Jinchuan River for the fifth expedition to Mobei, the statue of Wang Lingguan suddenly became too heavy to lift.

Soon, Zhu Di became seriously ill and could not move forward. He eventually died on the way back to Beijing.

In "Journey to the West", the Monkey King jumped out of the alchemy furnace and wanted to kill his way into the Lingxiao Palace. He pushed forward all the way, but was finally blocked by Wang Lingguan. The two fought hard and there was no winner.

The hard fight did not allow the display of magical powers, and there was no winner or loser in the whip-and-stick exchange.

Wang Lingguan, who had the same heavenly eyes as Erlang Shen and rode on a wind-fire wheel similar to Nezha, was able to fight with the Monkey King without losing, which shows how powerful he was.

Before crossing, Zhang Jiuyang had traveled to the famous Buddhist holy land Jiuhua Mountain and discovered something very strange.

Jiuhua Mountain is the dojo of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, but the guardian deity enshrined is Wang Lingguan of Taoism.

He even went to investigate this matter. It is said that Jiuhua Mountain was originally Wang Lingguan's dojo, but it was occupied by Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, and the Buddhist guardian god Weituo Bodhisattva was invited to guard the dojo.

As a result, Jiuhua Mountain caught fire soon after.

It should be noted that Wang Lingguan is the Jade Pivot Fire Palace Heavenly General, the Three-Five Fire Train Thunder God.

Later, as a last resort, Wang Lingguan was invited back to Jiuhua Mountain and worshipped as the guardian god of the dojo, and there was no trouble from then on.

Even Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva and Weituo Bodhisattva could not suppress him, which shows how fierce he is.

Zhang Jiuyang was a little excited. Wang Lingguan was the god who controlled the sky fire and thunder. Does this mean that he will have the opportunity to learn these two great supernatural powers?

He was very envious of Yue Ling's thunder method. As a cultivator, who doesn't want to practice the thunder method known as the supreme among all techniques?

Step on the sky fire, control the flying sword, and summon thunder!

He imagined the beautiful scene, but found that there seemed to be a hot air gathering in his body, and his skin became a little hot, as if it was smoked by fire.

A sense of anger was rising in his heart, and he couldn't help but vent it.

He suddenly remembered that when he obtained the picture of Zhong Kui chewing ghosts, he had the ability to eat ghosts, which was the innate ability of the great god Zhong Kui.

By analogy, now that he has the visualization picture of Wang Lingguan, can he also obtain the innate ability of this great god?


Ali's little hand was originally pulling a few of his fingers, but suddenly exclaimed, as if she was burned, and looked at Zhang Jiuyang with some doubts.

How did Jiuge's yang energy suddenly become... so strong?

Even with her yin energy, she was burned.

The anger and heat in Zhang Jiuyang's heart became more and more serious, and his eyes became a little violent, turning slightly, and finally stopped on a person.

That was Lin the blind man who was poisoned and fell to the ground.

The Heavenly Ghost was swallowed, and his greatest support was lost. In addition, this body was on the verge of collapse. Blind Lin knew that he was completely defeated this time.

He thought he had seen through the secrets of Zhang Jiuyang, but he didn't expect that what he saw was just a drop in the ocean.

This strange disciple of his might become the biggest variable in this world.

Tianzun must be very interested in him...

Thinking of this, he suddenly had a very interesting idea in his mind. With his long life, he couldn't help but be curious and wanted to see that scene happen.

Subconsciously, he grinned, revealing his yellow and burnt teeth.


Zhang Jiuyang punched his stinky face, still not satisfied, picked up a stone from the ground, and smashed it hard at him, one, two, three...

He didn't know how many times he smashed it, until the stone was broken into powder, he barely stopped, looking at the bloody teeth on the ground, he was panting, his eyes were bloodshot, and he was full of anger.

"Fuck, I've been enduring your teeth for a long time!"

He stood up, lowered his eyes, and stared at Blind Lin. There seemed to be something chilling in his eyes.

Blind Lin spit out a mouthful of blood foam and laughed.

"Zhang Jiuyang, the real victory over a person is not about the body, but - ah!!!"

Zhang Jiuyang suddenly pulled out the sword that killed the ghosts, stabbed him in the lower body, held the hilt with both hands and kept turning it, and said lightly: "But I just want you to feel pain."

After that, he pulled out the bloody sword that killed the ghosts and continued to stab the patella of Lin Xiazi's knee.

Today, I will cut off your five limbs!

The blood flowed quickly, like a puddle of a small river.

Not far away, Lao Gao's expression moved, and he wanted to step forward to stop him, but was stopped by Yue Ling.

"Yuetou, Lin Xiazi is a ghost Taoist, he must know a lot of secrets, and he died like this, isn't it a pity..."

Yue Ling stared at Zhang Jiuyang with complicated eyes, and said: "Let him vent, he has accumulated too much anger in his heart during this period."

After a pause, she said again: "I don't want to know more about Huangquan, but he is a ghost Taoist after all. If he wants to die, none of us can stop him."

Lao Gao was silent, and had to admit that Yuetou was right.

Judging from the state, the ghost Taoist is not going to live long. The Imperial Astronomical Bureau naturally has the ability to capture souls and torture them. However, their limited means of capturing souls are undoubtedly a pipe dream to manipulate this headmaster who is known as the most outstanding in the history of Yinshan Sect.

There is another point he did not mention clearly, that is Zhang Jiuyang.

A mere second-level 100-day pass cultivator can actually summon that terrifying red-robed ghost god, not only eating the sky ghost as if it were nothing, but can even cause changes in the celestial phenomena.

Zhang Jiuyang... who is he?

Is he the reincarnation of the legendary immortal?

"The Yellow Spring Road, the Gate of Hell, the Ten Heavenly Stems, the chaotic world..."

Blind Lin panted, coughed up blood and looked at Zhang Jiuyang, revealing a hideous smile.

"Xiao Jiu, the master will give you a big gift at last... Of course..."

"This gift... has a price."


ps: (I have something to do today, so I posted it in advance. There is also another update, which is a reward for the leader of the old friend Eternal Lullaby. It will be posted soon~)

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